New to the group...Started SL 5x5 Today

Hi ladies and gents (2 of you right?). I used to lift heavy about 10 years ago and just started back last month. I started SL because I wanted a linear program instead of feeling like I was just doing random exercises without a plan. Anyhow, Is it normal to feel like you're taking a step backwards? I got the app on my phone and the weights it started me at are a bit lower than what I normally lift, but if my understanding is correct when you start the program you should be starting around 20% of your max. I guess I wonder if the phone app takes your max into consideration because it seemed to just randomly assign a starting weight. Anybody have experience with the app?


  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Being 6'0 and 230 pounds the thought of going in and lifting just the 45 lb bar was kinda laughable to me because I knew I could lift a lot heavier. However, I did what the program says to do and did the suggested weights. It was embarrassing to go into the gym and lift next to nothing compared to my size. I looked silly at least in my mind.

    But I got over my ego and kept doing it and working on my form. After about a month I started to feel some resistance on the bar and while it was still a small amount of weight I was starting to get less embarrassed. Definitely could feel myself getting a little tighter in the arms and legs. Towards the end of the second month things started to get heavy. And I am very happy that I took the time to figure out my form because now at the end of the 3rd month and I think with having bad form I could really end up hurting myself.

    I believe that what he says is that if you've lifted before that you can do 40-50-% of your 1rm. He also says its always better to start too light than too heavy. I definitely agree with him. You'll get there eventually no real reason to rush. But you've lifted before and if you feel like your form will still be good then go for it.

    The app assigns the same starting weight to everyone.And by everyone its specifically meant for men that haven't lifted before. He doesn't really consider women anywhere in his program. But it seems like you'll already be above those levels. Basically its the bar on bench, squat, andOHP. Then the rows at 65 and Deadlift at 95 because well its just too hard to get just the bar from the floor with proper form you just have to go too far.
  • renitawalker9
    I see. Thanks. Deadlifts are my achilles heel so maybe I will just follow the low weights. The progression is pretty quick so I'm sure I'll be wishing for lower weights soon.

    For the record, I felt like a total chump benching and squatting the bar :)