Introduce Yourself!

A quick hello to everyone and a big thank you for joining the group!

My name is Samantha and I'm a fellow Insanity workout buddy! I started this group to help support and motivate others who took on the Insanity challenge. For most of you, this is your first week of starting the program. Like any other workout program, the first week is definitely the hardest as you realize how tough the workouts are. I know it's easy to give up, but DON'T! At least stay 5 mins. Once you get through that warm up you see how much your body can handle and push harder and harder each week!

Good luck and don't forget to introduce yourself, post your day 1 fit test results and a day 1 photo if you dare! I did!


  • sandygettingfit
    sandygettingfit Posts: 69 Member
    Hi! I'm Sandra and I started Insanity yesterday (fit test). Just finished the first workout and I can't wait to see the results.

    Let's keep each other going!
  • momma_hotness
    momma_hotness Posts: 30 Member
    Hi, everyone. I'm Mary and my husband and I started Insanity on Sunday. We started P90X in November and I lost 30 pounds doing it. We will be renewing our vows in May and our theme is "New Beginnings", so with that, we wanted to introduce a new, healthier lifestyle to our family. We've gone from couch potatoes to insane workouts AND IT FEELS GOOD! It's amazing the energy and focus working out and being healthier can give you. All that said, my brother in law and sister in law started Insanity around the same time we started P90X and we saw that their results were more intense than ours, so we decided to give it a try. Day 3 done, and I can see why, but I still say BRING IT!
  • samanthalee87
    Hi, everyone. I'm Mary and my husband and I started Insanity on Sunday. We started P90X in November and I lost 30 pounds doing it. We will be renewing our vows in May and our theme is "New Beginnings", so with that, we wanted to introduce a new, healthier lifestyle to our family. We've gone from couch potatoes to insane workouts AND IT FEELS GOOD! It's amazing the energy and focus working out and being healthier can give you. All that said, my brother in law and sister in law started Insanity around the same time we started P90X and we saw that their results were more intense than ours, so we decided to give it a try. Day 3 done, and I can see why, but I still say BRING IT!

    This introduction is SO amazing! I love the theme of your vow renewal and your change in lifestyle. It's definitely inspiring! Congratulations on your loss and looking so forward to hearing your results from Insanity! Welcome to the group!
  • MarlinWil
    MarlinWil Posts: 119 Member
    Hi, all. I have been trying to get through the first month of Insanity since 4 January. I love, love, love what I have managed to achieve so far, but life has been just a tad wee bit challenging. My little girl is not very well (Angela, 3.5 years), and I face a few challenges (understatement) in my marriage. Fitness has been my rock since June last year, after I found myself struggling to face each day. Insanity is the next level of challenging myself. I never, ever look at the groups, and today was astounded to find your group, newly started TODAY. If that is not a clear message and opportunity for accountability and encouragement, I do not know what is!

    I live in South East Queensland, Australia, which has been hit pretty hard over the past couple of months by floods and torrential constant rain. So being stuck indoors has not been all that fun, for an outdoors family. Thank you for starting this group, and for being exactly what I need exactly when I need it. The excitement of doing each days' workouts in company, is wonderful.

    Looking forward to getting to know all of you, and achieving wonderful things together.

  • BunnyBabyDoll
    Hello everyone!! My name is Tonya and I am doing the Insanity workout while my boyfriend is off getting his *kitten* kicked in boot camp. I knew I had to find a way to keep up with him, lol. So when he comes back I know I'll be seeing a new and improved fit him so I wanted to surprise him with a super hot strong version of myself! Plus I also have a goal to be smokin hot in a bikini this summer and to somehow make my stubborn white skin get a little tan. If you check out my profile I set up a little goal and reward system for myself to celebrate the wins and keep myself motivated for the next reward. Feel free to add me as a friend too if you would like :D
  • nathan_oz
    nathan_oz Posts: 229
    Hello everyone, I'm Nathan and from the UK. I consider being a generally active person but recently things have slipped and I have put on some weight and really don't feel good about it. I enjoy running and playing badminton. At times I play once a week and run (3 miles) 5 times a week but this always slips! I am ready to take on this challenge and see it through!
    I have a wonderful wife and 2 children and really want to ensure I am fit and healthy to support them, thinking that the fitter I am the more energy I will have and the harder I can work (and play) with them!
    I am an IT Consultant based at home, most of my work time is spent sitting at the computer or sitting in meetings, so even more important to get active! I do Insanity in the morning, great when I work from home, difficult when I need to travel and leave early, but I WILL just get up even earlier to do it!
    That's me, I'm looking forward to completing this and making the journey with you all!
  • BarryWilson1108
    BarryWilson1108 Posts: 47 Member
    Hello all,
    I am Barry from Liverpool in England, although I now live in a small village in Lancashire with my girlfriend and our dog.
    The main reason for doing insanity for me is that we are getting married in August on the beach in Turkey and I want to be in good shape for the wedding and holiday. I am also 40 in August and have a fear of becoming a fat middle aged couch potato.
    I play football (soccer) regularly and also go to the gym but I think insanity will give me the kickstart I need.
    I started insanity on Monday and am already looking forward to finishing it, ha!
  • IronRangeGirl
    IronRangeGirl Posts: 20 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Jen and I'm doing Insanity to lose the last few pounds. My husband and I have 2 boys and a dog. I get up at about 4:30 in the morning and get the workout done before going to work. I did Day 3 this morning. It's tough and I'm sore but I love it! Looking forward to seeing everyone's progress!
  • momma_hotness
    momma_hotness Posts: 30 Member
    Bunny baby, I love your tracking bar! Insanity warm up is definitely a workout in itself!
  • MrGuitarDude
    Hello everyone. My name is Eric. I am actually an Insanity grad, but started the program back up this Monday so I figured why not join a group to support and be supported. My wife and I both completed the 60 days a few months back and have never looked better or felt better for that matter. We're ready to get back at it in time for the summer! The first week is definitely the hardest. You will want to cry, throwup, and curse Shaun T. Or at least I did.. sans the crying ;). I lost 15lbs in the 60 days and started using MFP 2 weeks into the program to count cals. I'm not looking to lose any weight this go around, but to really cut out any belly fat that's left. Excited to see how we all do!

