Where Are My Tall Ladies??? (Pics Would Be Great!!!)



  • Paramourangel4
    Paramourangel4 Posts: 1 Member
    I am 5'10" ( 5'11" if you catch me in the morning, and when I am not slouching ;-) )

    I have a very slim body frame.

    SW - 148
    CW -140
    Goal -135

    I don't have a ton left to loose but, I would like to loose it by summer. I really need to do more toning than anything else. My husband and I plan on trying to have another child in about 6 months, and I would like to get my body back into shape before I get pregnant again. That may seem counter productive but, I would like an easier pregnancy this time around, with more energy, and a quicker recovery time.
  • 6'
    SW: 198
    CW: 191
    GW: 168

    I have a large frame and have always been a big girl, so 168 might be a bit of a stretch. More than anything, I'd like to be comfortable with myself. I had been holding 178 or so pretty steady for nearly a year- until my husband and I quit smoking. It was like the weight came on overnight. It's been a huge struggle to lose just 7 pounds. Hoping for some motivation/inspiration on here! :-)
  • Techtwin2
    Techtwin2 Posts: 6 Member
    I just started, so I haven't taken pictures yet. I'm 5'11" and I weight 256lbs...I'm hoping to get to 190 though. :)
    Good luck everyone and feel free to add me! I'd love to have some extra fitness buddies. :P
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    Hey Everyone.

    I guess I never posted in here when I initially joined the group (it's quiet in here!)

    I just turned 31, and have been a member of MFP since Nov/12.

    SW: 204
    CW: 188
    GW: 175 +/- (I'm mostly interested at this point in losing fat/gaining lean muscle which may not register on the scale)

    I started out wearing a size 14 and in the last picture I am wearing a size 8. I am currently working through the New Rules of Lifting for Women and have seen GREAT changes in my body composition from this program.

    Best of luck to you all with your goals!

    Here is a picture of me when I started 30 Day Shred (I think that this was around the end of November):

    [img]http://i1305.photobucket.com/albums/s541/Linli_Anne/Weightloss and Toning/30DS-day1side.jpg[/img]

    This one is from the last day of the 30 Day Shred (end of December):

    [img]http://i1305.photobucket.com/albums/s541/Linli_Anne/Weightloss and Toning/20121227_160956.jpg[/img]

    This was me yesterday, on my birthday:

    [img]http://i1305.photobucket.com/albums/s541/Linli_Anne/Weightloss and Toning/20130307_111211_zps0f49f4dc.jpg[/img]
  • mfrkorey
    mfrkorey Posts: 176 Member

    This was me yesterday, on my birthday:

    Happy Birthday!!
  • Jayne19099
    Jayne19099 Posts: 149 Member
    Hi Ladies! This looks like such a great group!

    I'm 5'10" and currently 174.5 lb. My goal is 150 lb with some serious toning. :D

    Please add me if you are looking for motivation friends!
  • lakerschick275
    lakerschick275 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi all! I'm 5'10" and 130 pounds. 283837_707728955284_4006098_n.jpg
  • Treadmillmom1st
    Treadmillmom1st Posts: 579 Member
    Age 41 Height 6ft
    SW 166
    CW 143



  • Treadmillmom1st
    Treadmillmom1st Posts: 579 Member
    lakerschick275 you have a great physique, fantastic picture.
  • junctiongirl
    junctiongirl Posts: 57 Member
    5'10 age 29
    Starting weight 190 lbs
    Current Weight 183 lbs
    Goal weight Dreaming 140 lbs
    Realistic 160 lbs
  • junctiongirl
    junctiongirl Posts: 57 Member
    There are some great pics on here to help set goals. Way to go ladies!
  • kizzykat60
    kizzykat60 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all, I am 6 feet and currently weigh 153lbs. I am 48 years old. I joined MFP to help lose body fat percentage for competition in BJJ a form of martial arts. I just love the features of keeping track of carbs, fats and protiens. I am looking to get down to 15 percent body fat by adding muscle mass. I want to stay within the 148-154 range.
  • kizzykat60
    kizzykat60 Posts: 5 Member
    very nice pics!!! I want arms like that. :happy:
  • Yay we're the same height and close to the same weight!! Your doing great....We can do this!!
  • Meant for that to be to techtwin2
  • paige_eloise
    paige_eloise Posts: 170 Member
    6ft/ 6ft 1 :D and I'm 190lbs - aiming to get down to a round 150lbs (to begin with) :D
  • Aellyn
    Aellyn Posts: 75 Member
    I'm 5'11
    Starting weight: 310 lbs
    Current Weight: 298.4 lbs
    Goal Weight: 170 lbs

    I used to think my goal weight was too high because it's not the goal weight of most of the people I know (most of which are under 5'7). It's nice to see that I'm not alone in what I think will work for me and my tall frame.
  • daloehr
    daloehr Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there :)
    Im 6'1
    Starting weight: 310lbs
    Goal weight: 185lbs
  • LiveBreathe
    LiveBreathe Posts: 6 Member
    Hey All,

    I'm 5'10 1/2" and my current weight is 166 lbs my goal weight is 130 lbs.
  • k13694
    k13694 Posts: 11
    Hi all! I'm 5'10" and weighed in this morning at 158.8! I started my journey at 172.9 and am hoping to get down somewhere around 145-150. Here's a recent photo as well. I'd love to get to know more ladies my height so please come say hello!
