luceeleanor Posts: 48 Member
Will do mine later, but thought I'd start the topic before I get told off!!

Please weigh in :) good luck!!! xxxxx


  • groversa
    groversa Posts: 450 Member
    My weigh in day is Wednesday, so I'll post it then!! :)
  • Siekobilly
    Siekobilly Posts: 401 Member
    SW: 240.4
    Week 2: 240.4
    Week 3: 243.8
    Easter Goal: 230
    Overall Goal (for now): 215

    I blame the weekend for that gain. Work sent me to Stone Mountain, GA for a two day meeting, and they had me staying at a posh hotel where they just kept throwing food and snacks at me.
  • BLF91
    BLF91 Posts: 11 Member
    (18/02/2013) SW - 159.9lbs
    (25/02/2013) Week 2 - 156.0lbs
    (04/03/2013) Week 3 - 153.6lbs

    Total Loss = 6.3lbs

    GW by Easter - Was 151lbs I am now going to push to achieve 149lbs and get under the 150's! How has everyone else done?
  • BellaLunaFleur
    BellaLunaFleur Posts: 154 Member
    Highest weight (started MFP): 295
    SW for Easter Challenge: 275.5
    Week 2: 273.5
    Current weight: 269.5
    GW for Easter Challenge: 263.5

    Loss this week 4lbs
    Total loss 6 lbs
  • leholcomb
    leholcomb Posts: 146 Member
    SW: 135.8

    Week 2: 134.0

    Week 3: 131.8

    GW: 125

    UW: 115

    4 pounds down! Only 7 to go! :)
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Good morning!

    I've lost 3.2 pounds this week.

    SW: 263.6
    WK1: 260.6
    WK2: 257.4
  • tnt7787
    tnt7787 Posts: 48
    EC SW: 146.8

    Week 2: 146

    Week 3: 145.6

    GW for the challenge: 140
  • koerbergirl
    koerbergirl Posts: 13 Member
    Challenge SW: 169
    Week 1: 167
    Week 2: 166

    Three pounds down! :D
  • SW: 292
    W2: 291.8
    W3: 290.8
    GW: 280

    Definately not going as planned for me. Should be able to get back on track though now.
  • angela55530
    angela55530 Posts: 43 Member
    Great job everyone!

    I didn't lose anything. I am just glad i didn't gain. I really need to start tracking my food intake.
  • murphoo
    murphoo Posts: 31 Member
    1.5 lbs this week!

    Sw: 158
    Today's weight: 156
    Easter goal: 152
    Overall goal: 140
  • Sooo, turns out last week WAS a fluke - must have been water weight!

    Starting Weight - 142 (64.5 kg)
    Current Weight - 141 (64.4)
    Goal Weight - 134 (61 kg)

    Only down one lb :( But everyone is saying I look slimmer! Woo :)

    xx Lauren
  • mbarryteach
    mbarryteach Posts: 52 Member
    I dropped the ball last week....didnt' lose or gain....but this week!!!

    GW: 210

    This is getting trickier...
  • peace_frog21
    peace_frog21 Posts: 108 Member
    I'm giving up the scale for a couple of weeks. I have gained and it's frustrating. Even though I'm pretty sure it's because of my diet and exercise change. By the end of two weeks it will have been a month and hopefully my body will have outed everything out by then. See you in a couple weeks.

    Cw: 220
  • jessiica_xo
    jessiica_xo Posts: 25 Member
    Challenge SW: 199lbs
    Last Weeks Weight: 197.8lbs
    CW: 195.2lbs

    A loss of 2.6lbs this week (yay)
    A loss of 3.8lbs in total

    Easter GW: 190

    I might actually get to my goal weight!
    Keep up the great work everyone!
  • RosscoBoscko
    RosscoBoscko Posts: 632 Member
    SW: 228

    Week 2: 234.6

    Week 3: 225

    GW: 218

    UW: 190

    Back on track and 3 lbs down towards target.
  • beskimoosh
    beskimoosh Posts: 375 Member
    Challenge start weight: 211lb
    Week 1: 207lb (-4lb)
    Week: 205.2lb (-1.8)

    Total loss of 5.8lb, My goal for the challenge is 199.9 (literally, happy if I see something that starts with 1!) so I've got at least 5.3lb to go. This is feeling more manageable now!
  • df1982
    df1982 Posts: 147 Member
    I didn't lose anything this week. Have been really inconsistent with my eating, but still keeping up the workouts. Hoping to recommit this week. I'll be happy if I see 135 by the end of the challenge (1 pound per week, maybe a bit more - my scale is jumping all over the place!).

    Good job everyone!
  • SW: 162
    W1: 163
    W2: 160
    W3: 159
    GW: 154
  • HokeyPokey2
    HokeyPokey2 Posts: 91 Member
    Starting weight (3/26/12): 165.6 lbs
    3/3/13 (I started late): 143.6 lbs
    3/5/13 Current weight: 143.0 lbs
    Easter goal weight: 135 lbs
    Ultra goal weight: 115 lbs

    That's 0.6 lbs down. I'll take anything that's a loss!