Good Morning, Ladies.... and Gents (?)

JVCB Posts: 73 Member
I just thought I'd post a quick hello. I've joined your Group this morning, although I'm not "officially eligible" until the first week of April. For now, I am just lurking and learning.

I've been active on MFP since January 2nd and have found it very helpful in my quest to lose 44+ pounds. So many of the message board topics are by young folks doing their 30-Day Shreds, etc etc, that I thought I'd try to find a group that was a little closer to my own age group and interests.

I have a bad back (stenosis and DDD), which I aggravated badly last week by trying too hard on the I've been reduced to sitting back in my recliner with ice packs until I can get in to the doctor's for some injections. I may just stay here, since I've lost MORE weight in a shorter period of time since I stopped exercising, Go Figure... :huh:

Anyway, thanks for making it easy to join your Group.

J in Colorado


  • autygermom
    autygermom Posts: 6 Member
    That has happened to me also. I think we go past the "fat burning" and into fitness mode. My son disagrees with me about that, he thinks I should exercise more. I don't know what to do at this point.
  • Mrsmartin61
    Mrsmartin61 Posts: 119
    Welcome - hey I want a recliner like that! Glad you found this group! You will enjoy the encouraging words and chat.

    I know about the pain -- I have a back and leg injury from a fall last year -- its taking me so long to feel better. I still am not riding my horse yet --- but when the weather get warmer and the wind dies down -- I plan to saddle up and enjoy! For the time being I ride my stationery bike and get in a lot of walking.

    Blessings to you.

  • JVCB
    JVCB Posts: 73 Member
    Thanks to all for your kind replies. I figured that someone in this group would be able to relate to my current restrictions due to back pain!

    It's discouraging to have to stop my walking, when I had finally gotten "good" at it.... I'm sure that my "magic" recliner will stop working pretty soon and my weight loss will come to a screeching halt until I'm able to exercise again. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, so fingers crossed, and there is absolutely no way that I will agree to taking oral steroids again... automatic guarantee for an 8-10 pound weight gain every time I take those stinkers.

    Thanks again,
  • phylsyl
    phylsyl Posts: 284 Member
    Welcome! Glad you're here. Feel free to add me. Hope all goes well at the docs tomorrow.
  • JVCB
    JVCB Posts: 73 Member
    Thank you, phylsyl.... I've had my new MRI done, now waiting for the results. And, in case anyone is wondering, my "magic recliner" lost its magic and I'm up 2 pounds since my injury... :grumble:
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member
    Thanks to all for your kind replies. I figured that someone in this group would be able to relate to my current restrictions due to back pain!

    It's discouraging to have to stop my walking, when I had finally gotten "good" at it.... I'm sure that my "magic" recliner will stop working pretty soon and my weight loss will come to a screeching halt until I'm able to exercise again. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, so fingers crossed, and there is absolutely no way that I will agree to taking oral steroids again... automatic guarantee for an 8-10 pound weight gain every time I take those stinkers.

    Thanks again,

    OH my gosh, I can so relate to the oral steroids. I just started an 8 day regimen and I am drinking water like crazy, hoping to hold off on the darn weight gain. I have had epidural injections and they sure do cause the gain. So far I am holding my own, but have only been taking them for 2 days. LOL so time will tell.

    Hope you get good news at the Doc appointment. Back pain sucks big time. I have had mine since my early 20's and of course age has to go get in the way and make it worse.

    Anyway, so glad to have you here with us. Keep us updated. Thanks

  • JVCB
    JVCB Posts: 73 Member

    OH my gosh, I can so relate to the oral steroids. I just started an 8 day regimen and I am drinking water like crazy, hoping to hold off on the darn weight gain. I have had epidural injections and they sure do cause the gain. So far I am holding my own, but have only been taking them for 2 days. LOL so time will tell.

    Hope you get good news at the Doc appointment. Back pain sucks big time. I have had mine since my early 20's and of course age has to go get in the way and make it worse.

