Metformin Dosage

Hello Ladies! I am currently on 1000mg daily of Metformin XR...I have "heard" that taking 1500mg will help more with weight loss? My current endocrinologist is at a loss for medications or ideas to help me lose weight, so I was hoping someone on here had a success story to share!! I have already taken Vicotza shot with NO success. :( Any info would be great! Thanks!

P.S. I have had PCOS for 9 years, conintue to gain weight OR just not be able to even lose a pound when doing everything right to lose weight. I want to have a baby next year and was hoping to lose some weight to make it (maybe) easier to get pregnant!

Thanks!! :)


  • kshaw5501
    kshaw5501 Posts: 390 Member
    I take 1,000 mg of Metformin twice a day and have been for the last 12 years. When I first started, it was 500 mg and finally over time was increased to 2,000 mg a day. At each increase of 500 mg I would lose tons of weight, but that was because I was having the normal tummy troubles that Metformin can cause. TMI - I would eat and have to run to the bathroom. It didn't matter what I ate, it would just run through me until my body was used to the dose. I did have to stop taking it during both of my pregnancies at the 14 week mark, and once I delivered I was put back on it about a week later and the symptoms were back, but they only lasted a few weeks. That's just me though and I know everyone reacts to this medicine differently.
  • charisse15
    I only lose weight when I am at a dosage of 1500 or more.. My normal dosage is 2000mg daily and I usually lose about 30ish lbs in a matter of 3 months or so. I am currently at 1000mg/day since returning to it and working my way back up the dosage chain. ;) I do have to say I take Immodium to help deal with the tummy troubles. My endo didnt believe that Met would help and finally just said fine take the Rx but its not going to work.. That was in 2007 and I returned to his office 34lbs lighter 10 weeks later.. its the ONLY thing I can manage to lose weight with and I work out 4x a week with little to no results without it.
  • anlu37
    anlu37 Posts: 100 Member
    I used to be on Metformin. Now I take N-Acetyl Cysteine. It's amazing! Do some research on it. It's seriously amazing stuff with so many health benefits.

    "NAC has been shown to improve menstrual regularity but has not been shown to help improve fertility in women with PCOS. NAC may help improve insulin resistance in women with PCOS who have high insulin levels and could be used with metformin or if metformin isn't an option. NAC also seems to have a favorable effect of lowering cholesterol, TG and testosterone. "