Getting rid of sweetners in my coffee:(

mandabrett Posts: 139 Member
I'm rady to get ready to rid my diet of Splenda... I'm one of the morning cheaters. My coffee will never be the same:( this morning I used just coconut milk and didn't add the Splenda. I also like bulletproof coffee but can drink it daily because my body protests too much fat after a few days in a row. I drink it frequently though. I just can not do it many times back to back. Cold turkey worked this morning... We will see about next time. Has anyone else eliminate Splenda from the morning coffee? It's been so hard. I didn't even want to think about it. I'm finally ready.


  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    The best advice is what I told my husband. Just do it. It sucks for about 3 weeks. Then all of the sudden coffee starts tasting good again. I really like hazelnut coffee and light to medium roast now without sugar.
  • each_day_stronger
    each_day_stronger Posts: 191 Member
    If you do dairy, I'd recommend heavy whipping cream, although I imagine it's similar to the bulletproof coffee.

    Also try cinnamon!
  • ajwolters
    ajwolters Posts: 78
    I'm using BetterStevia glycerite in my coffee now. 3 drops is plenty sweet for me. I just can't do black coffee.
  • each_day_stronger
    each_day_stronger Posts: 191 Member
    also for some reason I find it easier to drink black coffee with it's iced... but maybe that's just me?
  • Freyja2023
    Freyja2023 Posts: 158 Member
    Good for you :) Getting rid of a vice is hard work and you should fee proud of yourself. I still use heavy cream in my coffee but cut the sugar out completely and it took about a week but now my coffee taste really good in the morning. Each morning you don't add the sweetner to your coffee is a victory and you should tap yourself and the back and toot your own horn. :) My hubby is probably getting sick of me stating Today is day 7 of no sugar LOL
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    I'm right there with you. I've gradually moved from Coffee Mate Flavored Creamers to the Sugar Free Creamer to the Bliss Natural Creamer to the So Delicious Coconut Creamer. Today and Yesterday, I've started using coconut milk. Still flavored but much less creamy and much less sweet. I'm going to try to gradually decrease it, then omit it altogether. Creamy sweet coffee is definitely my one addiction. (It probably helps that the only place I can get the coconut creamer is 160 miles away. It looks like our one grocery is eliminating the coconut milk as they are all on sale. We'll see.)

    Interestingly, after a few sips, it's fine. Stronger, but fine.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    I use cinnamon, unsweetened organic cocoa powder, sometimes a little flavoured extract (almond, vanilla, hazelnut, etc.) that doesn't have added sugar.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I use cinnamon, unsweetened organic cocoa powder, sometimes a little flavoured extract (almond, vanilla, hazelnut, etc.) that doesn't have added sugar.

    Wow, that sounds good.

    I'm still primal so I use full fat cream, though I don't think dairy is necessarily healthy. I used to put honey in my coffee, only about half a teaspoon, but after only a few days the lack of sweet became easier. I even tried stevia drops, gag.

    I'll get off dairy eventually, but for now the cream tastes good and helps me get my fat macros, which can be challenging because I aim for 70% plus. I'll probably go Bulletproof by this summer.
  • pattyproulx
    pattyproulx Posts: 603 Member
    I'm still in my first week of drinking it black. It's getting better every day, haha. I'm sure by next week, it'll be good again! :)
  • mcbellnz
    mcbellnz Posts: 145 Member
    I am on day 8 of no sweeteners. I never felt I "needed" sweeteners in my hideous work instant coffee - but I used it like a treat. Harder to give up has been Coke Zero, but I think a week into it, I have probably nailed it. I just upped my water intake. I have never really "needed" coffee, so I think that made it a bit easier. I just went cold turkey. I still have herbal tea every now and then though, but I have never put sweeteners in that - so it seems more normal to me.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    The best advice is what I told my husband. Just do it. It sucks for about 3 weeks. Then all of the sudden coffee starts tasting good again. I really like hazelnut coffee and light to medium roast now without sugar.

    You just have to train yourself to enjoy bitter again. It will happen.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    I'm still in my first week of drinking it black. It's getting better every day, haha. I'm sure by next week, it'll be good again! :)

    One thing I've found is that when you don't sweeten your really notice the difference when you splurge on some quality coffee.
  • shelleycc
    shelleycc Posts: 49
    I just cut myself off of a tiny sprinkle of SweetLeaf (stevia/inulin powder) in my morning coffee. Anything more than a tiny sprinkle and I would have to throw the whole cup of coffee out because it tasted so nasty. Blech...too much bother...simpler just to go without. I also stir about 1 Tbl of virgin coconut oil into my morning cuppa.

    I love a sprinkle of fresh-ground cardamom in my coffee or black tea (I think its an Arab tradition), and keep a pepper grinder full of shucked cardamom seeds next to my coffee maker for just that purpose. That stuff is some kind of powerful sweet all on its own!
  • Meadows18
    Meadows18 Posts: 206 Member
    I stopped using Splenda in my coffee about 3 months ago. I can say now, I really don't miss it. I still use half & half though.
  • 3rdxacharm
    3rdxacharm Posts: 377 Member
    I stopped artificial sweetners 2 weeks ago. I went cold turkey on the Coke Zero. In my bulletproof coffee I switched from sweet n low to truvia to raw sugar (all with coconut milk). This morning I tried some caramel flavored starbucks ground coffee with no sugar, but still coconut milk. Not too bad.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    When i started to drink it black, it took a couple days, but now I love it, you'll get there!!
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    You just have to do it, or, give up coffee altogether.
  • mandabrett
    mandabrett Posts: 139 Member
    I was thinking it would get better. This morning was #2. It was not very enjoyable. I know this is the best thing though. Thank you guys for the support.
  • ElloSweetie
    ElloSweetie Posts: 56 Member
    I did it too :P
    Black coffee ftw. Im still trying to find a coffee I love black
  • ElloSweetie
    ElloSweetie Posts: 56 Member
    It will!! Well, tolerable lol. I've been drinking it black for 5 months now. I've tried Xylitol, Stevia and coconut crystals. I just leave it black now
  • mandabrett
    mandabrett Posts: 139 Member
    I have not given in! It is day 5. It is getting better but very hard! I think I need a reminder why I need to give it up. I know it's bad and just chemicals. I need more than just that today though because my coffee was just plain nasty this morning. Any feedback? Ii need you guys to just slam Splenda please!
  • I did the same thing a couple of weeks ago getting rid of Truvia. It's working really well. I use a bit of coconut oil and sometimes add a cinnamon stick to the grounds when it's brewing. After about a week, you really do get used to the un-sweetness of it. It's even good plain now, for me :) Good luck!
  • MrsAbles
    MrsAbles Posts: 117 Member
    You could try mixing your coffee in a blender with your coconut milk. The frothiness makes it go down smoother and helps you acquire the unsweetened taste.
  • lindzmt22
    lindzmt22 Posts: 335
    I never, let me repeat...NEVER thought I would like black coffee but now I LOVE it. I used to be one of those sugar/splenda/flavored creamer etc adders....everyday. But then I gave up added sugar, and my tastes have completely changed. Now I drink it black, or sometimes with coconut/almond milk or bulletproof. I am still in shock that I enjoy plain coffee, but it just tastes so damn tasty now. Lol.