
martha1485 Posts: 70 Member
So as I mentioned I just wanted to create a space for women to be able to work out together while apart and help each other through our weigh/fat loss journeys!!! through the years I have found that accountability and motivation are the key to a successful weigh/fat loss.... so please introduce yoursel... let us know what your goals are and how you plan on getting one step closer to achieving them during MARCH!!! What is your starting weight/size and what is your goal weight/size!!!! How will you work out , when????? and what do you plan on eating this month???

I am sure someone on this group which I hope eventually gets tons of members.... will have some words of wisdom, encouragemnet or whatever to get you going!!!!

so i have started by inviting some amazing women I have gotten to know over other groups or posts but I know there are more of us out there so please feel free to invite your friends and if anyone wants to be a moderator on this group you are more than welcome!!!! the more the merrier!!!


  • Hurdisnie1
    Hurdisnie1 Posts: 218 Member
    My name is Toni...I'm from California

    Yes this exciting I am really going to concentrate my efforts on adjusting the MENU. I eat simi healthy only because I don't set aside the need time. March that MUST change. I am the lovely Pear Shape and yup everything I eat rest at my thighs, hips and boootay..so I am trying to make the adjustment to become a more healthier me. I have also learned as a Pear Shape.. that I have to constantly move this body.. and I have incoporated a brisk fast past 20min walk 2x a week I want to get it up to 4x a week..

    Lets go ladies.. DON'T Look Back we can't get that back..... let's change our future,,,

  • dsoucy
    dsoucy Posts: 16
    Greetings! I have been logging in to MFP for two years now. You can tell by my ticker that I have not accomplished much. I can make all the old excuses, but the bottom line is I have been lazy and deluded. NO MORE!!!
    My hubby and I just joined a gym, so I intend to go three times a week, an hour at a time and do strength and cardio. I have a walking buddy at work and I have forced her in to committing to the "50 Miles in March" challenge. She is gonna hate me :frown:
    The hard part is developing the gym habit. I really have to force myself to go, I am so used to "relaxing" after work. I don't regret going after I get there, as a matter of fact, I feel pretty good after sweating a bit.
    I hope this is a little corner of MFP that actually does offer support and encouragement, I am my own worst enemy and need a little shove to keep me going through the break in period. On the flip side of that coin, I am happy to do the same for anyone who needs it. Not that I can speak from experience or great success, but certainly from a genuine heart.
    So, as far as goal setting. I am confused. I am sure that losing weight is the goal, but with strength training I know I may put on weight. Anyone here have some insight into that part of the journey? What can one expect to lose in weight/inches in their first month of serious effort?
  • lausa22
    lausa22 Posts: 467 Member
    Hi there! I'm Laura and I've been gaining and losing the same 20lbs over and over again! So this time I'm determined to stick to it this time!
    My boyfriend and I have just joined the gym together, and we're planning on going 4 times a week, and swimming at least twice a week too :-)
    I love going the gym, for me it's always been the money and finding the time to go, as I am in University for 30 hours a week and I have hospital placement work for 40 hours a week. But I now have a stable income, although it isn't much so I can finally afford to go!
    Also I have my boyfriend to motivate, I've always found it easier to stick to being healthy when I have someone else to motivate and not just myself, because then I actually have to go through with it!
    My goal for this month is just to lose as much weight as I can and get back into a healthy regime :-D
    I'll be doing about an hour of cardio every time I go the gym and about 20 minutes of strength 2x a week at least
  • JennKie1
    JennKie1 Posts: 200 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Jennifer. I've been on MFP since early October. I love it! It's been so helpful, and I've "met" some amazing people that are facing the same issues I am each day. It's done wonders for me. :smile:

    SW: 172.8
    CW: 142.2
    GW: 135

    Here are my goals for March:

    1) Lower Body Fat by at least 1% (currently 24.6)
    2) Limit eating out to once a week
    3) Drink at least 8 glasses of water EVERY day - no excuses
    4) Plan better (especially lunches during the week) so I"m not so tempted to eat "bad" things
    5) Refrain from eating an entire bag of Cadbury Mini Eggs on Easter (yes, I have done this :blushing: )
    6) Exercise at least 5 days a week - no cheating myself by making excuses
    7) Meet my goal weight!!!!!! - I have 7.2 pounds to go. If I can make a good effort at # 1-6, #7 should be attainable.

