What diapers do you use?

VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
My husband and I have been using Pampers Swaddlers on our newborn son (he's in Newborn size now but moving to Size 1 shortly). Problem is the price. They are so expensive, and we go through about 10 per day.

I was wondering if there are some good cost-effective alternatives out there that are worth a try. We got a pack of Parent's Choice newborn size. They didn't leak even with ginormo-poops, but they didn't quite fit as well as Pampers and didn't have a wetness indicator either, which was a really nice feature to Pampers.


  • Mewlingstork
    Mewlingstork Posts: 266 Member
    We used cloth when he fit in those, waiting for the next size to arrive, but otherwise Pampers because they are pretty much the only ones to hold in the poop-splosions. The cost is rough for sure!
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    I'm a Pampers fan. You're right - they hold the poopsplosions in and I love the wetness indicator.

    I stock up when they are on sale, and I find coupons for $3 off in the newspaper all the time.

    I've tried Huggies and didn't like them. After throwing out a poop stained sleeper, I decided I'm willing to pay more for better diapers.
  • GinE73
    GinE73 Posts: 68
    I've used both Pampers and Huggies- no real difference with poo explosions or leaking for my LO. We currently use Huggies because they are cheaper than Pampers. I order them through Amazon Mom- there's always a coupon for $2 off and then if you do the "subscribe and save" option you get an additional 20% off. I LOVE ordering them this way- diapers delivered to my house and come automatically once a month.

    My sister-in-law uses Luvs and swears by them.

    Agreed- diapers and wipes are definitely an expense! LOL
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    I love Luvs!!!!! The price is very reasonable and I have never had a problem with them. Took me forever with my son to finally find a diaper that worked and Luvs was great. Huggies has the wetness indicator on them but I do not care for them because they leak for me. I started my daughter directly on Luvs. I have been alternating due to the fact people gave me Huggies for a present and I have had some other kind that was in a diaper cake no clue what brand they are but I am not liking them right now because they do not fit right. I used pampers to start with for my son and never had any problems but the price is a killer. Toys R us and babies r us send coupons a lot if you are a rewards member I sometimes get booklets in the mail with coupons for up to $5 off of various brands of diapers and a woman my hubby works with has been finding diaper and wipes coupons online and sending them to me. I have never tried parents choice diapers, but their formula is outstanding I have used for both my kids and I buy their wipes also. I find that Luvs and the offbrand diapers are very similar in price so I would rather by the name brand if we are only talking about pennies in savings. With my first child it was really about trying different brands and trying to see what was best for you.
  • shrinkinc
    shrinkinc Posts: 74 Member
    Target brand is the best IMO and very reasonable. They fit my daughter and my son without any issues.
    More you buy, more you save. I also use their wipes and buy in bulk.
  • Tinker_and_Bash
    Tinker_and_Bash Posts: 39 Member
    Depending on sales, coupons, and what sort of shape she's in. If she's in a chubby phase I usually splurge on Huggies, my kid has ginormous thighs! Usually though, we alternate Parent's Choice and Luvs. Love them both for the price and for the quality!
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Pampers for us were just okay, and Huggies sucked for us, they didn't ever hold in Jax's poopsplosions! We've been using Luvs for over a month now and like them really well and they're reasonably priced. We get them at Sam's or Babies R Us (as well as formula - just whichever is having the best deal at the time) but Babies R Us usually always has coupons.

    You just gotta find what works! trial and error, just be sure to buy the smallest pack you can in case they don't work. We got big packages of Huggies and Pampers from our showers and had to use them all up because there was no way I was going to waste them lol
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    I've used ALL the brands, and if money was no object would just splurge for Pampers everytime.

    However, I've been pleased with Target AND Walmar'ts Parent's Choice diapers- never had any issues with them. And, I still have a toddler in em' (don't get me started on that :wink: ) so they work well for all ages!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Thanks ladies! I will give Luvs and Target brands a try. We are just trying to save some cash. :)
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    i agree. we use pampers swaddlers and after trying luvs, we had decided that we will just spend the money on pampers. Otherwise, poopsplosions go everywhere and ruins the outfit. So its worth it, we think.
  • 80lbslost
    80lbslost Posts: 93 Member
    I went from Pampers Swaddlers to Luvs and have been using the Walmart Parent's Choice for a few months now. They seem to work for me but my baby is already in a size 4 so not sure how they are with the smaller sizes! The Babies R Us and Target brand aren't bad either.
  • ktndj82104
    I have tried them all and now will only use luvs
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    95% of the time I use pocket cloth diapers. The other 5% I use Huggies or Pampers. I use Pampers wipes.
  • Tinker_and_Bash
    Tinker_and_Bash Posts: 39 Member
    Have any of you lovely ladies tried Kidgets (the Family Dollar brand??) I love their clothes but I'm scared to try diapers THAT cheap :P
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    We use pampers and they work so well, I only change him maybe 5 or 6 times a day, unless it's a poo of course!
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    We use Huggies or Pampers and both work fine. Sometimes if you are getting leaks from the diaper it could be time to move up to the next size.
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    We use the Kirkland diapers from Costco. They're quite similar to Huggies, which is what we'd use if we were willing to spend the money on brand names. I have a girl, so this likely isn't an issue with your little guy, but for us Pampers leaked pee up her back when she was sleeping. We have yet to find a brand that is 100% poop explosion-proof, but we have discovered that if the poop explosions are becoming regular (not just a random one here and there) it's a sign we need to move up to the next size.

    We purchased a few pocket-style cloth diapers to use, but even though the size we bought was supposed to fit up to a 20lb baby we found them to be way too tight on our 12 pounder (at the time), and they leaked horribly despite being tight. I keep telling myself I'll try different cloth diapers, but realistically I don't think I can handle extra laundry right now!

    As for wipes, we also use Kirkland. Pampers give my little girl a nasty rash, and Huggies are fine, but given how quickly we (*cough*DH*cough*) go through them, Kirkland is the most cost effective. A giant box of 900 wipes is around $20 (Canadian), WAY cheaper than other brands.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    We just moved him up from Newborn size to Size 1's. They are a little big on him but they don't leak anymore. We're still using Pampers Swaddlers.
  • jccretarolo
    jccretarolo Posts: 3 Member
    I use cloth 99% of the time, but I really like the White Cloud from walmart, I have tried most brands and with having kids with super sensitive skin I have had the least amount of rashes and leaks from white cloud, target brand, Luv's, and safeway brand aren't bad either though. Pampers and huggies gave all 4 of my kids the worst rashes I have ever seen though.
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member

    As for wipes, we also use Kirkland. Pampers give my little girl a nasty rash, and Huggies are fine, but given how quickly we (*cough*DH*cough*) go through them, Kirkland is the most cost effective. A giant box of 900 wipes is around $20 (Canadian), WAY cheaper than other brands.

    Teeheehee my hubs is the same way! I use one maybe two depending on the amount and he can go through 4-5 easy LOL