dating a woman with kids



  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I also immagine that anything spontanious isent usualy possible, so theres a lot of planning ahead for time. (all new to me... not so good at it lol)

    Yes and no, depends!! I can do anything I want with atleast a little bit of timing, but even as a single mom I packed up and flew to Vegas with less than 24 hours notice becuase the stars aligned. But generally we need a bit of notice if it isn't a kid free weekend or whatnot.
  • RunIntheMud
    RunIntheMud Posts: 2,645 Member
    I agree with the posts above.

    I'm a single mom with 100% custody of my two kids (mine are a little older). Their dad is 12 hours away and rarely sees them. I also don't have any family in the area to help watch them. This definitely keeps some men away, however that just affirms to me that they weren't right anyway. Just a couple of things that I didn't see posted above...

    Making time - Now that mine are older, my son babysits. This makes is so much easier to get out for short dates, however when they were younger I was only able to get out about once a week. I would get creative, though and do lunch or a quick coffee before picking them up from daycare. Anything possible to maximize the time. After I knew the man, he was welcome to come over after they were in bed. This was often the case and worked out great. Once I introduced the kids it made life so much easier. We could alternate evenings at each other's houses, go to the park, bowling, children's museum, etc.

    Meeting the kids - Since you already know each other through church, it's much easier to get to know the kids safely. But, it has a potential for being heartbreaking as well... The kids already know you as a friendly face through church. If you start to get closer and see each other outside of church, you're not only forming a relationship with her, but also them. Keep it at the "friend" level for as long as possible until you know it's more serious (no PDA in front of the kids). If things go south in the relationship, kids get hurt as well. That part is bad enough, then you add in seeing each other every week.
  • fp64
    fp64 Posts: 128 Member
    I've got two kids (physical custody) and zero dates. The only advice I'd give is to be extra patient with her.
  • _jk0g_
    _jk0g_ Posts: 238 Member
    Thanks so much for this thread. I have two great boys and recently seperated. I haven't step out into the dating world yet, but wondering how this all would work. It was nice to hear a man's POV as well. I like that there were some who said they wouldn't date someone with kids. Prefer honesty. Makes me think how I will try to work these things out once I decide to step out there.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Parents are people... But they are responsible people!

    I think I am personally too irresponsible for all this and probably wouldn't be a good match with a single parent.
    And also I wouldn't be a good example for the kids.

    Funny you should said this. I was just kind of thinking the same. I am possibly too selfish to date someone knowing that they will always put their kids before me.

    I like kids a lot, though I don't necessarily want my relationship or world revolving around them..particularly in the early stages.

    Yeah me too. I'm not done being a kid myself yet. I like playing with them and getting into trouble and stuff but I don't want to actually be responsible if I can help it (I already have to budget and pay rent, geez).

    I would say otherwise you've gotten a ton of really great advice. Overall communicate with the lady on what works for her and how you can make it work. I think by expressing that you are willing to meet halfway will make her appreciate you even more (especially on sitter costs if necessary!)
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    I have my son 100% of the time. This can present a challenge in dating, but OTOH there are no ex/baby-daddy-drama issues so that really makes it easier for any man in my life. In addition to the below, I've got some tips for you:

    - shoot for dates that don't require her to be away from the kids too much extra (things like early dinner while the kids are still at school/day care, coffee during a work break, stuff during the kid's other activities, etc)

    - For example: a lot of church events have free childcare so that's an avenue for more time spent together. I used to take my son to Awanas at a church that did not have an adult activity then (no Bible study or anything) so I would drop him off at Awanas and then go out on a quick date. I also did quick dates during his practices (though I never missed a game to go on a date, my son often practiced a LOT better if I was absent).

    - Another example: his aftercare will keep him til 6pm, so I did a lot of early dinner dates skipping lunch and leaving work a little early. Some guys don't like early dinner or otherwise "short" dates but it kept me from having my son at daycare all day and then dropping him off with a sitter for even MORE time (not healthy for the kid). Plus there was no extra babysitting cost.

    - Also, since you met at church singles group, activities there are a great way to hang out in a group, let the kids get to know you without it being a "mommy and her new man" thing. When I was dating the guy before BB, my son only saw him at my friends house for football parties. A year later, I felt comfortable going on weekend trips with him because my son had already gotten to know him for a year and they got along well.

    If you offer to do thing like going to the park were you can talk while the children play ect you will get more time. But be understanding children get sick babysitters cancel ect. Also if you know someone whose a good babysitter (sister ect) and offer her as a sacrafice it goes a long way lol

    This absolutely!!! Park dates are awesome if the kids are old enough to play on their own. To the kids it looks like mommy is just talking with another parent.

    Babysitters cancel and sometimes it's hard to find people you trust with your kids. Also, good sitters are expensive...$10 an hour where I live is the usual rate, more if you really wanna guarantee a sitter won't bail on you...which feeds into this:
    Im sure I could help cover the cost of a sitter if she lets me. And I really like the idea of the movie after kids go to bed.

    Both of these are awesome!!! My friend's husband paid for her sitters each date from day 1 and it totally blew her mind. I've not had a guy do that but I was happy for her. This is one of those reasons I get upset when men insist I'm not "contributing" when I go out on a date. A normal date is $40-$50 in babysitting, and often for a 1st or 2nd date I'm spending more in sitting than he is on our meal.

    Edit to add: I just noticed that Run already said everything I just did. Lol!
  • Neets086
    Neets086 Posts: 60
    So I met a woman through our church singles group. We started talking and we seem to have a lot in common. weve been talking for a week now over txts and calls, yesterday I joined her for church. I really like this woman and Id like to persue more.

    The issue is that she has 2 kids. Now dont get me wrong, I love kids! I dont have a problem with her having children. My only concern is that she has the kids 100% and she also works full time. So It will likely be difficult to get much time together for dates... Ill admit, Ive never dated anyone with children before so its all kinda new to me.

    Anyone here have any recomendations for date ideas that would help make things a little more convient?
    with kids and without.

    Heh. My ex wife when we started dating had kids. It was new to me as well but the good news is, it isn't nearly as complex as you think.

    Most of the time women do not want a "stranger" (and let us face it, if you just started dating this girl you are a stranger) to be introduced to their kids.

    That being said she will probably not want you to interact with her kids UNTIL she decides you are a good guy, or she decides you have some long term potential.

    All that being said, as far as date ideals go it won't (or shouldn't) affect the types of dates you have.

    Just do things she likes to do. Most of the time your dates will be kidless.

    Exactly. I have a four year old son and I have always been really careful about introducing him to anyone I dated. To get to the kid introduction part was a big deal. When I dated, I did it on the nights when he was with his father or I got a babysitter. Just ask what her availability is and see if the kids ever go to their dad's. Eventually, if all goes well, you can do stuff with the kids but remember to keep the one on one dates happening too. :)

    This... Well said!
  • mamacita721
    mamacita721 Posts: 194 Member
    My daugter is my #1 priority; I know that I am not willing or able to give an SO the time and attention that they deserve. Thats why I have an FWB not an SO.

    Go slow; earn her trust. Dont stress over the kids until she is ready to introduce you.