March 3, 2013

FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member

Happy Sunday!!

Nice statistic, isn't it? 310 days per year! If you are working out today, be proud of yourself, you are in rare company.


  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Good to see there are some DEDICATED friends out there, who checked-in on a Saturday.

    Well, today is Sunday, don't be shy--check-in!! Even if you are having a rest day, just check-in and keep yourself honest.

    In the spirit of keeping myself honest, I'm just gonna go ahead and say, I don't know what I might do today!

    My husband is gone, so I have the kids all day and the weather is yuck. My body is STILL in the constant state of SORE that it has been in for 60 days (thanks to Jillian Michaels). BUT! I put together a workout plan last night, thanks to the inspiration I got here!! THAT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!! I looked at youtube videos and felt like a kid in a candy store!! The best thing was when I'd think, "Oh, but do I really want to commit to that?" and then would remind myself that it's not for 30 days or 10 days or even 6 days
    it's just ONCE! So SURE, I'll pencil it in! So, I got carried away and put together a plan for the next TWO WEEKS (starting tomorrow). Eventually I created a framework to put future plans together (such as: Monday "hardest day" total body, Tuesday "all cardio day", Wednesday "something fun or try something new", Thursday "something a little easier, or something old", Abs integrated in the Wed or Thurs workouts, Friday butt/thigh/legs, Saturday/Sunday alternate rest or hill-running or my own workout). I even put together my own calisthenic workout, to use on the weekend, alternated with a rest day. No computer or internet connection required--just rounds of jumping jacks, burpees, push ups, sit ups, squats according to my ability level (with a little "push").

    So, since yesterday I walked (and carried my heavy lil girl alot) and did my push ups in the morning and the evening, I'm going to give myself permission to do nothing or anything today. But TOMORROW, heeeheeeheee I'm giddy to start my new plan!
  • freindsofmine
    freindsofmine Posts: 123 Member
    Sounds like a great plan .not sure yet what I will be doing .but I'm sure it will be something .my arms are so sore from the gardening,I didn't realize untill yesterday when I was doing chelean that's with weights how sore I was and this morning is the same two days straight .its crazy .but I try to do somcething .problemly cardio. Of some sort .have a great day everyone
  • auntsammy88
    auntsammy88 Posts: 401 Member
    Hooray for starting plans tomorrow! I'm looking forward to my March Plan. Today will be my last day of RI30 (hooray!), so I will be doing that. My mini challenge for today is 100 squats. It's supposed to be warm today, so I may also take my pup on a nice long walk. Keep it up friends! We can do this! =)
  • LizardQueen4PointOh
    LizardQueen4PointOh Posts: 245 Member
    Hooray for starting plans tomorrow! I'm looking forward to my March Plan. Today will be my last day of RI30 (hooray!), so I will be doing that. My mini challenge for today is 100 squats. It's supposed to be warm today, so I may also take my pup on a nice long walk. Keep it up friends! We can do this! =)

    You gave me the motivation to do a little something today! We just started fostering a dog (hopefully we'll adopt her - owner got arrested and has to release ownership) and taking her and the kids for a nice walk around the block sounds like a great low intensity burn. Mimi (the dog) is going to be so excited! :smile:
  • Galonamission81
    Galonamission81 Posts: 62 Member
    My oh my! I CAN feel the burn. Thank god for Canadian winters, it's pretty easy to cool off!
    My ego got the best of me today, I thought after doing both the shred and ripped in 30, it would be no biggie to pull off the shred levels one and two back to back. Well, that just brought me down a notch or two. Lol... But it feels good top have done that. My husband and is went to watch Identity Thief last night, and we ate a Ginormous bag of buttery popcorn.
    I may take the kidlets out tobagganing for some fun this afternoon!

    Have a great day, all!
  • LizardQueen4PointOh
    LizardQueen4PointOh Posts: 245 Member
    So, we went for our walk! We went at Mimi's (chihuahua) pace the first mile. This included stopping to sniff and mark. On the way back, Mimi rode in the jogging stroller with the kiddos and I got a little fast paced walking and jogging in. It felt good to get out and enjoy the outdoors.
  • mrsg2013
    mrsg2013 Posts: 63 Member
    Hooray for starting plans tomorrow! I'm looking forward to my March Plan. Today will be my last day of RI30 (hooray!), so I will be doing that. My mini challenge for today is 100 squats. It's supposed to be warm today, so I may also take my pup on a nice long walk. Keep it up friends! We can do this! =)

    yay for you hun x
  • mrsg2013
    mrsg2013 Posts: 63 Member
    done day 2 of JM extreme shed and shred!