    When I first started out I was doing Tapout XT. I did that for 12 weeks and then took a break, telling myself that I would try something different for awhile. So far I've found "something different" to be "something boring". I've tried 30DS, 6 Week 6 Pack, I have a Bosu w/ a DVD workout, the gym, the elliptical at home, and Zumba (Fun, but I'm too big of a spaz to do that one - zero coordination). Since I am unable to successfully stick with any of those, I am going back to my old routine of Tapout XT starting tomorrow morning. I figure that if it works and I can manage to push "play" every day, then it's a good thing. I will fill in with some of the DVD's or the elliptical on days that I'm short on time to exercise.

    I'm also setting smaller daily and weekly goals this month in hopes of developing better habits and getting closer to my goal weight.

    I have my mind stuck on the "number" on the scale. I really want to hit 135 - mostly to prove to myself that I can do it. After that I'm going to work on building more muscle. I don't mind weighing 145 if it's healthy muscle instead of icky fat. But, I still have the hang up with the "number", so I won't be happy until I hit 135 first. (I know, it's silly, but it's just me).

    My biggest weakness is sugar. I have a really hard time avoiding "treats". I used to be good about limiting myself to just one little chocolate a day, but recently that plan has gone awry. :noway:

    Here's to a fabulously successful March for all of us! :drinker:
  • Hello,
    I would advise you to measure your waist, hips, both thighs, and both arms. In a month (30 days) measure yourself in those same areas again. You should see a change in inches. As fat is exchanged for muscle you lose inches more so than pounds. The scale isn't always our friend. I know, because I have not been able to lose any weight in the last year, but I did lose 4 inches in 4 weeks on one of my programs. Now I also learned that portion control is a big problem for me so let's hope both of us see the results we are looking for through supporting each other in this group!
  • maddmaddie
    maddmaddie Posts: 160 Member
    My name is Maddie, I'm from Alaska. My goals are:

    March 1st.

    Height: 5'3.5"
    Pants size: 10
    Starting weight: 167.0 lbs. (lost 8 lbs so far)
    Goal weight (for march): 162.0 lbs.

    1. Food goal: Eat whatever I want, just keep net calories at 1200 or less. Drink more water. I'm pretty good at balancing junk food with healthy food. (this is my goal, don't want any food Nazi to freak out on me please.)

    2. Exercise goal: burn at least 300 calories 4 days a week. Start training for 1/2 marathon in June. Incorporate yoga into my exercise routine.

    Add me as a friend and I'll be more than happy to keep ya accountable for your goals if you can do the same for me. ;-)
  • dsoucy
    dsoucy Posts: 16
    Hi there! I'm Laura and I've been gaining and losing the same 20lbs over and over again! So this time I'm determined to stick to it this time!
    My boyfriend and I have just joined the gym together, and we're planning on going 4 times a week, and swimming at least twice a week too :-)
    I love going the gym, for me it's always been the money and finding the time to go, as I am in University for 30 hours a week and I have hospital placement work for 40 hours a week. But I now have a stable income, although it isn't much so I can finally afford to go!
    Also I have my boyfriend to motivate, I've always found it easier to stick to being healthy when I have someone else to motivate and not just myself, because then I actually have to go through with it!
    My goal for this month is just to lose as much weight as I can and get back into a healthy regime :-D
    I'll be doing about an hour of cardio every time I go the gym and about 20 minutes of strength 2x a week at least

    I am an idiot, sorry for the multiple posts, was trying to get out the door for lunch and goofed :embarassed:
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    You had me at "muffin top"!!! :laugh:

    I'm Sherry and I joined MFP end of December 2012. I immediately got into a 30DS group in January and then some of us went ahead and did a Ripped in 30 group in February. It was alot of hard work and dedication, but also rather rigid after two months. For March, I decided I wanted some flexibility and variety, so I'm going to not do a set program, like the 30 day programs, and instead do a variety from the videos I already have, youtube (fitness blender, BeFit, Blogilates, BodyRocktv, Daily Hiit, etc--I have a bookmarks folder full of channels and workouts to choose from). Now that the weather is nice, I'll be outside walking alot more (I live in the city with no car, but also I try to walk daily M-F at the park while my son is at lessons after school). On days that my son doesn't go to lessons, I have a park near our home where I've experimented with Tabata hill running. Working up the courage to start the c25k commitment.

    Now, as for "results". Well, I don't weigh nor measure. I haven't weighed myself since about August and have no idea what I weigh. (Well, maybe some idea, but I could be off by 10 pounds, for all I know). I tried measuring since joining MFP, but didn't get stellar results and it sent me into a tailspin. That's when I ditched the tape measure too. My main goal is to form healthy habits. I want to workout every single day (well 5-6x/wk), just like checking e-mail...feeling compelled to do it without thinking, automatically. Doing two back-to-back 30 day programs have certainly helped to form a habit. Now, to be able to do it on my own.

