Before Pic



  • StrongAndHealthyMommy
    StrongAndHealthyMommy Posts: 1,255 Member


    OMG my butt doesnt look attractive LOL
  • lpetri13
    lpetri13 Posts: 5 Member
  • lpetri13
    lpetri13 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you :)
  • Bubbl3s25
    Bubbl3s25 Posts: 210
    Where are everyone's butts?
    Start posting and no buts about it, lol :laugh:
  • donnadavies72
    donnadavies72 Posts: 29 Member
    Started this yesterday so I'm a bit behind!

    Did the 50 last night and thought it quite easy until i tried to walk upstairs this morning! I did the 55 after my running workout and i have been walking like a duck since, the pain the pain :laugh:

    I hope it starts to get better soon, I'm getting very strange looks in work but if my backside gets more toned it will all be worth it!

    I wont put a photo on I don't this either I or anyone else is ready for that shock yet!!
  • messy_Missy16
    messy_Missy16 Posts: 349 Member
    Better late than never. So here it goes



    In need of some toning O_o
  • messy_Missy16
    messy_Missy16 Posts: 349 Member
    Where are everyone's butts?
    Start posting and no buts about it, lol :laugh:

    lolz!!! Has everyone taken a before pic?? I suggest you do to see the results after the the 30 days. Feel free to post it on here since we're in this together. Happy squatting everyone!!!
  • frankyk89
    frankyk89 Posts: 173 Member
    i had my daughter take pics of my butt last night so i will try and post tonight after i get off work and if i can figure it out.....:blushing:
  • messy_Missy16
    messy_Missy16 Posts: 349 Member
    i had my daughter take pics of my butt last night so i will try and post tonight after i get off work and if i can figure it out.....:blushing:

    If you go through the topics posted someone ( :flowerforyou: a lovely individual :love: ) posted a tutorial as to how to post pics using Good luck!! :wink:
  • grrupp
    grrupp Posts: 159 Member
    I had my hubby take a photo when we started the challenge but can't post the pics yet because I only have an iPad. Once are home pc is up and working I will post :)
    Even though everyone's beginning butt pictures look way better than mine :p hopefully by the end of the challenge my butt will be firmer and round instead of flat and flab lol
  • sastrodder
    sastrodder Posts: 61 Member
    Yep! I took my before pics on my iphone. There was a particularly embarassing moment when my friends husband helped me update my phone a couple of days later and while it was connected to my laptop the photos began importing and flashed up on the screen - me in big pink knick knicks and a flesh bra!!!! I don't know who was more shocked!!!
  • LesaDave
    LesaDave Posts: 1,480 Member
    Yep! I took my before pics on my iphone. There was a particularly embarassing moment when my friends husband helped me update my phone a couple of days later and while it was connected to my laptop the photos began importing and flashed up on the screen - me in big pink knick knicks and a flesh bra!!!! I don't know who was more shocked!!!

    LOVE IT!!! Wow, wish I had seen about taking a pic earlier. Don't know how I missed this. Just saw it posted on Day 14 thread. And...I didn't measure either. But my daughter just told me TODAY that she can see a difference...and she doesn't even know I'm doing this challenge!!