NEW to this Group?

NEW to this group? Welcome! Take a look at the SIMPLE RULES Section - there are ONLY 2 rules :)
I have also started sub group threads for diet specific branches...if you would like to start a more specific one please do :)


  • ellasanvictores
    ellasanvictores Posts: 14 Member
    hi! just joined! :)

    2 days into 70-80% being raw vegan. having my headache - i believe i'm detoxing right?
  • danikanoodles
    danikanoodles Posts: 150 Member
    From looking at your food diary it doesn't quite look like detox. Detox truly sets in when your 100% raw. Keep fats like nuts, seeds and avocados for dinner and add in more fruit during breakfast and lunch. That will also help you keep more hydrated and help with proper digestion. Maybe even up your water intake as well. 3-4 liters helps with headaches. It's also good to keep in mind proper food combining. Fruits and fats shouldn't be combined.
  • Just joined too. Vegan for few years. Thinking about turning raw. :)
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    Hi I'm Kym and I like the term flexatarian to describe my transition from omnivore to almost vegan.
    We have our own happy chickens that provide our eggs! I joined to learn more about the vegan recipes and tips.
    I'm also very interested in raw foods.
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    I'm new to the group and a relatively new raw vegan. I do a minimum of 80% raw vegan at the moment and am slowly transitioning to fully raw vegan (can't give up the coffee just yet!).

    I'm not sure if I can post it here so I will just ask... I have started a raw vegan blog if anyone is interested. It's still new but I am slowly adding more and more stuff to it!
  • sgtlee13
    sgtlee13 Posts: 66
    I don't eat totally raw or vegan, I'd say about 90%-ish of the time vegan and 50-75% raw depending on my schedule (and mood to be honest). Can I still come play? Would love to find new recipes and meet others whose food diaries aren't made up of processed meals and stuff.
  • tayloralaina
    tayloralaina Posts: 9 Member
    Hello! I'm new to this group. I am also a new vegan. I am not eating 100% raw but I feel so much better already! :)
  • new here! I'm vegetarian, trending towards vegan and am very interested in a mostly whole-foods, plant-based diet, much of it raw. Would love to have friends/support/inspiration from others who aren't filling their diaries with processed junk. Not that i am above a junky treat, on occasion ;) lol
  • Goal_HourGlass
    Goal_HourGlass Posts: 22 Member
    Hey new to this group and new to the vegan lifestyle. I have been watching many youtube videos and have read a variety of articles, but I'm still not sure how to go about figuring out which fruits I should eat during the day or if I should save vegetables for the evening? Just a little overwhelmed. Help!
  • SpinSpinSugar69
    SpinSpinSugar69 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi,new here and wanted to find other vegan and vegetarian people to share with.
  • Hello everyone :)

    This is my first post on MFP after being a long term on-again, off-again user. I am an 18 year old vegan, 5'4", 160 pounds, starting college in the fall and would love to meet some people I can talk to on here!
    SPROUTZBV Posts: 1
    HELLO ALL! I'm new.... Been dairy-free for a while now, and thinking about going raw! I live on Long Island and so there is really nothing but fast "food" places...

    I have a few cookbooks on raw uncooking. Looking forward. :laugh:
  • Hi everyone. Looking forward to being part of your group and sharing recipe ideas and tips. I'm 80% raw, but occasionally do the odd week of raw / juicing fasts. Here is a lovely recipe which I'm in LOVE with at the moment. If there are any new ones you can share they would be very welcomed! Mindy
  • Hi everyone new to the group :) I've been vegan for about 8-9 years and have aspirations of becoming raw or high raw vegan :) love any inspiration and it would be good to have some friends... :)