
Please add all your favourite healthy recipes!

Here's one of my favourite breakfast smoothies. I don't have nutritional details, but its relatively easy to work out from ingredients.
This is also great to eat as a snack, as the high protein count helps to curb hunger. :)

Half 500ml tub of low or fat free natural yogurt
2 heaped desert spoons of low fat cottage cheese.
Handful of berry fruit (I tend to use raspberries)
Honey to sweeten if required
1 heaped dessert spoon of ground flax (optional)

Whiz all together in a blender until smooth. Makes 2-3 servings


  • Sarah_Alexa
    Sarah_Alexa Posts: 25 Member
    Green Goddess juice

    Having looked far and wide for a great green juice, this one packs in a lot of the nutrition we need and tastes amazing.

    Half a Cucumber
    Juice of 1 Lime
    Half Romaine Lettuce
    1 Pink Lady Apple
    Half cup of pure Coconut Water (vita coco is a good brand)
    3 handfuls of Spinach
    3 Celery Stalks
    2 handfuls kale (optional)
    1 sachet of wheatgrass powder (optional)

    i dont want to buy a juicer (i've read too many reports of them being hard to clean) so i chop everything up and squeeze the lime juice, then use a hand blender to make it all creamy, adding the coconut water first to ensure it liquifies with ease. Then i pour it into my Prolex blender which has a jug with internal mesh filter. The cross blade then blends the veg mulsh further and forces the juice through the mesh to the outer area of the jug ready for pouring. Apart from the motor base, everything else rinses easily and is dishwasher proof.

    Easy cleaning and quick results makes this a fairly fast morning juice or post-work pre-meal winner. :smile:
  • Joannavictoriaashley
    Joannavictoriaashley Posts: 21 Member
    The night time sweet cravings are the worst for me, I usually tried a cup of tea and a chocolate rice cake but didn't find any relief. Luckily the other day I was at the gym when one of the trainers brought in these fabulous "cookies", they are made very simply, just two bananas mashed with one cup of uncooked oatmeal, about 6 chopped up almonds and a few mini chocolate chips sprinkled in, all mashed together and baked at 350 degrees for 15 mins, they yield about 10 nice sized cookies at around 45 cals a piece, they are delicious and very satisfying. I have two with a cup of herbal cinnamon tea and I no longer suffer the cravings that I've suffered for years.

    Just had to share this recipe posted by one of our members! Sunforme3 :smile:

    2 bananas mashed in to 1 cup oatmeal (uncooked)
    6 chopped almonds
    Few mini choc chips
    Mash together then bake at 350 degrees (180 UK) for 15 mins.
    Makes approx 10 cookies.
  • Sarah_Alexa
    Sarah_Alexa Posts: 25 Member

    Being on a diet doesn’t mean your foods have to be bland or boring! Sometimes during the day, you need a pick-me-up snack. These snack ideas are more on the creative side while still being healthy! And remember: everything in moderation.

    * Pitta bread and hummus topped with feta cheese and chopped olives
    * Cottage cheese with low-fat yogurt and raspberries
    * Homemade fruit smoothies - blueberries, coconut milk and mint is unusual but delicious
    * Handful of almonds, raisins, and hazelnuts
    * Cherry tomatoes
    * Strawberries mixed with the contents of vanilla pods
    * Pineapple with cubed cheese
    N.B. Use fresh pineapple only to ensure you get the amazing enzymes found in this fruit
    * Edamame beans with hot sauce or your favourite spice
    * Almond butter and banana on rice cakes
    * Sunflower seeds - any ideas of what to eat with these?
    * Hard boiled egg
    * Orange and apple slices sprinkled with cinnamon
    N.B. Cinnamon blocks receptors in the brain so you dont crave sugar later on after eating these sugary fruits
    * Spinach leaves with strawberries and balsamic vinaigrette dressing
    * Frozen fruit - i've found banana, cherries and clementine segments to be the best fruits to freeze (they dont go watery and lose their flavour upon melting)
  • Sarah_Alexa
    Sarah_Alexa Posts: 25 Member
    LUNCH or DINNER option: Catalan Gazpacho Soup

