March 2, 2013

FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member


  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Reading over the comments so far, I see lots of variety of workouts. I am very excited to learn about some of them. I'm especially interested to hear different approaches to weights. I'd like to do weights some day, but doubt I'll be able to join a gym or to obtain heavy weights. My husband suggested higher reps on lower weights works just as well. So, I'll be watching some of you who are doing something like that (hoping to hear more about the Dr. Stoppani workout, as well as the kettlebell workouts). I will also be watching and cheering for anyone doing c25k or running, as it is one of my goals to do the same. I'd also love to know if anyone is doing any true Tabata style HIIT. I have a hill behind my house that screams for me to HIIT it, but I also worry about dropping my heart in the drainage ditch on the 3rd circuit.

    Okay, so today I am actually overdue a rest day, but since I said I'd practice push-ups yesterday and never did, I've been doing that this morning. I have an especially dysfunctional relationship with push-ups. I want them so bad and they only want to disappoint me. Other than that, it will be rain tomorrow, so I want to do something outside. I'd really like to hit the hill behind my house, but I'm stuck with the kids today. If my husband gets home before the afternoon dwindles away, I'll go briefly HIIT the hill.

    Have a great Saturday! If it's your rest day--ENJOY! And if it's a workout day--also ENJOY!!

    Let's CRANK IT UP A NOTCH in March!!

  • PamHealthMission
    PamHealthMission Posts: 471 Member
    Good day Saturday....
    I've been using weights in my workouts ever since the introduction to Chalean Extreme in January 2010. Strength training is my most favorite form of exercise. I was blessed to receive Bowflex Dial-up Dumbbells for a birthday gift in 2011. I guess my son and his wife saw my dedication....LOL! This particular set goes up to a combined total of 100 lbs. I researched that it is very important that women do strength training because we tend to lose muscle at a faster rate than men as we age. If you just want to tone, then using light weights with higher reps is the way to go. If you want more muscle definition (a little larger won't look like a male because we don't have that kind of, then use heavier weights and lower reps.

    It is an official rest day for me....I am taking I feel ya on push-ups and there is absolutely nothing wrong with doing them modified (from the knees) if that will work better for you. A few years ago I couldn't even do them modified but can now and do a few from the toes. Just keep at it.:smile:

    I am ready for March!
  • auntsammy88
    auntsammy88 Posts: 401 Member
    I looked up the dial up dumbbells. That's a great idea! Maybe I'll save up for a set. Today was my week 4 day 5 of RI30, so I did that along with 100 seated abdominal twists. I may do yoga meltdown today as well. :smile:
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    I was blessed to receive Bowflex Dial-up Dumbbells for a birthday gift in 2011. I guess my son and his wife saw my dedication....LOL! This particular set goes up to a combined total of 100 lbs. I researched that it is very important that women do strength training because we tend to lose muscle at a faster rate than men as we age. If you just want to tone, then using light weights with higher reps is the way to go. If you want more muscle definition (a little larger won't look like a male because we don't have that kind of, then use heavier weights and lower reps.

    It is an official rest day for me....I am taking I feel ya on push-ups and there is absolutely nothing wrong with doing them modified (from the knees) if that will work better for you. A few years ago I couldn't even do them modified but can now and do a few from the toes. Just keep at it.:smile:

    I am ready for March!

    Yay for you getting those dial up weights!!! My husband and I would LOVE something like that! Definitely on our "wish list". Maybe Santa will hear our pleas. :wink: I'm in no way afraid or in danger of "bulking". I'd love to lift more on the heavy side. I am a long, tall body type and my muscles are long and definitely wouldn't bulk up.

    Yeah, I've struggled with push ups, even on my knees. I have a weird shoulder problem, but am powering through it. I've tried lots of strategies and I FINALLY found the best way to practice. I was shown the right form to do it on my knees and I do it all the way to the floor (on my belly) and back again. It's the only way for me to practice. And I got results!!! I was able to do some without hitting the floor this morning!! Yay!! I'm going to build up to at least 20 on my knees and then practice the same way on my toes (going all the way onto my belly and back again).

