HOW are you getting FIT for delivery?



  • BlondAnnieOakley
    BlondAnnieOakley Posts: 28 Member
    I'm so excited to see all of you being so diligent!!!
    I just switched gyms yesterday and now belong to a really nice fitness center that offers so much more. I'm excited! The child care at the old gym just wasn't cutting it.
    The new gym offers a million classes, swimming, courts, you name it! Great child care....Oh....and a SPA :):):)
    Amazing how switching Gyms can create so much new motivation!

    How many of you are members of a gym?? Or do you do your workouts at home?
  • kellykneppergrundy
    kellykneppergrundy Posts: 234 Member
    I haven't ever tried a gym, I like the convenience of being able to workout at home, but I'm sure the facilities are awesome. I try to run 3 days a week and do a cardio excercise video on the other days. I also go to aquanatal classes every week. The teacher isn't afraid to push us even though we are pregnant and I like that. I do some light arm strength training too most days as I have very weak arms.On Thursdays when my daughter is home all day I do a run with her in the stroller, it is a killer workout!
  • acampbe2umd
    acampbe2umd Posts: 145 Member
    I belong to a gym, we've been members to the same gym for 10 years. I love it, it has indoor/outdoor pools and indoor/outdoor tennis courts, group fitness, cafe, spa, child care, etc. My sister belongs to the same company, different gym, but this particular company allows you to visit other gyms within your membership level, so I can meet her for yoga at her gym or somewhere else without paying extra. I also have the capabilities to workout at home too, we have P90x (and various other videos) and free weights, resistance bands, pull up machine, jogging stroller, etc, but that was purchased mainly for my H to be able to workout because I travel so much for work. I also like to take separate boot camp classes. Our gym offers them, but they're another $160/month for boot camp and that is too rich for me. I go to a small personal training gym that has boot camp throughout the week, so I guess I kind of belong to two gyms, but the PT gym is much more affordable if I'm only doing boot camp.

    Fitness is such a huge part of our family life. My H and I used to lift and workout together pre-kids and now with the kids, we get our workouts in and then it's nice to be able to go up for family swim or swim lessons for the kids or family gym time especially because our 5 yo is really getting into basketball, so many days we're at the gym twice, especially on the weekends.
  • iampanda
    iampanda Posts: 176 Member
    I am (nearly) 8 weeks in, and have been pretty lucky to not have any major nausea or exhaustion (minus a day or two). I have stuck with my regular workout schedule of 4 days running 3-4 miles with some strength on two extra days. I am still on track to run a 10k in April, depending on how I am feeling by then. I am still slowly losing weight with the guidance of a trainer. I am planning on getting an stationary bike for later on in the pregnancy (maybe a pool membership too to combat discomfort). This is my first pregnancy, so I am not too sure that everything will go as planned, but I am committed to stay active in some capacity for the entire duration.

    Is your trainer in communication with your OB about losing weight? I'm curious since its generally not recommended that you diet or lose weight during pregnancy. Or has that advice now been discredited?
  • BlondAnnieOakley
    BlondAnnieOakley Posts: 28 Member
    Okay, time for an UPDATE!!
    I'm 33 weeks now, still running 4-5 days a week, lifting weights about 3x a week AND STILL chasing my almost 2 year old! Whhheeew! But I feel GREAT when I workout!



    How far along are you?
    What are you still doing?
    How are you feeling?
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    How far along are you?
    What are you still doing?
    How are you feeling?

    I had my baby on February 4th. Lost 24 of my 30 lb gain in less than two weeks after delivery, but still a little weak. I had to have an emergency c-section, so no workouts until 6 weeks post-partum. I'm really glad I stayed active as long as I did during my pregnancy. My doctor and midwife said that it definitely helped get me through a long hard labor and c-section recovery.
  • Erinthebodo
    Erinthebodo Posts: 215 Member
    Okay, time for an UPDATE!!
    I'm 33 weeks now, still running 4-5 days a week, lifting weights about 3x a week AND STILL chasing my almost 2 year old! Whhheeew! But I feel GREAT when I workout!



    How far along are you?
    What are you still doing?
    How are you feeling?