    Remember, Dig Deeper. I'm right here!! (ha! just had to)
  • samanthalee87
    Hi, all. I have been trying to get through the first month of Insanity since 4 January. I love, love, love what I have managed to achieve so far, but life has been just a tad wee bit challenging. My little girl is not very well (Angela, 3.5 years), and I face a few challenges (understatement) in my marriage. Fitness has been my rock since June last year, after I found myself struggling to face each day. Insanity is the next level of challenging myself. I never, ever look at the groups, and today was astounded to find your group, newly started TODAY. If that is not a clear message and opportunity for accountability and encouragement, I do not know what is!

    I live in South East Queensland, Australia, which has been hit pretty hard over the past couple of months by floods and torrential constant rain. So being stuck indoors has not been all that fun, for an outdoors family. Thank you for starting this group, and for being exactly what I need exactly when I need it. The excitement of doing each days' workouts in company, is wonderful.

    Looking forward to getting to know all of you, and achieving wonderful things together.


    And we are SO lucky to have you here as well! You're exactly the reason I started this group so I'm really glad you're putting it to use as we all need support and motivation, especially for this insane challenge we've taken on!

    So sorry to hear about the struggles you've been going through but really happy to hear you've found that thing in your life that you can use to make yourself happy. And it's such a great thing too!

    Really glad to have you here and excited to see your progress throughout the next 60 days!
  • samanthalee87
    Hello everyone. My name is Eric. I am actually an Insanity grad, but started the program back up this Monday so I figured why not join a group to support and be supported. My wife and I both completed the 60 days a few months back and have never looked better or felt better for that matter. We're ready to get back at it in time for the summer! The first week is definitely the hardest. You will want to cry, throwup, and curse Shaun T. Or at least I did.. sans the crying ;). I lost 15lbs in the 60 days and started using MFP 2 weeks into the program to count cals. I'm not looking to lose any weight this go around, but to really cut out any belly fat that's left. Excited to see how we all do!

    Remember, Dig Deeper. I'm right here!! (ha! just had to)

    Round 2! Way to goooo! That's amazing and I hope to feel that same way when I'm done with round 1. I completed 8 weeks of Turbo Fire before this so I definitely feel amazing but ready to get cut all over for the beach!
  • BunnyBabyDoll
    Bunny baby, I love your tracking bar! Insanity warm up is definitely a workout in itself!
    Thank you! It helps motivate me to push harder because Insanity is def more than your average work out plus I want it to help encourage others to give it a shot!
  • MrGuitarDude
    Round 2! Way to goooo! That's amazing and I hope to feel that same way when I'm done with round 1. I completed 8 weeks of Turbo Fire before this so I definitely feel amazing but ready to get cut all over for the beach!

    That's what I'm saying! You had a nice warmup in Turbo Fire so going straight to this should allow you to push to levels you wouldn't believe. You will look crazy when you're done. I'll see if I can find my before and afters from Round 1.
  • BunnyBabyDoll
    I'm so happy this little group is growing in numbers ! :D
  • raeg14
    raeg14 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all,
    I am going to do this..I have the dvd's now, and i am making a committment to do this challenge, my first day will be tomorrow.
    I just stated getting into physical fitness, learning about what it takes to actually make a difference in my weightloss journey. I am scared of failure, but I have to do it. I am diving in with all I got , i just hope it's enough. Feel free to add me and see what brought me to this path in my life.
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • nathan_oz
    nathan_oz Posts: 229
    Hi all,
    I am going to do this..I have the dvd's now, and i am making a committment to do this challenge, my first day will be tomorrow.
    I just stated getting into physical fitness, learning about what it takes to actually make a difference in my weightloss journey. I am scared of failure, but I have to do it. I am diving in with all I got , i just hope it's enough. Feel free to add me and see what brought me to this path in my life.
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    Welcome. Good luck with this challenge! This group is great and we are all here to support and motivate! Its been great for me and definitely helped me get through this first week!
  • BunnyBabyDoll
    Yup we are becoming a little Insanity family <3
  • momma_hotness
    momma_hotness Posts: 30 Member
    We are growing and it is nice to see everyone getting into the Insanity Craze. I hope this group can help everyone stick to it the whole 60 days. I know week 1 was a challenge for me, but knowing this group was waiting for me made me push through it.

    Welcome Raeg14!