
AckieJ Posts: 199 Member
Hey Ladies if you care to post a little bit about yourself. Please feel free.

My Name is Jackie, I'm a work at a Mortgage Company which is 1hr away. I have a 11yr old daughter and a 6yr & almost 3 yr old sons. They keep me on my toes.

We all like to go roller skating. I used skate all the time as a kid so now my kids love it just as much. =)


  • Browneyedbeff
    Browneyedbeff Posts: 24 Member
    My name is Beth, and I'm a full time working mom of 2. I work as a mental health counselor for mentally ill adults, with illnesses ranging from depression to schizophrenia. I love my job, and it's flexible so I'm able to be home to put my children on and take them off of the bus each day. My days are still very rushed, however. My feet hit the floor running each morning, and I go and go and go like the Energizer Bunny until I crash every single night. My children are 11 and 9 years old, and they're involved in church, soccer, cub scouts, dance, karate, you name it... I am not a morning person, so I've been doing my workouts at night. I am finishing up Insanity this week, and then I'm going back to P90X next week (this will be my second round; I did it last spring and had amazing results). So that's a little about me. :happy:
  • Treadmillmom1st
    Treadmillmom1st Posts: 579 Member

    I have 3 children aged 9, 7 and 4, a husband and work full time as a student adviser for a university.

    My healthier lifestyle began nearly two years ago, watching the ageing process destroy my mothers body and confidence I decided to invest in my health future.

    As a consequence I have lost 23 lbs in total and have never been happier with my physique.

    My name Treadmillmom has nothing to do with 'running' its my life, on a treadmill that I can't get off, I sit down to eat a meal and sit again approximately an hour after the last child has fallen asleep.

    The only time available for me to exercise is 6am, whilst the house is still asleep. YouTube is my friend there I work out to Jillian Michaels and Hasfit are my favourite two, Densie Austin, Billy Blanks, Fitness Blender have all played a part in getting me fitter, healthier, stronger.

    I also love to cycle, when I worked part time I'd cycle at 6am then cycle the kids to school with the toddler on the back, to work, to school and back again, I miss my bike tremondously.

    Ultimately, the healthier I have become the less tired I feel.
  • aynhagenbarth
    aynhagenbarth Posts: 75 Member
    Hi! My name is Ann, I work full time at an elementary school doing Behavior Therapy with children with Autism. I love my job because I have time to make my kids (ages 8 and 6) breakfast and I get home just in time to pick them up from school. I am also working on my masters degree in Special Education, so from 4 to 5 every morning I do homework. I workout from 5-6 every morning after that, and then after work I try to do something active with the kids like going for walks with them or riding bikes. Right now I am balancing everything perfect but if I add one more thing into my life I will drop it all. I could definitely use support and encouragement from other moms who are going through the same thing.
  • lawmaria
    lawmaria Posts: 184 Member
    Hi, my Name is Cruzita and I am a mother of 4 boys (22, 16,13 and 16 months), 3 stepkids (2 boys 14 and 12, stepdaughter 15) and I have a beautiful granddaughter age 18 months. I work full-time as a Legal Administrative Assistant at a law firm for soon to be 20 years. I LOVE my job and they are wonderful. My last pregnancy I gained 80lbs and had diabetes and edema. I am a member of weight watchers and I have been a lifetime member since 2003. I finally got serious about losing my pregnancy weight on Jan 2, 2013. I started TURBO FIRE and continued with WW. I have about 26 more pounds to lose to get to my goal weight. I usually workout about 6 or 7 p.m. That is the best time for me to workout after kids are feed and chores are finished. Lucky for me I have teenagers and they can help out with my sweet baby boy while I workout and sometimes my baby likes to workout with me dancing or doing a few of the moves with me. I am hopefully training him early so he can workout with me in a few years (lol).
  • jhedeen
    jhedeen Posts: 22 Member
    Hi there, My name is Jenny. I'm a mom to a almost 7yr daughter. Its just me and her so time for myself can be difficult or at crazy times. I work full time as an MRI technologist. A few years ago I decided I needed to get myself together after dealing with health issues with my daughter. I joined lifetime for a year then got tired of paying so much, I went to fitness 19 and started bootcamps met some really great people. during that time I started Insanity did a whole round, then Turbo Fire whole round, now Chalene Extreme. I love being active. Its just after she goes to bed I'm dead tired and have cleaning,laundry, Beachbody office stuff, and a workout,,thats if I don't fall asleep with her lol
  • bogo_baby
    bogo_baby Posts: 82 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    My name is Amy. I am a single mother of a very active 18 month old boy :)

    I work full time and go to school full time to get my Masters degree in Chemistry. I have a ridiculously crazy schedule... but it works for my boy and me :)

    Glad to meet you all!
  • airant
    airant Posts: 146 Member
    My name is Airan a mother of two ( 13years Daughter and 8 years son), I have a full time jod as a PSS at a Physical Therapy Clinic. Very busy with kids husband, work and church. But i take my lunch break to workout. I started this jod a little longer than a month so what i have been doing is going to the gym on my lunch which is next door, or sometimes i use the machine at work. treadmill, elliptical or bike.
  • AckieJ
    AckieJ Posts: 199 Member
    Hello Ladies!!!! Nice to meet you all! I see I'm not the only non-stop running around mother here. :flowerforyou:
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    Meredith is the name., live in central FL.
    I have two kids : 12 yr old daughter and 4 year old son. No more for me!!!!