    OMG you are my hero. Every time that I try running I throw up, almost at 2nd tri now so hopefully will feel better once I get there. Do you mind me asking how much you have gained this pregnancy? If so, tell me to shut it :)
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    After a miscarriage Christmas 2011, when the bleeding started after running, I've been taking things easy in the first trimester. I know it's not logical: there were 3 empty egg sacks that time, and at 8 weeks, this time, there was a baby with a heart beat :heart:, so no comparison really. Also, early on,exhaustion made me throw up, which I take as a hint from my body not to push it.

    That's not to say I've not moved. I have to walk at least a couple of miles every day. I put my fitbit back on this week and I still manage around 10,000 steps most days. I want to add some strength and flexibility in now, and get back to some Zumba. I literally dream of running, but I'll wait for after the 12 week scan.

    I'm enjoying this thread and glad to hear of so many active mummies :flowerforyou:
  • Rubyayn
    Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
    I am only six weeks, but still doing my regular routine. Lifting and running 3 days per week and yoga twice per week. I will slow down the running as needed, but that is mostly because I have a bad back and do not want to risk injury once I get bigger. I will also switch to prenatal yoga once my belly gets out there. The elliptical; and bike will replace running later, but for now I am enjoying it while it lasts!

    I am 21 pounds lighter than I was when I got pregnant with my daughter and a LOT more fit. By week six with her I was EXHAUSTED, but so far I feel great this time (knock on wood). I had a scheduled C-section with her because of all the herniations in my low back (I allegedly need a fusion on two levels, but have avoided it for 12 years), but am considering going for a VBAC depending on how I feel as things progress. When I was pregnant with her my back went out completely for almost a month and I was in constant pain. Fingers crossed that getting to my goal weight and into shape will prevent that from happening this time. I am also hoping it will make a C section easier to reover from if I have to go that route.

    It is great to see so many pregnant ladies staying in shape!! It really is good for the baby! Glad I know that this time!
  • acampbe2umd
    acampbe2umd Posts: 145 Member
    36 weeks (only 4 to go to my c-section)
    Lifting - 2-4 days per week depending on my exhaustion level
    cardio - 2-4 days per week (swimming, bike, elliptical, walking at inclines)
    Overall, I feel pretty good, but I'm slowing down considerably. Some days my workouts are awesome, others, I feel like I'm barely moving. My main problem is that because of our existing kids (5 & 2) and our work schedules, my gym slot is 4 am, so if I sleep poorly or suffer from insomnia (tend to do this every night, it's just nice when it happens at 3 a.m. so I can get to the gym), I am not always getting up. Eating is has been the best this pregnancy of all my pregnancies and that is clearly showing on the scale.

    I was just thinking this morning as I was lifting how sad it's going to be to take off 6 weeks after my c-section if I'm able to keep up the lfiting for these next 4 weeks. Last time, I was walking a ton (3-4 miles per day within a few weeks of delivery) and was itching to start lifting, but I was very cautious post c to not screw up my abs. My OB sewed them back together, so I wasn't able to return to ab work until closer to 14/15 weeks pp. She'll be doing that this time around as well.
  • BlondAnnieOakley
    BlondAnnieOakley Posts: 28 Member
    WOW, you ladies are amazing!
    First of all, I'm so sorry to hear about the miscarriage that you had Oishii.. I pray this little one will be the joy of your life!!
    Don't worry about pushing it, you'll be able to get back to it in your 2nd Trimester.

    Erinthebodo: Don't worry, you'll be feeling a lot better in your second trimester!! I could hardly do anything during my first due to being SO SICK. I threw up more than ever and was absolutely exhausted! But once my second trimester started, I was feeling GREAT and started back running and lifting pretty aggressively but yet carefully.. I think I've gained about 15 lbs. now at 33 weeks. My apt. is this week, so I'll find out for sure how much.

    acampbe2umd, Velocimama, & rubyann125: WAY TO GO MAMA's!
    I also had a C-Section with my first. I'm PRAYING (literally praying!) that I can have a successful Vbac this time around.. but whatever it takes for a healthy baby :) Recovery took so much longer after my C-Section.. :( I gained about 27 lbs. with my first, and only lost about 15 right away.. the rest came off very slowly because I couldn't run or lift for at least 8 weeks after my C-Section. I had a lot of trouble recovering because I was in the ICU for a while which kept me from getting up right away and walking like I should have. Lord willing, this time will be different :)
  • Rubyayn
    Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
    WOW, you ladies are amazing!
    First of all, I'm so sorry to hear about the miscarriage that you had Oishii.. I pray this little one will be the joy of your life!!
    Don't worry about pushing it, you'll be able to get back to it in your 2nd Trimester.

