RI30 challenge at the end of FEB

Heidi_20 Posts: 138 Member
I would love to complete RI30 but really need motivation to complete it!! I get very bored doing the same DVD for a whole week!! I do however, love workout DVDs!! I want to start the training on Feb 25th! Anyone want to join in the fun??


  • moni_tb_192
    moni_tb_192 Posts: 188 Member
    If you get bored too easily, you could try doing different dvd's every day... like, week 1 you could do level 1 of shred, ripped, 6w6p, yoga and something else; and so on :tongue:
  • IzzyBooNZ1
    IzzyBooNZ1 Posts: 1,289 Member
    That is what i am doing. Did 2 days level 1, today i did 6 week pack, then tomorrow day 3, then i will mix it with killer buns, 6w6p & banish fat boost metabolism.

    That is what i did when i did 30 ds, kept me interested & motivated!
  • livelifenow91
    livelifenow91 Posts: 300 Member
    I'll join you for sure!!!
  • Mist1981
    Mist1981 Posts: 145
    That's actually the day I was going to start, well the 24th!! I have done it before and loved it. Took some time off and decided to start with Shred before Ripped. It's okay but nothing like Ripped. Excited to do it again! I am on level 3 of Shred now, and will do that until next Fri
  • marieann82
    marieann82 Posts: 150 Member
    I will be behind a week because I have to finish Killer Abs-but I will join you!

    I have completed it before-love it! I do happen to get bored with it though, so having a friend would be awesome!
  • AlexT29
    AlexT29 Posts: 43 Member
    I'll join! I'll be a week behind though - I'm doing the "too inspired to be tired" challenge until the end of Feb.
  • rummyqueen
    rummyqueen Posts: 153 Member
    I been working out and power walking all my life,I love working out with dvd's,I been using Jillian Michaels for a while and then switch to others.Yesturday I just pulled out Jillians ripped in 30 and 6 week six pack,I will be doing thoes dvd's untill I finish them up.I really never competed them but always finished her 30 day shred,did that dvd about 8 times and damn I always notice how lean I got and strong so now I am ready to do the other 2 dvd's and will finish them.good luck.
  • aodc909297
    aodc909297 Posts: 86 Member
    I'll join you! Started RI 30 last night. I, too, get bored but I push myself through it because I know it works! So, for at least the next 28 days, I'm in!!!! Gonna give it my all since bathing suit weather is just around the corner. Feel free to "friend" me if you like. We can do this!
  • marieann82
    marieann82 Posts: 150 Member
    I finished Killer Abs today-I am starting RI30 on Sunday. Any one taking before and after shots?
  • LWagner120
    LWagner120 Posts: 13 Member
    I finished 30DS Tuesday and started RI30 yesterday. Would love to get this done with others! Good luck everyone! We got this!
  • aodc909297
    aodc909297 Posts: 86 Member
    So, is everyone hanging in there with the RI30? I'm finishing up the first week and loving it!
  • fearlesskcl
    fearlesskcl Posts: 159 Member
    I'm loving RI30!! I finished Week 2 today and I'm looking forward to starting Week 3 tomorrow! Definitely seeing a change in my arms, especially in my bicep area! Love it! Surprised by how fast I have seen results especially as my diet has been a bit up and down lately!

    Keep pushing people!
  • aodc909297
    aodc909297 Posts: 86 Member
    Yay! Glad you are seeing the results in your biceps! RI30 definitely works on toning the arms. I'm finishing up Week 2 tomorrow. I feel like I'm losing inches but haven't measured yet. I know I've dropped 1.8 pounds since I started. My diet, too, is up and down but I normally stay close to my calorie goal. The other day I did RI30 and then 2 miles walking on the treadmill ... that is the best I've felt in a long time. I'm hoping to have time to do that again today. Keep working - it works!