Rowing - Introduce Yourself...



  • DavidMW1
    DavidMW1 Posts: 44 Member
    Hi Will,

    I rowed for Thames from about 1988 to 1996. My last race was a head across Paris, and we started No1, chased by a few national squads! (We were veterans.) My real racing was done in Leicester, and Bristol , and I raced at Henley in 1984 and 1986.
    Didn't get further than the first day though, I know of Furnivall Sculling Club quite well, sure I've been to their bar on a couple of occasions. Glad to hear you're on the mend. Best wishes.
  • cfrandall
    cfrandall Posts: 4 Member
    Whoops, posted my "introduce yourself" reply to the wrong thread. :)
  • Elle408
    Elle408 Posts: 500 Member
    Ooh, I haven't done this yet!
    Have been a Concept II rower for a couple of years, usual gym technique though, so all wrong! I never paid attention to split or anything like that, would just aim to go for as long as possible.
    This year I started my undergraduate degree at uni and joined their Boat Club - where we have circuits, erg sessions, weights and cardio sessions, then on the weekends head out on the water! Had my first actual water row today and am completely in love! Think i've found my sport! I'm only in the novice squad, but our senior team have raced at Henley a few times and I think that's our main goal at the moment!

    I have a lot to learn in terms of technique and what all the technical terms mean, but I'm excited to get there!
  • tdvanlannen
    tdvanlannen Posts: 2 Member
    I am new to rowing. I have a Stamina Body Trac Glider 1050 Rowing Machine...nothing fancy. It has been sitting in my living room for over a year and I think it's time to give it a workout. I am trying to get fit and healthy and lose about 20 more lbs (13 down so far). I am a single mom so I don't have a lot of time to exercise and I can't really do anything outside the house, so I am hoping that this will work well for me. I'm going to get started tonight. Will definitely start out slowly. Any advice is greatly appreciated!

    Excited to get started!
  • DavidMW1
    DavidMW1 Posts: 44 Member
    Hello Tyson,

    definitely start out slowly, and get the technique right from the start. There are some good little videos around to help. Try these sites to start with;

    Your machine is two handed, like sculling, but that doesn't matter, the technique and body positioning are the same.

    Good luck.
  • tdvanlannen
    tdvanlannen Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you, David! I appreciate the advice!! I will take a look at the sites you sent.

  • Hi my names Mike I'm from Bristol, UK,

    I was always encouraged by my family to take up rowing (being 6ft 4") but always dismissed it. However, in September last year I joined Clevedon's Pilot Gig Rowing club (big sea boats with 6 rowers). Since then my technique and fitness has greatly improved; in November I was selected for the D crew and I am scheduled to compete in the World Championships on the Isles of Scilly in May.

    My training consists of 2-3 sessions a week (hour each) mostly on Bristol's floating harbour or on the sea from Clevedon (weather permitting). Supplemented by 2-3 gym training sessions a week mainly focusing on strength training (including using the Concept 2 rower).
  • gbminigirl
    gbminigirl Posts: 15 Member
    I took a Learn to Row course about 4 years ago, drank the kool-aid and now am a "masters" competitive rower with Greater Houston Rowing Club. I even competed in the HOCR in October with some teammates in the women's Club 4+ and beat several boats of 19 yr olds! We were pretty happy as the ave. age of our boat was 38 (I'm 40).

    I got "sick" last year, so I'm not sure if I'll be competing this year or not. I have, however, volunteered to learn how to cox for one of our men's teams; thus, I'm trying to drop some weight.

    I rent a WaterRower myself. Yes, my times, as compared to the C2, are slower, but I've found they are much more accurate to what I'm doing on the water in my single. Also, I too like the wooshing noise it makes. The C2s at the gym are never taken care of (batteries are dead, the chains need oiling...), and you just end up getting hurt because of it. I can just take my WaterRower out to the back patio and it's the next best thing to being on the water... well, for an erg.
  • BrentDry
    BrentDry Posts: 9 Member
    Brent here. Have been doing C2 rowing at the gym for a about three years. Was trying to find something at the gym I enjoyed on road to recovery from dual hip replacements. I really enjoy the C2 and heartily recommend the for both their training videos and that you can log your rowing on the website.
    So far I have not managed to crack 7:30 for 2k but mostly I work at the 30minute row where my goal is 7500m and I am still 91m shy. In the next couple of months I hope.
  • Welcome to the MFP Rowing Forum Mike, gbminigirl and BrentDry !