    I work full time currently for the county here in Orlando.
    My kids are active for the most part. My daughter struggled with weight from age 6 to 10 and that summer she decided she was tired of struggling with her pants being too long because we had to buy sizes bigger to fit her waist so she worked HARD and deligently that summer losing 12 pounds and she's been good since. she's a broad, thick, tall girl like me so 'skinny' is not her middle name but I am teaching her 'skinny' doesnt mean healthy. Her early weight gain was a blessing in disguise because now at 12 - she knows how to eat healthy and stay healthy for the rest of her life - some adults have no clue how to do this and most kids arent taught how to be healthy/eat healthy/stay active.
    My son - he's thin as a rail - eats only when hungry - and is healthy/active.
    both kids are currently in public schools. I'm okay with that. (son in daycare)

    I battled weight ALL of my life but had a mother who taught me well (she's extremely healthy) so after fighting obesity a few times, i've finally found my medium. I'm content at 180 (6 feet tall) and so are my doctors. I have finally reached that point in my life at age 38 that skinny is not my objective, Healthy is. I love jogging weekly (a few times a week) and working out at gym when the time is there and available.

    that's about it.
  • Hi, my name is Monica. I see that everyone put long intros, so I'm cutting and pasting my "About Me":
    I'm currently at a new job that requires a lot of my time away from home. I work out when I can and when I can sneak away without my kids noticing. I have two beautiful children, ages 5 and 3. They are a handful and I want to be able to keep up with them. My husband of 5 years and best friend of 10 years is a hard working man. Our schedule and lifestyle is not like the "normal" family. My hubby works overnights as a grocery manager, full time. During the the day, I'm at work full time and I usually travel by bus as we have one vehicle. Our children are not in daycare, but they have preschool 3 times a week. My husband gets his sleep in the very early mornings while the kids are sleeping. I leave around 6am everyday and get home by at least 7-7:30pm every evening. We have dinner as a family, and that sometimes is as late as 8pm; not the norm by far. The reason behind the late dinner is because the kids wait for me to come home and my husband doesn't work until 9:30pm and the kids and I go to bed around 10, sometimes as late as 10:30pm. Why? So our children sleep longer in the morning so their dad can rest as well. Thankfully, preschool doesn't start until 12:30pm. If my kids were up any earlier than 10am, they would have long, crabby days at school.
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    Hello all ya beautiful mama's!