    Erinthebodo: Don't worry, you'll be feeling a lot better in your second trimester!! I could hardly do anything during my first due to being SO SICK. I threw up more than ever and was absolutely exhausted! But once my second trimester started, I was feeling GREAT and started back running and lifting pretty aggressively but yet carefully.. I think I've gained about 15 lbs. now at 33 weeks. My apt. is this week, so I'll find out for sure how much.

    acampbe2umd, Velocimama, & rubyann125: WAY TO GO MAMA's!
    I also had a C-Section with my first. I'm PRAYING (literally praying!) that I can have a successful Vbac this time around.. but whatever it takes for a healthy baby :) Recovery took so much longer after my C-Section.. :( I gained about 27 lbs. with my first, and only lost about 15 right away.. the rest came off very slowly because I couldn't run or lift for at least 8 weeks after my C-Section. I had a lot of trouble recovering because I was in the ICU for a while which kept me from getting up right away and walking like I should have. Lord willing, this time will be different :)

    I do hope you are able to have your VBAC!!! I have been reading and researching birth so that I can be prepared. If my back handles the pregnancy ok I will for sure be going for the VBAC, too!
  • acampbe2umd
    acampbe2umd Posts: 145 Member
    Hopefully you're both able to have your VBAC's, but I can tell you that recovery after a scheduled c section is really easy compared to what I went through with my vaginal delivery with my first son (only because of the problems that I had delivering him lead to my scheduled c-section with my second son). So if you have to have a scheduled c, hopefully it will be easier on your body than an emergency c.
  • manit1117
    manit1117 Posts: 54 Member
    21 weeks and I use the elliptical 3x/week and Chalean Extreme (weights) 3x/week. I also work my abs 5 days (planks, stability ball crunches and various side bends).
  • tarapickett
    tarapickett Posts: 34 Member
    I'm new to the group and would love some new friends who are on the same journey as me. Prior to getting pregnant I lost 20lbs to be a very healthy 120-122. I'm currently 18 weeks and although my workout of choice is walking outside it has been too cold and too dark for that lately. I do AquaZumba at least once a week and I try to do Pilates, Yoga or Stretching for at least 10 minutes every morning. I've been eating well and so far have gained about 7lbs.
  • freckledLeanne
    freckledLeanne Posts: 111 Member
    I'm 19 weeks.

    Still working out about 5 days a week. Two of those days are with a trainer to keep me from getting bored out of my mind/to be a check to make sure that I'm doing things that are safe for me/baby. The other three I do weightlifting (stronglifts) and/or cardio (elliptical/arc trainer).

    Did a body composition last week (we do them regularly), and I'm down cms everywhere but belly -- weight-wise, no gain or loss really (+/- 1-2 lbs any given day from where I started). Doctor says all is good.
  • BlondAnnieOakley
    BlondAnnieOakley Posts: 28 Member

    Just had my 33/34 week check up yesterday. I've gained 17 lbs total.
    I am feeling great other than my abs are spitting apart. I have to be really careful while lifting weights now, not to do more damage.
    Still running or doing stair climber 4-6 days a week and lifting pretty heavy about 2-3 days a week.

    People are starting to look at me funny at the gym and lots of nice compliments which is really encouraging but still just want a healthy baby more than anything else!!

    Definitely starting to WADDLE more now! But some days I feel so good, I forget I'm pregnant... until I bend over to get something... or when I eat and I drop food all over this huge basketball in front of me! :)
  • laurab1217
    laurab1217 Posts: 123 Member
    I'm 28 weeks and I'm still jogging and walking almost every day, but I might have to slow it down to just a brisk walk because I've started to get some Braxton-hicks contractions and/or cramping on some days when I run. In the second trimester, I took it down to run/walking with spurts of running 5 minutes at a time up until a few weeks ago when I started just jogging 1-2 minutes at a time with walking in between. I have an appointment on Tuesday so I will tone it down some until then and I'll ask my doctor about it.
  • iampanda
    iampanda Posts: 176 Member
    30 weeks now, and still using the elliptical from time to time, but I have switched to doing stationary bike more often as its less stress for certain parts of my body. I have been doing strength training with dumb bells, as I am not allowed to do heavy lifting. I get out for walks any time the cold weather breaks and we get some sunshine, and even went on a bike ride with my family (at nearly 7months pregnant, that was kind of funny). I am doing Yoga often to help stretch out my hips and pelvic muscles- especially since my midwife has given me exercises to do for my prolapse that make those muscles quite sore.

