Fallen off ban wagon

I'm having the hardest time ever stopping eating! Everything I do fails. And I work 2 jobs so exercising gets put on the back burner. I just have no energy to do anything but eat! Ahhh! So very frustrating. Anyone else been there? Any suggestions?


  • Joanneea
    Joanneea Posts: 37
    Are you eating clean? Low GI foods? Check that what you are eating for meals are nutritionally balanced,
  • crops2dawn
    crops2dawn Posts: 27 Member
    Heck ya, I was there this weekend....Hubby went away and something inside me just went crazy! I wasnt sure if I would be able to get back on...But then something clicked inside me, I really didnt want to waste all that time and energy I had put into this. So back on the wagon I went on Monday. Monday was weigh-in day, I gained 1lb. and have been busting my butt exercising the past 3 days....today, I went on the scale and lost 3....so you see, you can still fall off and get back on the wagon, work hard and everything falls back in place. Just push yourself a wee bit....you can do this!!!!!
  • Reboundingwife
    Yes I understand. I am in the same boat, I do well then it all fails and I give in to snacking and not eating healthy. Everyday is a new day that I keep going and thats all you can do and remember why you are wanting to loose weight and get healthy
  • justkota
    justkota Posts: 3
    Thanks ladies. I think I'm going to do my best the rest of this week and Monday really set to it. Besides eating right the hardest thing to do is get out of bed even the 30 minutes earlier and do a little something to get my heart rate up.
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    Just remember to have balanced meals.Your body may be at a stage that it needs more food. I have been one 1200 for about 6 weeks but know now that it's not enough for me and have upped by 200 cals. I do walk everyday and not count this in the log though.