    Another easy one - blend the following together and serve chilled. :smile:

    1 Red Bell Pepper
    1 Cucumber
    3 Plum tomatoes
    1 small Jalapeno pepper
    1 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
    Juice of 1 Lime
    1/2 tsp Cumin
    1 tsp Sea Salt
    2 Garlic cloves

    This will create a full bowl so could be shared by 2 but wouldn't be enough if the one you're sharing with is a ravenous man. :happy: You also have the option to sprinkle chopped tomatoes, avocado, celery and onions on top if you want some crunch.

    This tasted amazing with the jalapeno spice giving it a great kick whilst the cucumber works to boost your hydration levels and alkalise your system. Great on a hot day.

    Sarah. xx
  • sparkleysparrow
    Brilliant suggestions! Thank you
  • Sarah_Alexa
    Sarah_Alexa Posts: 25 Member
    LUNCH or DINNER option: Creamy broccoli soup

    A warming, high-protein soup that takes only 15 minutes to prepare. A definite favourite! :heart:

    To make 1 decent sized bowl of soup (double up for 2 people):

    Make up 200ml of vegetable stock
    2 overflowing cups of chopped broccoli florets
    1 red bell pepper, chopped
    2 red or yellow onions, chopped
    1 avocado
    1 celery stalk chopped
    3rd of a tsp of cumin powder
    Quarter tsp of mashed, fresh ginger
    Sea salt flakes or crystals (your preference) to sprinkle on at the very end

    Add the veg stock, broccoli and onions to a pot and heat through gently for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.

    Then transfer to a large plastic jug and use a hand blender to puree all of the ingredients together, except the salt. Add to a bowl, sprinkle with a little sea salt to taste. Serve whilst still warm.

    I wasn’t expecting this soup to be so full of flavour but it was delicious and so quick and easy to make! Nom nom nom. ☺

    Sarah. xx
  • Sarah_Alexa
    Sarah_Alexa Posts: 25 Member

    If you're interested in living a more pH balanced life (alkalising your body and reducing the level of harmful acids) then this is what your pantry would benefit from containing:


    * Ginger
    * Onions
    * Chilli peppers
    * Limes
    * Sun-dried tomatoes
    * Broccoli
    * Dark lettuces (e.g. Romaine)
    * Spinach
    * Kale
    * Red & Green cabbage
    * Celery
    * Carrots
    * Cucumber
    * Squash
    * Courgettes
    * Beetroot
    * Radishes
    * Avocado
    * Tomato
    * Bell peppers
    * Chard
    * Asparagus
    * Green beans
    * Leeks
    * Aubergine


    * Spelt
    * Buckwheat
    * Kamut
    * Millet
    * Quinoa
    * Brown basmati
    * Pasta (made from quinoa, spelt or buckwheat)
    * Rice, soba or buckwheat noodles
    * Sprouted wheat tortillas
    * Flours - wholewheat, gram, rye, millet, spelt


    * Edamame (soybean)
    * Aduki
    * Lentils
    * Mung beans
    * Chickpea
    * Black-eyed peas
    * Pinto
    * Kidney
    * Black


    * Almonds
    * Hazelnuts
    * Pine nuts
    * Brazil
    * Macadamia
    * Pecans
    * Walnuts
    (Avoid peanuts and cashew nuts because they contain high levels of mycotoxins)


    * Linssed
    * Sesame
    * Sunflower
    * Alfalfa
    * Pumpkin
    * Tahini

    SPICES (fresh and dried):

    * Garlic
    * Onion
    * Cumin
    * Basil
    * Coriander
    * Cayenne pepper
    * Turmeric
    * Cinnamon
    * Curry
    * Parsley
    * Sea salt
    * Chilli salt


    * Extra virgin olive oil
    * Rapeseed
    * Sesame
    * Linseed


    * Almond
    * Soy
    * Rice
    * Coconut

    A lot of tasty meals can be made from this list and i'll continue to add my favourites as i go along. :smile:

    Sarah xx