Help-fighting to lose weight while on insulin

I do a zumba workout everyday which burn a crazy amount of calories and I am always under my calorie count on MFP. Problem is I actually gained weight this week though I went down in some measurements while others stayed the same. I do find my clothes fitting a little better and I have a lot more energy. This is very frustrating. I am on insulin which makes weight loss incredibly hard, every single pound is very hard fought. Any tips? Trying different meds is not an option since I am allergic to all the gli meds (gliburide, glipizide, etc.) and metformin makes me very sick.


  • psv1012
    psv1012 Posts: 65 Member
    Did you try the time released metformin? The other type made me sick too,but I have had no problems with the time released one. I am not on insulin,but the Metformin has been a great help for my weight loss and my sugar control.
  • is80833
    is80833 Posts: 6
    Tried it, still made me sick. I also tried Victoza, that one didn't work by itself. I've pretty much been on all of them and insulin was the last final option.
  • nerdehgirl
    nerdehgirl Posts: 19 Member
    Could it perhaps have been muscle gain? I can't see your diary, what about your sodium intake? I'm on insulin, and indeed the weight loss seems like a slow and daunting process. I will be switching from the shot to the pump soon, and I'm in high hopes that this leads me to stabilize a better weight loss over time. It's slowly creeping down, but I know it's not as much as it should be.

    Try to find a way to get to your calories for the day, some days I have a hard time achieving even my 1200 but I make up for it by drinking a fruit smoothie with almond milk and Chia seeds. (Chia seeds also help with blood sugar!!!!)
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    It can be done, just don't give up, and don't expect it to be a linear process. I was put on insulin immediately upon diagnosis for the first 6 months, and it was very ironic that I lost weight during that time moreso than after (honestly, I also got a little lazy/complacent once I was off insulin... got cocky.) Insulin will let you lose the weight, but for me it was more in chunks and stops, even some periodic gain. I also was destined to gain when PMS hit while on insulin, moreso that pre insulin. I would fluctuate up to 10 pounds in a month. If you're truly doing all you can, try to trust that it will come off, slowly, yes, and irregularly, but it will. Just don't give up, space out the carbs you do take in, and have protein with every meal and snack.

    Good luck!
  • Sweets1954
    Sweets1954 Posts: 507 Member
    I am also on insulin and have been losing slowly. I know it's more frustrating but I figure if I lose it slowly it will stay off. I haven't really started a good exercise routine, I've been putting that off, so I don't know how much longer this is going to last.
  • nancyc64
    nancyc64 Posts: 4
    I am right there with you. I started in January also and I have only lost 10 pounds. However, I am looking at it another way. My sugar numbers have been so much better. So I am not concentrating on the weight loss so much as the better numbers. I have already had to lower my insulin dose some due to exercise so that is wonderful to me. The less insulin I have to take the easier it will be for my body to let go of the weight. At least that is what I am hoping.
  • is80833
    is80833 Posts: 6
    It might be muscle gain, my clothes have been fitting a little lose. I guess I'm just really frustrated with the up and down, and I hate being on the insulin. I do use a pump so that helps somewhat.
  • koshkasmum
    koshkasmum Posts: 276 Member
    I take an insulin analogue - Levemir, along with Victoza. Levemir is a basal insulin which does not have weight gain as a side effect and the Victoza has also helped curb my appetite some. Have you talked to your endocrinologist specifically about the weight issue? Perhaps a switch might help.
  • carolemorden9
    carolemorden9 Posts: 284 Member
    I take insulin, but I haven't had any problems losing weight since I started 3 weeks ago. I think that's because I monitor my blood sugars closely and don't take the Humalog before meals if my numbers are below 100 and I'm not going to eat a lot of carbs in the meals. If I have to take Humalog, I take between 5-15 units. I've also been able to go down from 80 units of Lantus to 70 units at night. I've noticed that if I take too much insulin, my sugars will drop, and I'll have to eat. I don't like having to do that.
  • nczuczu
    nczuczu Posts: 611 Member
    I have been losing weight consistently while being on insulin. Are you eating enough calories? Are you eating the right kinds of food? I was only eating 1270 calories and then figured out how many calories I should be eating based on my height/weight/age/lifestyle. I upped my calories to 1560 and am still losing weight. I found this calculator that is really easy to use This is just my opinion and without being able to see your age or your diary, I really can't offer any other suggestions.