    I love seeing what everyone is doing- though I am jealous of the runners out there. Due to my prolapse, I am not cleared to run. And I miss it like crazy!

    Keep up the awesome work, Moms!
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    I am 33 weeks and still doing Zumba once a week, walking, doing yoga and strength training. I can also probably count my marathon cleaning that I am doing to prepare my house for my home birth, chasing my three kids around and still working 12 hour shifts on my feet! You ladies are all doing amazing! Keep it up!
  • _ylime_
    _ylime_ Posts: 661 Member
    12 weeks (so it is still early) - I feel sick 90% of the day and am always tired... BUT... I walk 2 - 5 miles per day, run (intervals), and do crossfit / lifting 3x per week. I feel better when I am active and I hope to be able to keep it up the entire time. I also hope in the next couple weeks I get some energy back!!

    Keep it up ladies!!!
  • laurab1217
    laurab1217 Posts: 123 Member
    I had an appointment yesterday and the doctor said that my Braxton Hicks contractions were normal for this point in my pregnancy (almost 29 weeks), and that I shouldn't have to change my workouts as long as the contractions aren't painful and/or close I'm happy about that!! I jogged yesterday and today and I haven't had any more.
  • BlondAnnieOakley
    BlondAnnieOakley Posts: 28 Member
    Nursenikki!! HOLY cow!! You get my applause! Chasing three kids, working 12 hour shifts and STILL making (notice I said MAKING - not 'finding'!!) the time to stay fit during your pregnancy!!! WoooWhoo!!! Go girl!!
  • BlondAnnieOakley
    BlondAnnieOakley Posts: 28 Member
    Wow ladies!! Don't ya just love how great it feels after a good workout!!
    Remember those days when the doctors used to advise basically staying on the couch for 9 months?! Let's show the next generation what FIT MAMA'S LOOK LIKE!!! yahoooo!!
  • BBeccaJean
    BBeccaJean Posts: 453 Member
    Good for y'all! I'm almost at 26 weeks and I'm getting to the point where it's taking two days to recover from my body feels like it has a lot of inflammation/swelling/achiness, so I should probably figure that out before I injure myself!
  • katsyear2019
    katsyear2019 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm in my 1st trimester. I'm keeping my walking routine and some light weights. I went to the gym the other day and found myself dizzy after 20 minutes on the treadmill :( Once I'm in my 2nd Trimester I plan on stepping it up a bit. As far as diet, I had Gestational Diabetes with #1 & 2 so I'll have to be on a diet for the whole time.
  • BBeccaJean
    BBeccaJean Posts: 453 Member
    Does anyone have trouble with Charley horses? I had my first one this pregnancy and felt the biggest knot in my calf when it was spasming...then it hurt for two days after! I am drinking more water and took some TUMS for calcium, but is there anything you guys do to prevent them?
  • BlondAnnieOakley
    BlondAnnieOakley Posts: 28 Member
    Does anyone have trouble with Charley horses? I had my first one this pregnancy and felt the biggest knot in my calf when it was spasming...then it hurt for two days after! I am drinking more water and took some TUMS for calcium, but is there anything you guys do to prevent them?

    YES!!! Definitely!! I've had them really bad! But I think it's due to us mama's needing even MORE water, and also a possibility of a potassium deficiency since the baby is taking everything from us.
    I'm trying to increase my intake through food, as well as making sure I take my PreNatal Vit. I also sometimes stretch really well before I go to bed. That seems to help ward them off!
  • 30 weeks pregnant and I'm eating between 1500 and 1600 calories a day. When I work out, I eat back all of my exercise calories. I don't get to the gym to much now (only because of the lack of a babysitter) but I stay active by cleaning, taking the kids to the park and walking to places that are around town.
  • lucylouhunter84
    lucylouhunter84 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi ladies, I'm 18 weeks today and just looking to get back into an exercise routine from this week. Was working out 3-4 times a week (Jillian Michaels / Zumba / Davina McCall) before I found out but just stopped due to nausea and tiredness. Finally getting my energy back and know I need to do something to get my fitness back! Hopefully looking to get back to exercising 3-4 times a week (Erin O'Brien / Yoga / Pilates).