Clothing Destruction

Has anyone ever done this before or wants to try it?


  • CherryLoveLove
    Unfortunately, yes. ^^' I've gotten extremely impatient at one of my skirts and ripped it in total anger. IT did make me feel a lot happier, though ;):smile:
  • AZWrestlingFan
    AZWrestlingFan Posts: 95 Member
    ohh well you can turn a bad thing into something fun right? ive never really seen it but i want to so maybe we can work something out
  • CherryLoveLove
    True- So true. Even if it's just a shirt you find in a 2$ shop, you release a lot of anger. At least, that's how I felt ^^'
  • AZWrestlingFan
    AZWrestlingFan Posts: 95 Member
    nice yeah exactly or even $1. but what i meant is ripping it by putting it on and it being too small not like ripping it with your hands
  • CherryLoveLove
    Lol- No, I've never really done that. I mean, I put my skirt on and it didn't fit, but it didn't tear when I put it on.
  • AZWrestlingFan
    AZWrestlingFan Posts: 95 Member
    Oh lol well how do you think it would feel? I think it would be hot. Not that you have to go showing a lot of skin or anything.