March 2013 DD Challenge: 1 Mile per day for 31 days!

allenpearcy Posts: 227 Member
Sorry to get this started late; but, here we go! The challenge is to walk or run 1 Mile (or more) per day for 31 days! And, speaking of being late, everyone gets a 1-mile credit for day 1 since I screwed up! But, I expect you to make it up to me at some point this month by doing two (or more)! If you are seeing this later in the month - no worries - just join in and get moving!

Ready - set - go!


  • allenpearcy
    allenpearcy Posts: 227 Member
    Day 1 ---- 4.5 miles @ 805 cal
    40 min running!
  • mraymond423
    mraymond423 Posts: 6 Member
    I'll accept your challenge, Mr. Pearcy. I'm getting started late, so I'll penalize myself 2 miles for each day I'm late. Today is the 4th... so I owe 1 mile for today, plus 3 x 2 = 6 miles in "late fees", bringing my total to 7. :)

    Fast walked 2.5 miles today. 4.5 miles to go!
  • mraymond423
    mraymond423 Posts: 6 Member
    6.0 miles today in 57:17 ... personal record! I also believe that catches me up with my late fees. :)
  • mraymond423
    mraymond423 Posts: 6 Member
    I've been delinquent in my posts for this topic. Catching up to date...

    Wed, 3/6 ... Walked 1.5 miles to Subway for lunch
    Thu, 3/7 ... Walked 4.0 miles
    Fri, 3/8 ... 6 miles (4.5 running on treadmill, 1.5 walking to Subway for lunch)
    Sat, 3/9 ... rest
    Sun, 3/10 ... 7.25 miles in 79 minutes (avg pace = 5.5 mph)
    Mon, 3/11 ... 3 miles (1.5 running, 1.5 walking)
    Tue, 3/12 ... rest
    Wed, 3/13 ... rest
    Thu, 3/14 ... rest
    Fri, 3/15 (today) ... 5.0 miles so far, will try to get in another mile later today!

    Total for March so far: 36 miles
    Personal goal for March: 80 miles
  • mraymond423
    mraymond423 Posts: 6 Member
    Sat, 3/16 ... rest
    Sun, 3/17 ... 8.0 miles in 88 minutes (avg pace = 5.5 mph) ... personal best!

    Holy crap, I may be able to actually run this half marathon!