    Diet. Now, that's complicated. I've dieted tons in my life, and have had success whenever I really dedicated myself to it. HOWEVER, most of the time I was doing it the wrong way (max 1200cal/day...usu. 600-1000 and the occasional 2500cal binge day). I honestly didn't know I was doing it wrong. I thought you had to go down to 1200 or less to lose weight. I'd spend alot of time in bed and never had the energy to workout. Once in my life, I worked with a nutritionist and ate what she prescribed. It was SLOOOOOW going and at times, I think she didn't believe that I was sticking to the plan. I worked out a little and walked alot during that time. When I finally had enough and decided to eat the whole baked potato, instead of just half per the plan, etc....the weight finally melted off. Looking back now, I know that I wasn't eating enough for my activity level (ALOT of walking, pushing stroller, and living at the top of an epic hill). So, NOW, I'm trying to eat in a sustainable way. Despite lots of dieting yielding good results in my past (at least according to the scale....but NO muscles or fitness), doing it this way is new territory for me. Unfortunately, it is slow going and I can't tell if it's because of eating too low, too high, not measuring food properly, etc. I don't have a food scale and probably won't get one, so I've been building an allowance into my daily calories for mis-measuring. Basically, my diet/nutrition is a strange, on-going alchemy experiment.

    So, for now, as for results, I'll go based on clothing. When I can comfortably go down a jean size, then I'll mark that as a "win". And I'm getting close. The jeans I'm wearing now are WAY too big, but they are semi-stretchy and low-rise. The jeans I have in the next size down are regular cotton and medium rise, so I just can't comfortably go down yet (pregnancy pants ruined me for life, I just can't wear tight waist bands ever again!)

    Sooooooooooooooooooooo tl;dr: wanting a healthy and fit lifestyle with good habits, not just to lose weight and I'm new to that concept rather vs just vlc dieting.

    So for March:
    1) Fitness: To do workouts of my choosing (not a program) based on my own self-drive (5-6 days per week)
    2) Nutrition: To find my "zone" for eating right, feeling good, and finally making progress
    3) Steps towards goal: getting OUTSIDE more, which always equals being more active in my day-to-day
    4) Goal: get into the next jean size down
  • Beckboo0912
    Beckboo0912 Posts: 447 Member
    Hey Everyone! I'm Becky, I'm 27 from Massachusetts! I joined MFP back in February of 2012! I have had very little success but that is because I put in very little effort. I'm starting to put in the effort and I am feeling so much better!
    I can't tell you what my goal weight is because i don't really have one, I simply can't put a number on it, it will be when I feel amazing about myself, when I have the self confidence to do the things I want. for example wear a real two piece and show it off, not with a cover up of it or feel good in a pair of jeans. But this is my goal for now, I'm in a wedding 4/13/13 and the other's bridesmaids are no more then a size 6...now I know I will not be a size 6 by April, I'm ok with that! I just want to be ok with stading next to them and not feeling like crap about myself. Seriously! That is all I want up until April 13,2013. That's my goal and I'm going to do it, but encourgaement would be nice. I have decided I'm going to eat mostly Primal...I thought about Paleo but well I can't give up all dairy, I just can't, I can limit it by a good amount but I can't give it up totally. Hope to meet some new people and good luck to everyone!
  • dsoucy
    dsoucy Posts: 16
    Hi there! I'm Laura and I've been gaining and losing the same 20lbs over and over again! So this time I'm determined to stick to it this time!
    My boyfriend and I have just joined the gym together, and we're planning on going 4 times a week, and swimming at least twice a week too :-)
    I love going the gym, for me it's always been the money and finding the time to go, as I am in University for 30 hours a week and I have hospital placement work for 40 hours a week. But I now have a stable income, although it isn't much so I can finally afford to go!
    Also I have my boyfriend to motivate, I've always found it easier to stick to being healthy when I have someone else to motivate and not just myself, because then I actually have to go through with it!
    My goal for this month is just to lose as much weight as I can and get back into a healthy regime :-D
    I'll be doing about an hour of cardio every time I go the gym and about 20 minutes of strength 2x a week at least

    Congrats on the gym membership! I am looking forward to getting good use out of mine. Your approach is a bit different than mine, hopefully both work, but if not, maybe we can compare notes?
    My biggest obstacle is losing time with my hubby. We already work weird schedules, but since joining the gym we hardly see each other. I think I have to make the hard adjustments and use gym time as our Mon-Fri quality time!
  • KimB1219
    KimB1219 Posts: 15 Member
    March is the month.... I I started last week the Insanity DVD's for the 3rd time and last week was the first time I successfully accomplished the whole week. I have made a commitment to myself to get up at 5am :yawn: Mon - Fri so I can't find any excuses not to do the workouts.

