


  • Kauaiartist
    Kauaiartist Posts: 86 Member
    I live on the island of Kauai - so restaurant choices are very limited, but the restaurant owners and managers here are really in tuned to the needs of people with allergies - including gluten. We do have a Gluten-Free bakery/restaurant on the island - the owner is Gluten Intolerant and she runs a totally gluten-free establishment - however - I do not indulge in her baked goods any longer - definitely NOT low calorie stuff! Of course we have a lot of hotels and they cater to all allergies - as do most all of the restaurants since we have so many people that come here from all over the world.

    I have found that if you explain the reason that you cannot have gluten (and I explain that means wheat/barley/rye etc. then the wait staff is really open and tries to help. I add in the statistic that 1 in about 10 people in the U.S. are gluten intolerant! I was amazed at how many restaurants on the "mainland" now have gluten free menus! I about went nuts when I was in Colorado on a visit at PFChangs - it was the first time I could have Chinese food in several years!!!! I was over the moon.

    People are definitely learning more about gluten allergies and more and more products are available in the stores (HURRAY!)

    So be patient - you are doing everyone a service by educating the public and restaurants about gluten-free diets. I am also lactose intolerant and my husband is also gluten and lactose intolerant (makes cooking and eating out much easier - no one gets the bread basket!).

  • jnoring
    jnoring Posts: 93
    I asked for a gluten free menu at Joes Crab Shack and the lady told me they don’t have a special menu for diabetics…

    I also ate at Bone Fish Grill one time and the waiter told me he also used to have Celiac but then he was cured..... <.<