LCHF - Egg Allergy Recipes?

fluffy925 Posts: 93 Member
Hi, i have just started low carbing with high fat, but am finding it difficult to find recipes that have no egg in, as i have an egg allergy.
Has anyone the same, and does anyone have recipes please?

Also looking for new friends, so please add me if you are on lchf too!


  • BlessedWith3
    Hi fluffy925! Are you looking for something in particular? Baked buffalo wings are is guacamole...baked artichoke dip. Mock potato soup, broccoli soup. Dessert you can take heavy whip cream, add cocoa and liquid Splenda or make a fat bomb. There are many eggless options and I can give you recipes if you can tell me what you are seeking.
  • fluffy925
    fluffy925 Posts: 93 Member
    Sounds interesting, but what i was looking for was some lchf tortillas or pancake, and bread , also cakes and cookies, as i have been on this way of dieting for a week and lost 4lbs. using veg & meat & cheese recipes but miss the dough!
    I made some pancakes last night with some gluten free flour, with cream & blueburries, and overnight i puffed up and on the scale this morning i was 2lbs heavier :(
  • BlessedWith3
    I wish I could help you on that end. I don't use any of those items. Take a look around this site

    She has many recipes that may help.

    Alsp if you feel up to experimenting, Try replacing the egg.

    In place of each egg, use: 1-½ teaspoons of oil and 1-½ teaspoons of water and 1 teaspoon of baking powder

    Look at the Muffin in a Minute recipes. The are really easy and delicious. They call for 1 egg, bur instead of the egg, just use 1-½ teaspoons of oil and 1-½ teaspoons of water
  • fluffy925
    fluffy925 Posts: 93 Member
    Ok i'll try that, thanks for your help!
  • ZipperJJ
    ZipperJJ Posts: 209 Member
    In my opinion, as an experiences low-carber, you should give yourself more time than a week to learn to live without breads and other doughy treats. Don't look for low carb items that are like bread to replace bread. Instead, look for low carb items that you can enjoy instead of bread or bread-like foods.

    I say give yourself a month without any extras like low-carb bread and cakes, and then see if you still really "need" it.
  • cheetosandburritos
    cheetosandburritos Posts: 93 Member
    I agree with the above poster. I would try to avoid bread substitutes for the first month, especially if they seem to be negating your weight loss.
    Are you allowed to have egg replacer? With an egg allergy, I assume you are familiar with the powder that you can use to replace eggs in recipes. If not, you can find it in some grocery stores, but definitely Whole Foods.
    Several blogs I use to find low carb recipes are SkinnyTaste, Your Lighter Side, and I Breathe...I'm Hungry.
    Good luck with your continued weight loss!
  • fluffy925
    fluffy925 Posts: 93 Member
    Thanks all, food for thought (but not eggs) i have tried egg replacer and it tastes horrid, i think its a good idea just to go breadless as suggested, to get rid of the cravings.