Team Jillian - Week 8 Challenge!!!

fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
Hello Team Jillian!!! LeighAnna is away this week, so I will be helping out with the Week 8 Challenge. This week's challenge will be strictly NUTRITIONAL CHALLENGE. I will be breaking it down to 2 parts.

NUTRITIONAL CHALLENGE - Part 1: I have been doing some research and came across this little tip that I would like for us to all try. DRINK 16 oz. OF WATER AS SOON AS YOU WAKE UP IN THE MORNING! An added bonus would be to add some lemon to your water! Doing this in the morning WAKES up your organs and SPEEDS up your METABOLISM by 24%!!! I think it is definately worth a try.....It sure can't do us any harm :) Also......DRINK ONE FULL GLASS OF WATER BEFORE EACH MEAL. By following these two tips we should be able to reach our daily water intake in no time!!! Please post on here how you are doing with the water! And if you feel any difference by following these tips! :)

NUTRITIONAL CHALLENGE - Part 2: CLEAN EATING!!!! Let's take this week to try and eliminate some processed foods from your diet! I know that many of you have already been on this journey for awhile, so this might already be a lifestyle for you. If you are already there, please share with us what you are eating. Even for those of us that are struggling with this, let's post on here some meal ideas and recipes for clean eating!

Wishing everyong a HEALTHY and WONDERFUL week!!!!

Pam :)


  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    I made these Banana Oatmeal "Cookies" yesterday for a healthy CLEAN snack. Just 3 ingredients: 1 Banana, 1 c. oatmeal (raw) and raisins. You mash the banana with a fork then add the oats and raisins (I added some cinnamon) and mix well with your hands. It makes 6 small cookies. Bake on a baking sheet for 10-15 minutes 180° or until golden. Allow to cool and ENJOY!

    I have 3 cookies for a yummy snack......153 cals and soooo filling! You could also have all 6 for a fillinf breakfast with a cup of Green Tea! Even my kids enjoyed them :)

  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    Tuesday Morning Breakfast:

    Oatmeal with Apples & Raisins Topped with Toasted Almonds: 169 cals!

  • jomom2
    jomom2 Posts: 429 Member
    I made the cookies last night with chocolate chips and a dash of vanilla extract and my family loved them! Thanks for the recipe Pam!
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    I made the cookies last night with chocolate chips and a dash of vanilla extract and my family loved them! Thanks for the recipe Pam!

    Mmmmm..I definately need to try that variation!!! YUMMERS!
  • whiskeyhut
    whiskeyhut Posts: 59 Member
    I made these Banana Oatmeal "Cookies" yesterday for a healthy CLEAN snack. Just 3 ingredients: 1 Banana, 1 c. oatmeal (raw) and raisins. You mash the banana with a fork then add the oats and raisins (I added some cinnamon) and mix well with your hands. It makes 6 small cookies. Bake on a baking sheet for 10-15 minutes 180° or until golden. Allow to cool and ENJOY!

    I have 3 cookies for a yummy snack......153 cals and soooo filling! You could also have all 6 for a fillinf breakfast with a cup of Green Tea! Even my kids enjoyed them :)


    This sounds great! Never thought about making something so simple and I love bananas! Definitely going to try this one.
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    @whiskeyhut......TRUST me...they are YUMMY!!!! Definately worth trying:) Let me know how they come out.
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    Snack idea: Yogurt Parfait with Cranberry Muesli Quinoa.....133 cals!!!


    Lunch: Lentil Soup with Oven Roasted Chicken breast and a Garden Salad :)


    Dinner: Garden Salad topped with 2 Hard boiled eggs


    Hope these ideas can help! I got these ideas from searching youtube for clean eating recipes! Let me know what you guys are eating!
  • IowaJen1979
    IowaJen1979 Posts: 406 Member
    Does anyone have any tips on how to determine what foods are "clean"? I have not paid any attention to that in the past...
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    Check out this it helps :)
  • ajrich1
    ajrich1 Posts: 94 Member
    This challenge is just what I need. I have not been eating well almost no veggies or fruit. Yesterday went to the store and bought
    freash green beans, bananas, apples and oranges and spinach so I am ready to do this!
    So did not get the water in this morning but have my 52 oz cup filled. Had a subway turkey breast with veggies for lunch instead
    of that big mac I wanted. My snack is yogurt with cottage cheese and dinner will be fish green beans and a baked potato.

    I must plan ahead so that I will not fall into the having to grab something on the way, which is what I have been doing lately.
    wish me luck ! :)
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    This challenge is just what I need. I have not been eating well almost no veggies or fruit. Yesterday went to the store and bought
    freash green beans, bananas, apples and oranges and spinach so I am ready to do this!
    So did not get the water in this morning but have my 52 oz cup filled. Had a subway turkey breast with veggies for lunch instead
    of that big mac I wanted. My snack is yogurt with cottage cheese and dinner will be fish green beans and a baked potato.

    I must plan ahead so that I will not fall into the having to grab something on the way, which is what I have been doing lately.
    wish me luck ! :)

    Good Luck!! Looks like you are having a GREAT day so far!!! Keep up the great work and keep sharing what you are eating!!!!
  • IowaJen1979
    IowaJen1979 Posts: 406 Member
    Check out this it helps :)

    That was helpful! Thanks! I think right now I am about 50/50. I am eating more fruits and vegetables, but I buy my meat at the supermarket and definitely eat a few processed foods (like Kraft cheese slices, Pillsbury dough, etc.).

    I'm a pretty solid water drinker. I have a bottle at work I drink from throughout the day and I can tell when I'm not drinking enough water. It even effects my skin!
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    Lunch: Mock Fried Rice....made with quinoa chicken breast and veggies.....

  • Mrs_Fit
    Mrs_Fit Posts: 86 Member
    Definately going to try this!!!!

    I made these Banana Oatmeal "Cookies" yesterday for a healthy CLEAN snack. Just 3 ingredients: 1 Banana, 1 c. oatmeal (raw) and raisins. You mash the banana with a fork then add the oats and raisins (I added some cinnamon) and mix well with your hands. It makes 6 small cookies. Bake on a baking sheet for 10-15 minutes 180° or until golden. Allow to cool and ENJOY!

    I have 3 cookies for a yummy snack......153 cals and soooo filling! You could also have all 6 for a fillinf breakfast with a cup of Green Tea! Even my kids enjoyed them :)

  • LeighAnnaMS
    LeighAnnaMS Posts: 282
    Thanks so much Pam for helping out,my trip was extended but I'm finally home. I ate terrible while I was away, I am weighing in tomorrow so ill see how bad I really was. Hope everyone's doing well I missed my team!!
  • LeighAnnaMS
    LeighAnnaMS Posts: 282
    These recipes look amazing!!!!