Shamrock Shuffle 2013

Well I said it out loud and I will soon get a bib... This is the very first run I am going to (God willing) and I hope that I can actually accomplish that goal.

I've never ran a whole mile in my life so this will be a challenge. I'm using a couch to 5k app so please wish me luck!

Anyone else running?


    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,046 Member
    I have ran it the last 3 years.................HUNGOVER. it's tradition for us now. Its not too hard. just keep running 2-3 times a week. one of those days run fast for a short period of time to build up your heart rate.
    3 years ago I COULD NOT even run 1 mile.................and the 2010 SHamrock shuffle was my first ever event. I didnt walk at all I jogged the whole thing! 5 miles in 55 minutes!!!:bigsmile:
  • YoungD33
    YoungD33 Posts: 48 Member
    Good luck but keep training! I did the shuffle about 2 years ago now and I about died!! I didn't train AT ALL and I hardly ran. I'm totally out of shape and I never ran in any event EVER. I was going to start the C25K too just because I hate feeling weak and I really wanted to try another run. Shamrock Shuffle was fun but hard :)
  • Bug2love
    Bug2love Posts: 41 Member
    I am doing it! I have done it for two years now. Worst art honestly is the lines for packet pickup! God luck on your first run.