5ft6 - 5ft7 goal weight?

cattrill Posts: 74 Member
Hey I was just wondering what anyone around the same height of me goal weight is?

Or what the medically/ideal weight is? I've looked on various websites which all have different numbers (useful..not!)

Thanks :)


  • CrimeanGurl
    CrimeanGurl Posts: 103
    I am 5'7'' - 5'8'' and am aiming for 125lbs, which would put me in the lowest healthy BMI category. I have to go this low because I have very thick legs that don't begin to look decent until I really skinny up. Most people of the same height don't need to go lower than 130lbs to look great. Of course, let's not forget that the more toned you're the less you need to worry about the number you see on the scale. All I truly care about is if I can fit into my old pants that's been collecting dust in my closet for the past 6 years.
  • aarilynn
    aarilynn Posts: 74 Member
    I'm 5'6''
    I've got thick thighs and calves, I've just had to learn to embrace them. They won't slim down. :( My goal was 130. However, I got down to 134 last year, but I'm back up to 142 and my measurements are the same. And since that's happened, I think I'm aiming to stay 135-140 and shape my body at that weight with strength training. :) I've finally seen and learned that I don't have to drop weight to see changes. :)
  • CrimeanGurl
    CrimeanGurl Posts: 103
    I'm 5'6''
    I've got thick thighs and calves, I've just had to learn to embrace them. They won't slim down. :(
    My calves are huuuuge! Even when I am 8lbs underweight, they are 14'' around. Good for you for embracing yours! I'm still struggling to completely accept mine.
  • aarilynn
    aarilynn Posts: 74 Member
    I'm 5'6''
    I've got thick thighs and calves, I've just had to learn to embrace them. They won't slim down. :(
    My calves are huuuuge! Even when I am 8lbs underweight, they are 14'' around. Good for you for embracing yours! I'm still struggling to completely accept mine.

    Mine are 14.5'' They haven't changed much at all. I've lost ~30lbs and I believe I only lost like half an inch in that area. It took a while to just accept them, but it doesn't seem like I can do much about it. Everyones bodies are different and some may be able to slim that area down, but like in my case, it's mainly muscle...and I can only just shape it now it seems. I don't think 14'' is that huge by the way ;)
  • alwayssmitty
    alwayssmitty Posts: 4 Member
    I am 5'6. My goal weight is 130#. My heaviest was 141#. Still a healthy weight, but heavy enough to make me outgrow most of my pants. My muffin top is the area I need to work on. I am walking a lot now for my cardio, and really watching what I eat. My goal is to add strength training.
  • CrimeanGurl
    CrimeanGurl Posts: 103
    I don't think 14'' is that huge by the way ;)
    They are 14'' when I am underweight, in my current weight they are 16". Since I am not planning on returning into the underweight category, I guess, I might have to settle on 15'' :)
  • wassergottin
    wassergottin Posts: 154 Member
    I'm 5'6" and my goal weight is 120-125 lbs. I'm currently at 138, and I'm down from 144, which is still within the healthy weight range, but I want my arms and belly to thin out. My *kitten* is fabulous, though!
  • Kali2024
    Kali2024 Posts: 73 Member
    I'm 5'6" and my goal weight is 103-105. Thats' when I look the best/fit. I hovered between 112-115 for the last two years (not exercising/ eating right) and have flabbed up. I'm currently at 110 and just trying to get lean. BUT I have a tiny frame so I can get away with that weight.
  • pixieflitzy
    I am 5'6", 130-135 lbs and I have a really small frame. My goal weight is 115.
  • hballack
    hballack Posts: 114 Member
    I am 5'7" and my goal weight is 135. I am currently at 142. I have been doing a lot of strength training, and hoping to gain muscle and reduce body fat percentage. I think once I reach my goal weight I will re-evaluate again and see if I want to lose 5 more lbs or if I am happy focusing on body recompositoning only.
  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I'm 5'6" and would like to be in the 125-130 lb range, which I consider completely healthy. However, I like to go by BF% more than the numbers on the scale, here's a general breakdown -

    Top athletes 15 to 20%
    Fit women 21 to 24%
    Healthy/acceptable 25 to 32%
    Overweight 33% plus

    (percentages could differ based on age)
  • AhlaWahda
    AhlaWahda Posts: 189 Member
    I'm 5'6" and currently 126.6 lbs. My goal weight is 120 lbs but I'll see when I get there if I'm happy or want to lose a bit more.
    I'm small framed so that's why I "need" to be at a lower weight to reach my dream body. I'm not fixated with the numbers though and it's more important to have my 24" waist back and be at 18-19% body fat than to weigh a certain number.
  • aliciadalicia
    aliciadalicia Posts: 73 Member
    Ha! I have the highest goal.

    CW: 155
    C BF: 24% - not sure how accurate - I am usu between (22-25% but I used several online calculators using measurements this time)
    GW: 143
    G BF: 20-22% (since I don't know where I am at.. I just want to be lower :)!)

    If I lose more than that I am afraid I will lose muscles and strength.

    Calf: 13 in.
    Waist: 29in
    Hips (widest): 40in
    Chest: 38in

    Medium frame

    Most people think I weigh less than that, but I tell you the truth here!
  • Pinkgirl319
    Pinkgirl319 Posts: 80 Member
    I'm 5'7 and my goal is 135. CW 144. I was at 127 a couple years ago- people said I was getting too skinny, 108 in high school and early college- people said anorexic! I look better in the 130's. Everyone's body frame is a little different though.
  • EJtheDJ
    EJtheDJ Posts: 6
    I think a lot of it depends on your shape- I'm 5.7 and slimmed down a lot a couple of years ago, but because my body shape is all hips and shoulders- not boobs sadly- I looked quite ill IMHO. Personally, I'm gonna settle at 9.5 stone so I don't look like I'm a prisoner of war :D
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    I am 5'6 with apple shape and really broad shoulders. CW 142, GW 130-135, dream weight 127. I got down to 124 in university and people started telling me not to lose anymore.
  • AnnaMolly17
    AnnaMolly17 Posts: 91 Member
    I am 5'7'' - 5'8'' and am aiming for 125lbs, which would put me in the lowest healthy BMI category. I have to go this low because I have very thick legs that don't begin to look decent until I really skinny up. Most people of the same height don't need to go lower than 130lbs to look great. Of course, let's not forget that the more toned you're the less you need to worry about the number you see on the scale. All I truly care about is if I can fit into my old pants that's been collecting dust in my closet for the past 6 years.

    ^^^ Exactly my situation! I weigh 130 and just started strength training in hopes of slimming down my thighs and calves. My chest is pretty small to begin with and my stomach is relatively flat, but legs are definitely my problem area, and for some reason, are the last to go! Ugh so frustrating!! haha.
  • lolwutshannon
    I'm 5'6, my highest weight was 161, my current weight is 150 and my goal weight is 120.
  • Ltmsenergy
    I'm 5'6" and I want to be 125. Weighing less than that, IMO, would cause me to have eat in a very low calorie range, which I don't like the way that feels. But hey, everyone is different, so my advice is shoot for a weight that allows for you to be in a "good mood." :) Just sayin :)
  • popsicklestar
    popsicklestar Posts: 166 Member
    I'm 5ft6 1/2, and I have my goal weight set to 140. I did have it set at 137, but lots of people have told me not to lose any more weight already (I weigh around 147 or 148 right now). My bootcamp teacher even told me I was getting too skinny, so now I'm getting confused as to what my ideal weight is. I think anything between 135 and 150 is good for me, and the weight that I look best at within that range is a matter of aesthetic opinion and personal taste.