    I got my 1st NSV........I just tried on my size 8 (uk) dress and it fit. this dress wouldnt go past my shoulders in january!!!!!! woop wooop

    thank you JM
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    My ego got the best of me today, I thought after doing both the shred and ripped in 30, it would be no biggie to pull off the shred levels one and two back to back. Well, that just brought me down a notch or two. Lol... But it feels good top have done that.

    Oh no, don't tell me that!! That is *EXACTLY* what I have planned for my Monday (aka, most challenging day of the week) workout tomorrow!!! hahaha!! Oh well, it's not supposed to be easy. I'll tackle it and see how it goes. I look forward to firing up the shred again. It's been awhile.

    Yay Natalie for size decreasing!! Reminds me that I need to try on some smaller jeans soon, to see where I am with that.

    Well done everyone. Great reporting, good working out/being active...and what's life without a little buttered popcorn now and then anyway?! :bigsmile:

    See ya tomorrow!!
  • Ssand_257
    Ssand_257 Posts: 90
    Hey everyone just checking in!
    I didn't really feel like running today but i made up for it with shoveling snow! we go hit with a huge storm and man was it a workout out an a half.
    I might do some core and strengh training this evening, also, for everyone looking for motivation or some interesting workout i find most of my core, leg, arm, ect workouts on, if you go under the health and fitness catagory there are a lot of super interesting workout and some of them are killers!
  • ellazakay
    Hey everyone, glad to hear so many people were so motivated today. Today is my rest day, as I work on Sundays on my feet all day. Tomorrow starts it all back up for me again. Everyone is definitely doing amazing so far. Glad to see we're all staying motivated!
  • Hurdisnie1
    Hurdisnie1 Posts: 218 Member
    I am on the fence as to if I want to work out or call it a restday.. I am going to go for a walk because I need to get out of the house... I just want my walk to be worth it. Hum

    It is hard to log in on Sunday.. with all the weeks prep work going on.
  • PamHealthMission
    PamHealthMission Posts: 471 Member
    I am starting this week (Mar 3 to Mar 9) with the following exercise circuits. It is week 2 of 4:

    Sun - Rest Day
    Mon - CLX Extreme Intervals (cardio, abs, strength)
    Tue - CLX Burn It Off (cardio)
    Wed - Debbie Sieber Keep It Up (cardio, abs, strength)
    Thu - Leslie Sansone Walking DVD (cardio)
    Fri - Jillian Michael 30 Day Shred Level 2 (cardio, abs, strength)
    Sat - Rest Day

    Other things to track for March:

    9/896 oz. of straight water
    2/21 days of fitness
    0 lb / 4 lb weight loss

    The weather was so nice this afternoon that I did a 30 minute power walk outdoors instead of “resting”. :wink:

    Let's make it a great week!
  • auntsammy88
    auntsammy88 Posts: 401 Member
    So, we went for our walk! We went at Mimi's (chihuahua) pace the first mile. This included stopping to sniff and mark. On the way back, Mimi rode in the jogging stroller with the kiddos and I got a little fast paced walking and jogging in. It felt good to get out and enjoy the outdoors.

    So glad you, the kids, and mimi enjoyed your time outside!

    What I ended up doing today: Finished W4 of RI30!!! 20 minute walk (with a little bit of jogging) with Lady ( lab mix) and my hubby, and 50 minute bike ride around the neighborhood with the hubby.
  • winterswish
    winterswish Posts: 162
    Checking in for accountability and motivation! Today wasn't a scheduled rest day but it wound up being one anyway. Feeling tummy-sick most of the day and felt like I accomplished a lot just by getting my laundry done and kitchen prepped for the week.

    Begin again tomorrow.

    Have a great week everyone!
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    did my Ripped in 30 and 45 minutes of yoga. I have missed my yoga. I am scheduling that into my week at least 3x from now on.