    Anyway, so glad to have you here with us. Keep us updated. Thanks


    Thanks, Marjie. Yes, I just HATE getting steroid shots... plus, they are bad for your bones (they exacerbate osteoporosis). We won't even talk about the recent deaths caused by fungal meningitis infections caused by contaminated injection drugs.
    I'm hoping to be able to have a Rhizotomy/Never Ablation procedure again this time, where they just 'fry' the outer coating of my facet joint nerves so that they can't carry the pain signal. It seems to last about 2-3 years for me, at which point the nerve regenerates and I can feel pain again. I'll find out on Friday whether my new MRI agrees with the one done 3 years ago.

    Best, Jayne
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Welcome to the group.I also have back issues and really feel for you! Good luck with the MRI.
  • JVCB
    JVCB Posts: 73 Member
    A little update (for those who 'care', LOL) and a QUESTION: <<
    skip to end

    My MRI showed no real change from the last one 3 years ago, so this was good news. It means that I can get by for another period of time by having a electrosurgical procedure to deaden the nerves on my Facet Joints (Rhizotomy, or Nerve Ablation). I've had it done twice before, and each time it has given me 2 - 3 years of relief from the worst part of my lumbar pain.

    The bad news is that the first open appointment is 6 weeks from now. Since I cannot spend 6 more weeks not getting ANYTHING done, I am going to have to take those ^&%## Oral Steroids in order to reduce the internal inflammation and swelling. The last 3 times I have taken them, I have gained a LOT of weight...but I also probably wasn't as careful as I should have been, since when I'm depressed and not exercising I tend to overeat. I'm absolutely not going to eat more than my current 1200 calories a day THIS time... and hope that will be enough to keep from gaining back all the weight I've lost so far.

    >> So, my QUESTION is, whether anyone here has been able to avoid weight gain while taking the 1-week heavy course of steroids? If so, any tips or pointers?

  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member
    A little update (for those who 'care', LOL) and a QUESTION: <<
    skip to end

    My MRI showed no real change from the last one 3 years ago, so this was good news. It means that I can get by for another period of time by having a electrosurgical procedure to deaden the nerves on my Facet Joints (Rhizotomy, or Nerve Ablation). I've had it done twice before, and each time it has given me 2 - 3 years of relief from the worst part of my lumbar pain.

    The bad news is that the first open appointment is 6 weeks from now. Since I cannot spend 6 more weeks not getting ANYTHING done, I am going to have to take those ^&%## Oral Steroids in order to reduce the internal inflammation and swelling. The last 3 times I have taken them, I have gained a LOT of weight...but I also probably wasn't as careful as I should have been, since when I'm depressed and not exercising I tend to overeat. I'm absolutely not going to eat more than my current 1200 calories a day THIS time... and hope that will be enough to keep from gaining back all the weight I've lost so far.

    >> So, my QUESTION is, whether anyone here has been able to avoid weight gain while taking the 1-week heavy course of steroids? If so, any tips or pointers?


    Glad to hear no worse than 3 years ago. And you have had relief from the nerve burning? I have heard so many different views on that. 6 weeks sucks, and so do those oral steroids. I am just finishing up my 8 day course. Last pill tomorrow AM. I drank water like crazy and held off on weight gain, but yesterday and today I have eaten nothing but crap! I hate this and I hate the feeling they give me. So, I just say drink tons of liquids to try and flush them out and eat right and try to do some easy exercise that can burn calories. Walk around the house as often as you can or even out side some. Just small walks. I know with pain it is not an easy thing to do, but I find if I don't move about, it is worse. Also make sure you do some type of Physical Therapy stretches. If you have had PT in the past, try to do whatever they taught you. Good luck and keep us informed. I of course wait anxiously for any word on anyone with the same type stuff I have going on in my spine.

    Take care Jayne

  • Alamo0809
    Alamo0809 Posts: 95 Member