Looking for the silver lining

So I completed 2 weeks of Insanity. I have gained about a pound. Lost a little in my measurements but the only plus today was that I did better on my fit test. The first time I did the first month of insanity I did not take any protein and I was trying to stay under the 1,200 calorie mark. Now I am taking a scoop of protein after work outs and I moved my calorie intake to about 1,300 or so. On here is the lose 1-1 1/2 a week. I just need some sort of advice or someone with the silver lining. Wondering if I should up my workouts to running at least 3 times a week on top of Insanity....help :(


  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    1 - You will see more results in the 2nd month. The first month is just to prep you for the 2nd month. I lost most of my inches and body fat in the last 2 weeks.
    2 - You need to eat more, 1500 calories at a minimum! If you add more exercises you need to take in more calories. Here's a helpful link to determine how much you should be eating.
    3 - You will need protein, it's vital for your body and without it your body will start burning your muscles for fuel. After the workouts you need to refuel, either with a protein shake of a 4:1 carb:protein ratio (1 cup of 1% milk with 1 serving of chocolate syrup) or Results & Recovery Formula
    4 - I gained 3 lbs in my first month of Insanity from the shock to my muscles (aka, water retention). It's best not to step on the scale for the first month because you will retain water for 2 weeks at a minimum.
  • sclaibo
    sclaibo Posts: 136 Member
    Don't give up, the first 2 weeks are definitely the hardest and results are weak. I actually lost 15 pounds in my first month and my belly is no longer coming over my jeans! However, the first 2 weeks were the worst and i felt like i wasn't making any progress. I am in the recovery week and start month two next week (so scared!). This is my second time doing insanity and I feel like i am learning from my past mistakes where I felt like I was bulking up instead of slimming down. First, I ignored the nutrition plan caloric guidelines and did what my body told me to do. According to the guidelines, I was supposed to be eating about 2400 calories a day! My body felt fat every day and every morning. This time, I reduced to around 1300-1500 calories a day, indulging a little more on the weekends. I also started to see the weight melting off when I substituted cardio recovery for yoga! I felt like that was what was missing to make my body LEAN. I hope that in month 2, i can lose another 15 pounds!
  • meleryan2
    meleryan2 Posts: 2 Member
    Keep going! Don't give up on the Insanity journey. I am doing Insanity with my husband and we are now starting Recovery Week today. I have seen great changes in his body but only slight changes in mine. I do feel more energized and feel my endurance has definitely increased. Some mornings I look in the mirror and see that my abs look flatter but the next day it seems it's flabby, lol. Anyway, the thing that keeps me motivated is reading the blogs and seeing people say that the 2nd month is when most people see great results and pounds lost (even though I stay away from the scale and measure by looks and how clothes fit). Currently, I go off of what MFP says my caloric intake should be to lose 2 lbs a week, so I stay between 1200-1300 calories. My husband and I have decided to add protein shakes after our workouts. Also, the calendar says you can substitute Max Interval Sports Training for some of the Core Cardio & Balance workouts in recovery week, so we'll alternate. Anyone have any other pointers?I've stayed consistent with working out and going hard during the workouts, so I'm pushing through with a goal to go from size 10 to size 6! :smile:
  • Keep going! Don't give up on the Insanity journey. I am doing Insanity with my husband and we are now starting Recovery Week today. I have seen great changes in his body but only slight changes in mine. I do feel more energized and feel my endurance has definitely increased. Some mornings I look in the mirror and see that my abs look flatter but the next day it seems it's flabby, lol. Anyway, the thing that keeps me motivated is reading the blogs and seeing people say that the 2nd month is when most people see great results and pounds lost (even though I stay away from the scale and measure by looks and how clothes fit). Currently, I go off of what MFP says my caloric intake should be to lose 2 lbs a week, so I stay between 1200-1300 calories. My husband and I have decided to add protein shakes after our workouts. Also, the calendar says you can substitute Max Interval Sports Training for some of the Core Cardio & Balance workouts in recovery week, so we'll alternate. Anyone have any other pointers?I've stayed consistent with working out and going hard during the workouts, so I'm pushing through with a goal to go from size 10 to size 6! :smile:

    Awesome, thanks so much. Finished week 3 yesterday and i do feel stronger and you are so right about feeling flat then flabby. I hate that! I think the calorie thing is what is in my head. This is the second time I've done month one and the first time I was keeping my calories in that range. Right now I'm more on the 1300-1500 range so I'm second guessing that. We will see, month one ends this week and then i go to Florida for 4 days, wondering what I could do instead of cardio recovery that will help but not take away from my vacation too much. Definitely a run on the beach one day, but we will see.
  • Don't give up, the first 2 weeks are definitely the hardest and results are weak. I actually lost 15 pounds in my first month and my belly is no longer coming over my jeans! However, the first 2 weeks were the worst and i felt like i wasn't making any progress. I am in the recovery week and start month two next week (so scared!). This is my second time doing insanity and I feel like i am learning from my past mistakes where I felt like I was bulking up instead of slimming down. First, I ignored the nutrition plan caloric guidelines and did what my body told me to do. According to the guidelines, I was supposed to be eating about 2400 calories a day! My body felt fat every day and every morning. This time, I reduced to around 1300-1500 calories a day, indulging a little more on the weekends. I also started to see the weight melting off when I substituted cardio recovery for yoga! I felt like that was what was missing to make my body LEAN. I hope that in month 2, i can lose another 15 pounds!

    Thank you! You are so right the first two weeks are hard, and ending week 3 I feel stronger but I am done with the little successes and want the major ones to start coming. Can you tell I'm a little impatient? Hahaha! Thank you again thought his is mentally tough. I am in a rural city teaching with Teach For America, I don't have a roommate and no gyms down here so I'm on my own which makes this hard because I have to make sure to motivate myself everyday. But thank you for the encouragement, it helps a lot!