Hello and Welcome!



  • purpleheart416
    purpleheart416 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi! I'm 44 (wow) and a single mom to a DS17. I've been on WW since May, lost 20+, but got a Fitbit for Xmas and decided to totally switch over to MFP for a while and see if it works just as well. I still have about 15-20 lbs to go. I slacked off a little during the holidays, not losing but maintaining, and am ready to see that number on the scale go DOWN again. I'm hoping that the Fitbit will remind me to be more ACTIVE. I'm a total couch potato after work :(
  • schooby2
    schooby2 Posts: 20 Member
    Sounds like we all have a lot in common! Let's be there for each other so we can LOSE together! :happy:
  • Hello ladies! Yep, Mom and 40's--keywords for me!

    I'm 41 with three kids, aged 4-14. Live in a rural area, meaning a gym isn't feasible for me (would be at least 1/2 hour drive). I had some success in the past with Walk Away the Pounds by Leslie Sansone, but just wasn't getting motivated to do it at all. We just got a treadmill (can't believe dh went for it!), and no way am I wasting that money. He ended up putting it in his workroom, which was nice of him and will work out great for me. I can go in at 5 or 5:30am, watch the tiny tv, or read my Nook and walk a few miles without disturbing anyone. That is the best time for me to workout.

    I haven't had a problem with my weight yo-yo'ing or gain and lose. For a good 15 years or more, my scale has one number it has liked best, and time after time, I return to that number--sometimes I keep a few below or above it for awhile, but always near it. The one time as an adult I really lost weight was before I had kids, was working part-time and had access to the gym and time to use it. Yeah...!

    I don't know how much I want to lose total, but my ticker is for my first goal--it will put be below a huge milestone block I can never seem to get under. I may have gone under it twice--one with very bad morning sickness, the other with a MAJOR health crisis; neither a time to celebrate it. I just need to see that scale under that number first, then I'll work on others.

    I would love support, challenges, a shoulder to lean on, an encouraging word, etc. I haven't been on message boards of any type for about two years, but I think it's time I come back (used to be a babycenter junky for like 11 years).

    I look forward to getting to know you!
  • Hi Everyone :)

    I'm a happily married 41year old who is also a Mum to 2 wonderful sons aged 12 and 6. My sons are both Autistic so as you can hopefully imagine life around here gets pretty hectic !!
    I have previously lost 30kg on another "diet" and was sooooooo proud of myself, but alas I thought I was "cured" of the weight issue and slowly but surely the kilos crept back on. I gave up smoking which I am sure is one reason why they weight came back but at the end of the day it's what I eat that is causing the problem now!
    Unfortunately I have "found" 20kg of the 30 I lost so I really want to get back to my goal weight of 62kgs.
    I look forward to sharing my jopurney with you all :)
  • jwergland
    jwergland Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! This looks like the right group for me, so many of the issues you've posted are so familiar. I'm a 44yo at home mom with four kids (14yo stepdaughter, 9yo & 7yo daughters & 6yo son). I never had a weight issue in younger years....overate constantly, exercised only sporadically, & didn't gain weight. I certainly wasn't fit, but since I was thin I guess I didn't care (ah, the arrogance of youth!)

    Fast forward to my forties, three babies in quick succession, not working, changing metabolism, no time, and so on. I'm more than 30lbs overweight & have been complaining about it for 5 years. I start eating better & exercising, then give up after a week or two because "it's too hard".

    I am the queen of "I Will Start My Healthy Habits Tomorrow."
    I have actually eaten leftover cake out of the trash because nothing was touching it. REALLY?!!!!

    This time HAS to be different. I have three young children who need me. Having my kids somewhat later in life, I want to stay healthy so I'm around for them as long as possible. I want to have more energy so I am more patient with them. I want to be a good role model for them so they will be fit for life. I want to be the silly, fun, energetic mom that I can be, rather than the tired, sluggish mom that I often am. And of course I want to be healthy so I'll live longer & be free of debilitating illness.

    Big serious reasons aside, I also want to look GOOD in my jeans again!!! It feels shallow somehow, because you are who you are no matter what you look like....but my weight gain has affected my confidence.

    I have heard that a support network can really help keep you accountable & motivated, so hello!
  • Hello everyone! I just joined this group. I'm a 40 yr. old mom with a 10 (almost 11) year old and a 6 year old. I work full time, plus I have a handmade business on the side. I've had some weight issues all my life, but never this bad...I got a little chunky as a pre-teen, got really thin my freshman year in high school when I had mono...stayed small until age 19 when I put on about 50lbs during a sedentary job...then I got busy and active again and the weight came right off...I stayed thin/normal again from age 21 to 29. Then I got pregnant. Boy, oh boy! I gained over 100lbs with my first daughter. I was a size 6, pre-pregnancy. I never got it all off and steadily continued to yo-yo, but never successfully getting anywhere close to what I used to be. I then got pregnant with my second daughter and packed on another huge amount. It hasn't come off...it's been to the point where I'm too tired to take care of me. It used to be so easy to get busy and get it under control...in my 20's I adapted a very busy, active lifestyle. Now I have a family and a desk job and barely any time for myself.....I'm quite certain there are many other moms like me in the same situation and I'd love to connect and help each other re-create our lifestyle!! I'm DETERMINED I'm going to do it this time. I see all these beautiful, healthy moms my age all the time and I want to be one of them!! :-)