Making the Cut- Let's lose those last 10-20lbs together!

I just got Jillian's book 'Making the Cut' in the mail yesterday.. it's a 30 day food and fitness plan to lose the last 10-20 pounds and look freakin amazing. Like running in a bikini amazing.

Anybody wanna join me and start it on Monday March 4th? That gives you plenty of time to pick up the book, look through it, and do your grocery shopping.

Also, I was thinking about doing her Ripped in 30 or Extreme Shed and Shred as the exercise portion instead of trying to figure out the circuit moves she has written in the book.

In order to even be able to do the program, JM suggests that you already be somewhat fit. There's a fit test at the beginning of the book that I can post in this thread if anyone is interested and wants to do it with me... and I hope a few of you are!!


  • RunningRichelle
    RunningRichelle Posts: 346 Member
    PS- I really want people who mean business to do this with! I'm talking before and after pics, and I'll make a special group for those of us that want to do it together.
  • wassergottin
    wassergottin Posts: 154 Member
    I'm definitely interested in finding people interested in losing the last 10-20 lbs, but I don't know if I'd do well on a specific diet. I'm going to be getting insanity soon, though. And I'm willing to encourage others and do serious before and after pictures!
  • caitlindb88
    caitlindb88 Posts: 14 Member
    Me too! I don't want to follow a specific diet though, I don't think I'd stick to it.
  • kirstynday88
    kirstynday88 Posts: 12 Member
    Im all about the motiation and accountability for the last 10-20. I need to tone up BAD, and everyone around me is too focused on the big lose, or steps into ONEderland. Count me in! I'll do pics too!
  • ajbemine4ever27
    ajbemine4ever27 Posts: 75 Member
    i have to lose my last 12 to 15 lbs too. im doing jillians body shred level 2 and her abs ripper with insanity. need to lose it and get tone up. and my hubby's prize if i finally reached my goal. :happy:
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Hope it works for you! I was all excited when I ordered that book, and then realized it told me nothing new. :-/
  • RunningRichelle
    RunningRichelle Posts: 346 Member
    Hello ladies... I'm officially starting the Making the Cut workouts tomorrow, Tuesday March 5! Taking a rest day today due to working my butt off at Bikram yesterday and trying out the first workout from Making the Cut on Saturday (HOLY MOTHER).

    Feel free to friend me if you plan on starting this week, we have some kick-*kitten* workouts ahead of us, can't wait!
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    ^^ I am happy to add one extra friend who is hitting it hard, meaning daily encouragement reciprocated. I am trying to lose my last 7 lbs and totally focus on diet alone and bikram yoga. If you are committed to daily logging, comments of my daily and daily exercise, than you are definitely on my team otherwise the answer is no. I like fewer friends but willing to put 100% effort!!

    Best regards,

  • hmsamuel
    hmsamuel Posts: 3
    I purchased the book a while ago, and I am definitely interested in following it! However, after looking at the meal plan, how are you supposed to follow it if most of the recipes serve 4-6?! I live with one roommate, but she's not doing this diet, so I don't have others to cook for....

    Does anyone have any good suggestions for modifying the food plan? I am considering just choosing a few of the recipes in week 1 and having leftovers on other days... but then I wouldn't be eating all of the recipes...and I don't know if the variety is an important part of the diet? I'm also going to cut a few recipes in half and see where that takes me.
  • RunningRichelle
    RunningRichelle Posts: 346 Member
    Thought I would update on this!

    After the first two days of these workouts I realized that I don't have the time on my hands to be figuring out circuit workouts from a book, and I switched over to doing JM's Ripped in 30, which takes less time out of my day at 30 minutes vs an hr to do the circuits from the book!

    I will occasionally do one of the Making the Cut workouts on the weekend when I have more time or want to burn more calories to make some room for eating out or going out with friends.

    @hmsamuel, as far as the food portion, I did set my macro goals at what the book suggested, but I am too happy with all the things I already eat to switch over to completely new recipes at the moment, haha!

    I'm down two more lbs since I started, so my Ripped in 30/Making the Cut hodge-podge is working :-)

    @Rosie, I'm a little confused by your post, but you sound (and look!) like you've got your diet and fitness in an awesome place. Nice work!

    Happy Wednesday, ladies!
  • raychulj
    raychulj Posts: 458 Member
    Hi! Im on the last 7 lbs here! Could you post the fit test? Id really like to do it for fun!