What Does Everybody Think About Dating A Shorter Man?



  • shesacliche
    I'm 6' and have dated to 5'9 before. It really wasn't a problem for me, but he made little comments all the time that just made it too much. Ultimately we broke up and while height was not the reason, his insecurities were.

    I am now happily dating a man that is 6'3 :)

    Please add me, just returning to the site and am looking for motivational friends!
  • rkleine74
    Dating a shorter man wouldn't bother me in the least. I'm 5'11", and I have dated shorter and taller. When I was sixteen, my grandma told me that everyone is the same height laying down. I didn't get what she meant until a couple of years ago (I'm a little naive sometimes). In fact, I really liked a guy that was 5'6", but he felt weird about the height difference. Height and age to me are just numbers, for the most part. I don't want to date way outside a reasonable range, but as long as he's a good man who knows how to treat women with respect, that's what is most important to me. Most of the tall, good-looking, close-to-my-age men kind of screwed me over, so over the past few years I have developed a taste for older, shorter men. I don't know. I don't exactly get it, either. Maybe I subconsciously hope they'll be grateful enough to overlook my flaws.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Back when I dated, most of the fellas I dated were short, but like you, I preferred tall men. I actually went out with a 6'7" basketball player once.
    It's just a date, it's not like you're marrying the guy. You get a great evening out of it, and possibly someone who is a lot of fun to be around.
  • EbbyFrost
    I'm fine with it. I'm 5'8 and my child's father is 5'5
  • danceym
    danceym Posts: 20 Member
    In my dating days of way back when it was always the brave short guys who would approach me so I dated quite a few shorter than my 5'10-3/4" height. My husband of 19 years is a wee bit shorter than I and while I had longed to date someone taller throughout my teens and 20's just to see what it was like it was never in the cards for me. I made an excellent choice though 19 years ago and would make the same choice today. :)
  • Amazon_Who
    Amazon_Who Posts: 1,092 Member
    My husband and my ex-husband are both shorter. I only had one boyfriend that was taller.

    There are more important things than height. Also it expands the dating pool. :bigsmile:
  • Rodderick89
    Rodderick89 Posts: 205 Member
    Whilst I do think that things other than 'looks' are super important in a guy, height is something that I do always find initially very attractive - I personally don't think I'd date a guy who was shorter than me. I'm loving all the variety of responses on here!! xx
  • summy625
    I have dated shorter men...I'm 6ft....no one should be disriminated....but I always felt odd....like a giant
  • Treadmillmom1st
    Treadmillmom1st Posts: 579 Member
    I'm 6 ft and always in heels so on an average day I'm 6ft 3" and have only dated a couple of guys taller.

    I get hit on by shorter men all the time, they luuurrrvvve a taller woman.

    I have been married for 13 years, my hubby is 5ft 7", he loves my height, I was quite firm on the '...I'll still be wearing my heels on our wedding day...', so there are lots of sitting, me sitting him standing or steps (me on the lower, him on the higher) shots in our wedding album.

    We don't care. He loves to put his head on my chest when we slow dance lol.
  • siobhsies
    siobhsies Posts: 30 Member
    I'm 5'9" and would always wear 6 inch heels when I am out. I don't like shorter men, I feel like a giantess beside them. I would walk into a bar and its like I don't even see the guys that are below 6ft. Its hilarious if I have flats - it opens up a whole new world of men! ha!
  • Change_is_Good_
    Change_is_Good_ Posts: 272 Member
    I'm 5'9" and would always wear 6 inch heels when I am out. I don't like shorter men, I feel like a giantess beside them. I would walk into a bar and its like I don't even see the guys that are below 6ft. Its hilarious if I have flats - it opens up a whole new world of men! ha!

    I have started going out more casual and in flats, I actually notice men I wouldn't usually! Then that niggling thought 'he'd be shorter than me in heels' damn my brain :(
  • Pooh1981
    Pooh1981 Posts: 32 Member
    Personally I love shorter men! My bf is about 2 inches shorter than me and he is the most amazing person in the world to me! Treats me better than any other man I have dated! But that is just my preference just remember if people are going to judge you for that then they were never your friend to begin with! I have always wanted a shorter man but until I got with my bf I had never dated a shorter guy because they were so self conscience and didn't ask me out! I would just try it and if it isn't your thing but at least you gave it a shot!
  • pracktish
    pracktish Posts: 18 Member
    I was married to a man about 4 in shorter than me...I am 6'1 and he is 5'8 ish. we were married for 17 years and sad to say he was never comfortable around me. I'm not sure why people have such a stigma on it...who cares right?? But the man I'm married to now is about an inch or 2 taller than me and it does feel good to be the "small" one lol. Maybe I have my own hang ups.
  • shellygressett
    shellygressett Posts: 80 Member
    I'm 5'10 and my husband is 5'3. I never, ever, never dated a shorter guy before him but love is love. He treated me better than anyone before...that was 14 years ago. :) He is confident and could care less what people think about him. My dad makes fun of him and he shruggs and smiles. :) Sometimes, in pictures, I look twice because I really see the difference but rarely does it cross my mind. Life is too short to worry about outward appearances. And yes, I'm attracted to him, especially the size of his heart and mind. :)
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    My husband is about half an inch shorter than me, but it's all in his back - He has a crazy long torso and I have crazy long legs, so when we sit next to each other he looks about a foot taller than me!

    The only time it's ever even almost bothered me was when we got married, I just didn't want to be taller than him in the photos - SO I wore flats, and he wore dress shoes that had quite a thick sole, so we ended up the same height :happy:

    As for wearing heels, I never did anyway because I have size 13 feet and can't find nice shoes to fit - hilariously my husband has exactly the same size feet as I do! But now it's just a good excuse for not owning any heels: "yeah, I don't have any heels because my hubby is already shorter than me..." lol!
  • nomayo
    nomayo Posts: 228
    My husband is about 1 inch shorter than me, and I'm not even that tall (I'm 5'8"). He doesn't care and he likes when I wear heels. We've been together since 1998 :)
  • AmazonRDH
    AmazonRDH Posts: 203 Member
    I tried. I'm 6'0" and dated someone 5'9". I hated it. I felt like I could only wear flip-flops, and bending down to kiss him was the most awkward thing in the world for me. ----I'm a little taller than my hubby, but only by about a half an inch. That's OK. Anything more than that............ not for me. You have to be in your comfort zone, there's nothing wrong with shorter men of course, just not my type.
  • thelaurameister
    thelaurameister Posts: 689 Member
    I am 5'9" and have always liked dating taller men...I like feeling protected, I don't like feeling like the man of the relationship (but that's just me, not to say taller women come of as the man when the guy is shorter, I just feel that way when I'm taller than the guy I'm with). My boyfriend is 6'1" so on an every day basis it's fine, but he hates when I wear my favorite heels because it makes me an inch taller than him. He has more of an issue with me being taller than I do.
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I'm 6'2 and married to a man who is 5'8. What's the big deal? It's just numbers, like weight and age. As with everything, it's what's on the inside that counts. Neither of us care what anyone else thinks. We've been together for 16 years.
  • Junken_Diraffe
    Junken_Diraffe Posts: 716 Member
    I'm 6'. My boyfriend is 4' shorter than me. He LOVES when i wear heels and tower over him. He's always been attracted to tall girls. Guess it's his thing. I've never cared either way about height, i guess.