    Sorry it's taken so long for someone to respond and say hello to you, as you can see we're a relatively small forum on MFP and don't get new people in very often, but we're excited about rowing and using it to lose weight. A number of us are just now finishing up the January Virtual Team Challenge on the Concept2 website,

    Our team name is 'MFP Friends' and we're closing in on taking the #3 spot in our group (Team Type = Virtual Group, #Members = 6-20). Not bad for a bunch of newbies !

    Feel free to post questions, respond to others and send out friend requests. We tend to be a talkative, and cheerful group !
  • gbminigirl
    gbminigirl Posts: 15 Member
    Since I'm not on a C2, I'm not sure I'd be much help there! :wink:
  • I can see what you mean, after all the website is hosted by Concept2, but all we (the MFP group) do there is post our meters and use the Challenge to keep us motivated. One of our members is in the UK and his club has RowPerfect machines, not C2's.

    BTW, I saw that you're in TX.

    One of our members (MFP user id mcrower) is in Austin, TX and part of a rowing team there. She's a wonderful lady, lots of knowledge about rowing and a great motivator to those of us (read me) that are newbies in the sport. Send her a note to say Hello !.
  • Hello all,

    I joined this group over a month ago and am just now getting around introducing myself. I am currently living in Alabama, but I am originally from Utah. I bought a Concept II about two months ago after reading a lot about the benefits of rowing, but without having ever actually used one. So far, it has been a great decision. I haven't enjoyed any cardio exercise like this since swimming competitively in HS. I'm already dropped a few pounds and have rowed about 600k meters. My goal is to be to a million meters by April 1st and to my weight goal by June 1st.
  • Welcome to the group, Choch80 !
  • TAMayorga
    TAMayorga Posts: 341 Member
    Hello, I had a crappy little rowing machine years ago that I gave away and now wish I still had. I have not replaced it yet, and it might be some time before I have the financial resources to do so, but when I was invited to join the group, I thought I'd check it out. I must say that I'm somewhat intimidated by all you "real" rowers! But I'll just lurk and read and learn.

    One thing I will ask for is advice on what is the best brand of home machine. I checked out the concept two and got light-headed when I saw the prices! :noway: But if I'm going to take this seriously, I might as well save my money and get the best? Or is there something a little more reasonable that will give me as good a workout?
  • matt8612
    matt8612 Posts: 2
    Hi all! Happy to find this group. I enjoy rowing both indoor & out, though have done neither for past couple of years. I am hoping that joining this group will give me the kick I need to get started again
  • Welcome to the Rowing Forum !

    Prices are a bit steep for new machines, but keep an eye out on CraigsList, E-Bay and other similar sites. I picked up a used C2 Model B indoor rower for $250. It has the original monitor, but all the parts that wear had been replaced.

    I've been using it since Sept 2012 and love it
  • TAMayorga
    TAMayorga Posts: 341 Member
    Welcome to the Rowing Forum !

    Prices are a bit steep for new machines, but keep an eye out on CraigsList, E-Bay and other similar sites. I picked up a used C2 Model B indoor rower for $250. It has the original monitor, but all the parts that wear had been replaced.

    I've been using it since Sept 2012 and love it

    After going on-line and reading customer reviews about cheaper rowing machines, I take back my comment about the Concept 2. I will wait until I can afford one (new or used). Might as well pay for something that is going to give me a good experience and last!
  • rowerdc
    rowerdc Posts: 36
    Hi, all -- So happy to find a rowing group here on MFP! Am a relative newbie to rowing.. took learn-to-row beginner and intermediate courses in 2008, I think... been doing it ever since! Have a concept II rower, and am planning to row with one of two Masters teams here in DC this season... just started practices/tryouts this week! Actually got on the water during a warm bit of weather in January, but hoping things warm up here next week so we can get out there every morning...

    I welcome friends here on MFP... have about 15 lbs to lose, am 48, but really just want to be fit enough to be competitive on a decent Masters team, and to be out on the river for the sunrise in the mornings!!
  • julieofarc
    julieofarc Posts: 31 Member
    I'm a rower- sweep or sculling, port or starboard. Love it all. However, the weather here doesn't support year round rowing, and I have finally learned that my primary sport needs to be something I can consistently do. So, I'm focusing my time, energy and money at a local Crossfit box (yay! c2 ergs!) and hopping in a boat as I can over the summer to fill in for a local team. I'm hopeful that plan will help me reach my goals.

    My favorite seat is 7 seat. :) My least favorite seat is the erg by myself.