    I started my MFP back in July of 2012 but just recently had a friend join that made me feel accountable to log on daily and log my exercise and food everyday. I have joined my first 2 groups on MFP hoping to get the support I need also. I know I have a weight goal of 9bs to go, but I really want to be healthy with a tone (flat) stomach. However, if this stuborn belly fat is not go between the 9 lbs and Insanity, I might have to lower my weight goal.

    My biggest problem is that I like sweets and carbs. I am trying to teach myself MODERATION.... Eating a whole sleeve of peanut butter sandwhich girlscout cookies is not a problem at all. Moderation would be to eat the 3 that is a portion.

    Goals for March. Break the 130 marker and have 5 weeks of Insanity under my belt. :happy:
  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member
    Hi! my name is Katie.

    sw:220 pounds (this time last year) 2012
    CW 186 pounds

    GW: 140 pounds

    goals are

    1. do and find work outs that target my two problem areas my thighs and my butt I am a pear shape

    2. learn how to strength train properly and to firm and tone up

    3. drink 8 glasses of water a day

    4. eat 3 meals and 2 snacks but make healthier eating choices
  • dsoucy
    dsoucy Posts: 16
    I would advise you to measure your waist, hips, both thighs, and both arms. In a month (30 days) measure yourself in those same areas again. You should see a change in inches. As fat is exchanged for muscle you lose inches more so than pounds. The scale isn't always our friend. I know, because I have not been able to lose any weight in the last year, but I did lose 4 inches in 4 weeks on one of my programs. Now I also learned that portion control is a big problem for me so let's hope both of us see the results we are looking for through supporting each other in this group!

    Thank you for the advise. I did think to measure, but I only measured one side. Makes more sense to do both, but sometimes the obvious escapes me :happy:
  • dsoucy
    dsoucy Posts: 16
    You gals doing the fitness DVD's are inspirational to me! I do not have the discipline to make that work.
    Wish you all the greatest success and may we all be sporting new bikinis by summer!
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Been on here awhile slowly losing. I am semi retired (work full time in summer) so I travel a lot like now I am in CA and I live in the mountains in WA state.

    The sun and great weather have been great for walks, hikes, beach, etc. lots of exercise but also a lot of eating out so will probably gain a few when I get back next wednesday.

    I mostly eat heathy with a glass of wine now and then and limit desserts, although I love them...sigh!
  • Hello Ladies,

    My name is Allegra, I want to lose 19 pounds, i joined today my fitness pal, my goal is to workout four days a week, I am following the dash diet plan. I plan to run the mighty mud run in April, and boost up my fitness goals.

    I wish everyone great success in there weight loss journey.
  • _Tara_R
    _Tara_R Posts: 688 Member
    Hello everyone!! My name is Tara and I'm 27 years old. I live in Southern Illinois. I just finished the 30 Day Shred today. I'm finally in ONEderland!! I weighed this morning and was 199.4.

    My goal for March is to lose 9 pounds. :)

    Good luck to everyone!!
  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member
    congrats tara on hitting wonderland. I am 6 pounds away from getting out of 180's
  • _Tara_R
    _Tara_R Posts: 688 Member
    congrats tara on hitting wonderland. I am 6 pounds away from getting out of 180's

    Thanks so much!!! :) And good for you!!
  • contentedmummy
    contentedmummy Posts: 12 Member
    This group is a great idea! I'm Claire in the UK. I joined MFP some time ago and never used it. However, since early Feb it's been my best friend and helped me lose 8lb so far.

    Like most, I stepped on the scales after an indulgent Christmas and got the biggest shock. But most of all, my body felt tired at doing the simplest of things. It had gotten out of control. So....

    SW: 177
    CW: 168
    GW: 140

    Diet: I'm trying intermittent fasting and so far, it's great. I've lost 2lb per week steadily. I stick to 1200 calories other times, sometimes a bit more on weekends. I have cut WAY back on alcohol, by far my biggest derailer - I liked a bottle or two at the weekends.

    Exercise: this is where I'm winning. I got back into training on Jan 7th, one month later I ran my first 5km. I now consistently run 4km - 5km 5 times a week. Plus just started circuit training at a local gym to focus on my core. I signed up for a 10k run in May and a half marathon in September. The latter scares me senseless but I have lots of lovely people telling me I can do it.

    Motivation: I've yo-yo dieted my whole life but I turn 40 in November. It's only going to get harder to stay in shape from that point onwards, so I'm embodying some good habits now. I have sought the help of hypnosis and it's WORKING. It helps me stay positive & focus.

    Good luck ladies, changing habits & getting in shape is not easy, no matter what anyone says.
    C x