    So, today my husband worked late, so no hills for me. But, I walked the kids to the park for a few hours and back and got in about 7,000 steps. So push-ups and a nice walk is not too bad for a rest day, I guess.
  • ellazakay
    Today, I had to run a ton of errands and catch up on a bit of school work. I like to work out by doing a bit of Zumba. I've already done 40 minutes, and I'm thinking of doing another 60, then hitting the books before bed. I'm a night owl, so I much prefer exercising at night than during the day, when too many things are going on for me to dedicate time to working out. This forum is DEFINITELY motivating me though to keep going strong!
  • LizardQueen4PointOh
    LizardQueen4PointOh Posts: 245 Member
    Does chasing/toting a toddler around Chuck E. Cheese count as a workout? Well, it was a rest day for me so I'm counting it! :laugh:

    This girl worked a graveyard shift last night after being up all day yesterday and then took about a five hour nap before getting up so hubby could go work an extra job. I'm soooo ready to go to sleep. Just have to finish wrangling kids into their beds... They need a sleeping smiley!
  • Hurdisnie1
    Hurdisnie1 Posts: 218 Member
    Hey,, so I have been going through my dusty videos and since doing the 30DS and RI30.. I am doing 45min cardio workouts no problem.. I mean I am making it through the whole thing.. ( tired but finishing) Today I did TURBO JAM Cardio Mix 2.... It was fun I am going to concentrate more on strength training myself and add in cardio just a few days. I respond fast to strength..

    Keep it up... work it off..
  • winterswish
    winterswish Posts: 162
    Honestly considered just blowing it off after what turned into a full day of assisting others with their own tough stuff. But then I realized that no one was going to come along and help me with this one, I'd have to do it myself.

    35 mins on the treadmill and a half round of BMF pyramid and I knocked 233 calories off my day.

    Knowing that I didn't want to miss my first actual log in here with some exercise helped motivate me. Thanks for being here! :)
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Hey! Great checking-in on a Saturday!!

    Liz (ella..), welcome! I'm a night owl too, but I've been doing my workouts mostly during the day when half the family is out of the house, and so I don't risk missing it for unforeseen circumstances. But when I have worked out at night, the workout has been MUCH better, stronger, harder. Mornings are just tough for me, as my body feels weak and stiff. But I have a habit forming of doing it in the morning, so that stiff morning feeling (like anything) is subject to improvement.

    Liz, I think what you did wasn't exactly "rest". Toddlers are a built-in workout. My walk to the playground and back was about a mile there and a mile back and I must've carried my daughter half way each time. UGH!! She's only two, but towers over alot of 3 year olds and has the weight to go with it!

    Toni, that's great that you can tell a difference on the cardio! I remember the first jumping jacks in 30DS in January nearly killing me. But now, sometimes I just do them for the heck of it, to get my heart rate up. I'd love to know how I'd do on a total cardio workout. Well, I'll find out. I've got a couple of pure cardio days planned.

    Amy, way to keep it up!!! That's what it's all about. You can get a dose of inspiration here on the group, but ultimately, it's YOU making the decision to get up and MOVE it! Way to go!!

    So, I did more push up practice at night and I did really GOOD!! I see so much improvement now that I have the correct form and the best method of practice (for me). After really struggling and starting to think there was something wrong with me, just a simple change in how I do it has given me hope to meet one of my goals of real push ups!! And improvement hasn't taken very long, so I could get there sooner than I thought!!
  • mrsg2013
    mrsg2013 Posts: 63 Member
    yay, Im here.
    today i started JM extreme shed and shred.
    It is a bit like 30ds, but she adds in kick boxing too, which i like :smile:
    I also walked from ground to level 6 an back down again at work. and I didnt get out of breath 1 bit. something must be changing lol
  • auntsammy88
    auntsammy88 Posts: 401 Member
    So I ended up doing both levels of yoga meltdown yesterday afternoon, and playing kinect adventure with a friend at a party. I still went over on calories (Party Food), but got a lot of working out done. Great job ladies!
  • NareenaTheGypsy
    NareenaTheGypsy Posts: 475 Member
    TOM started Fri evening and day two is always the worst. I hate to say this, but I took yday off from workouts. Work was a little less active for me as well. We have an employee on light duty which means there's less for me to do. Both good and bad.. a little less stress, a few less hours, but I need the hours all I can lol.
  • Galonamission81
    Galonamission81 Posts: 62 Member
    I forgot to post yesterday, but that marked the final day of my ripped in 30. Yay! But then I celebrated and ate a ton of buttery popcorn at the movies, so ... Not so yay.
  • PamHealthMission
    PamHealthMission Posts: 471 Member
    So, I did more push up practice at night and I did really GOOD!! I see so much improvement now that I have the correct form and the best method of practice (for me). After really struggling and starting to think there was something wrong with me, just a simple change in how I do it has given me hope to meet one of my goals of real push ups!! And improvement hasn't taken very long, so I could get there sooner than I thought!!

    WooHooo on doing more push-up practice!! I hear that you can find the bowflex dialup dumbbells on sites such as Craigslist and Santa just may be listening...LOL!