New mama!

I'm new to this group and new to fitness pal so I wanted to introduce myself! I'm a first time mom to a cute (biased as everyone else) 6 month old baby boy. I had lost 40 lbs before my pregnancy then gained 60 during and never lost that much of it. I'm back at work and hoping I can get it together cause my eating habits are just awful and I've become so depressed I can barely stand the site of myself naked.


  • lovelyrose11
    lovelyrose11 Posts: 609 Member
    Feel free to add me. I lost 25 lbs before my last pregnancy (my babies are only 17 months apart). I gained 20 back. I lost that, however, I am still 197 lbs and my body still looks terrible from being pregnant. My littlest one is only 10 weeks old. I still have a long way to go. I know what you mean about being naked. I literally change in the bathroom with the door locked so my hubby doesn't see me naked. I am so tired of feeling this way!
  • lovelyrose11
    lovelyrose11 Posts: 609 Member
    and your LO is super cute!
  • chelleangel78
    Thank you!!! I just got caught up in being back at work full time and not having time to cook and make nice meals so it's been too much fast food and WAYYY too many snacks. I had a sweet tooth when I was preggers and it just totally stuck :/ I'm having to start over and I'm hoping if I get back into shape better things will improve at home. My husband wouldn't notice if I was walking around naked or fully dressed these days LOL
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Hey there! Welcome to the site and congrats on your LO! I was able to lose 86 lbs right before getting pregnant with my son who is almost 3 months and with him I gained 39 lbs and I've got 6 lbs of baby weight to go and 12 lbs to my lowest weight. It's definitely not easy with a little one, you gotta do what you can! Good luck on your weight loss journey and feel free to add me!
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    My second child is 11 weeks old and I only gained 7lbs during the pregnancy and so far have lost 24lbs. I really should have lost more weight than I did before getting pregnant again so I am trying to get the rest off. It is hard working and having little ones at home and finding time to exercise. Good luck.