    I'm Vanessa. I am a single mother of 2. My daughter is 7 and is involved in tumbling, church choir, and various youth sports at the YMCA. My son is 3 and is involved in anything he get his hands on :) My family has a history of obesity, and I remember growing up hearing that I was so tall and skinny compared to the rest of my family. I was also told I was "cursed" becuase this ran on both mom and dad's side of the family. I was married to my daughters father and we just didn't work. I started working out after our divorce, then I met my son's father. I got into a really awful spiral with him, he's an alcoholic and started drinking heavily after my son was born. I had stopped taking care of myself in a desperate attempt to cover his faults so the kids didn't see what was going well as the rest of the world. After we ended after 5 years I realized how far I had let myself go. I used to be determined and driven and I become someone I didn't recognize anymore. I decided enough was enough. It was time to get back to me. I signed up for the Dirty Girl in Sept. with my best friend and I joined the Y to start straining. I decided to show myself and my kids that anything can be done and that it's important to care for yourself. I work a 9-5 M-F job degining bronze and granite memorials for a cemetery so my hours work great for getting a workout in. I just have issues with that mom guilt of not spending every evening with my kids.
  • Hey Ya'll! My name is Lindsey and I live in SC. I have a 2 1/2 year old daughter and a 7 month old son. I do work full time, along with keeping the house in order! My husband also works. I've just recently started with MFP, and hopefully to see some results soon!
  • kimlee
    kimlee Posts: 79 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm Kimberly. A 30 year old wife and mother to a 3 year old little girl. I am currently employed as a healthcare executive. My goal is to lose 20 pounds by my 31st birthday - which is August 4th.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,115 Member
    Hey there my name is Beth and a full time working mom of 2. Right now I am a bookeeper and office manager while trying to finish my masters in human development and family services. My son is 9 years old and my daughter is 3 months. Yes I know I am insane having kids so far apart. I leave my house at 730am and do not get home till 530pm. I have been finding it tough working out with the new baby in the house I have forgotten how much attention new ones need. Before I had her I would get up early to workout while my son was sleeping now I am still up early I am just spending that time feeding and entertaining her. My son is a big help if she is being good he will watch her for me so I can get a quick 30 min work out in. My husband works full time as well and his schedule is never the same he is an IT tech so at his job they have to have 24/7 coverage and be on call at all times. I have managed to lose all the pregnancy weight ( I only gained 7lbs), but I am trying to lose the rest that I should have before becoming pregnant. I am excited for my sons baseball to start because there is a track at the park where he plays and I can get some good walking in. Yes I do understand the mom guilt especially when I am feeding my daughter and my son wants me to help with his homework and I have to ask him to wait when before he had my undivided attention.
  • Yvette22Hernandez
    Yvette22Hernandez Posts: 52 Member
    hi ladies!!! i'm yvette, a 34 year-old mommy with a 4 year old ACTIVE little boy. i'm high school English teacher who loves running and fitness. i have a gluten intolerance that almost forces me to eat healthy, but I love the feeling of HEALTHY too! i'm trying to gear up for some events coming soon, duatholon and the toughmudder. nice to meet everyone.
  • JLHNU212
    JLHNU212 Posts: 169 Member
    Hello all! My name is Jenna and I am mom to a very active 2 year old. He is our first and only (hopefully only for now) and it took us awhile to get blessed with him! I have a full time job that I really do LOVE, but I feel guilty for being a working mom. I would LOVE being home with him all the time! That is why I have such a problem making "me time" to work out. I know a lot of people say that as a mom, you deserve it, or you will be so much happier taking time out for yourself... and I am just not there, where I believe them. I honestly try to wake up at 5 to work out before the house wakes up, but I just dont know how to not press snooze!! How do all you wonderful women do everything you do?!?!?! It amazes me and I cant wait to learn more about you all! :)
  • Hi Everyone! This is the first group I have joined and the only friend that I have on MPF is my husband so I am happy to come across this group and get some support from other ladies who are in the same situation as me. My name is Tiffany and I am a full time working mom, I have one soon to be 4 year old little girl. I work for the state of New Mexico as a Child Support Legal Assistant, 8-5. One good thing is that the town I live in is so small that it takes about 2 minutes to get my daughter to school and get to work in the morning. I also have an amazing husband that has a flexable job so he gets to pick her up at about 2 everyday(which makes me feel better about having to leave her). It is still very hard for me to get to the gym in the evenings because all I want to do is sunggle with my baby because I miss her so much everyday. I do sneak away and do Zumba one night a week and on Sat mornings. I think one thing that has really helped me balance everything is to try to be as organized as possible. I pack healthy food to bring to work with me the night before so I am not tempted to go get fast food. I also get my daughter involved in all my chores in the evenings like packing her lunch, and doing the dishes so I get to spend more time with her. I look forward to hearing about you all and hopefully helping each other get healthy :)
  • Hello All,

    Im a fulltime working mother of 4. My husband and I just welcomed our LAST 6 mths ago! I work in the health information management field. My long day starts at 6am and ends at 11pm with me sitting in my bed tweeking the next day's schedule :) . My kids are all very active and love to play sports. My husband is Shallow Hal, physically fit, marathon runnner and very supportive of my never ending fitness, I challenge myself to be and stay active and healthy to keep up with all of them.

    It is very encouraging to be able to connect with all you ladies with similar fitness journeys as mine.

    Who Runs the World!

    Good Luck Ladies!
  • jillebee44
    jillebee44 Posts: 64 Member
    Hello everyone. I am am mom of a wonderful 6yr old girl, wife, and a full time 911/Police dispatcher. I am constantly on the go with an 11am-7pm job. I have now MADE time in my day for the gym. So I am GO GO GOing ALL the time. School drop off, gym, work, then home to start dinner by 730, then school work, showers etc. bed. (You all know the drill) My husband is slightly supportive. He is not on the good eating path, he eats what he wants and has no issues and doesn't go to the gym. But he is behind me, unless I "push" things on him and then he gets defensive and digs his heels in. So recipes I have to try them on him without him knowing it's "diet food" as he would say.

    Before I was NOT making time for the gym, I was making excuses for why I could not get there. Too busy with this, my time is going for that.....I am feeling great, and it's only the first week! So here's to keep it going, and a great journey ahead.

  • HeyImRin
    HeyImRin Posts: 13
    :drinker: Hey everyone!

    I'm Corinne, I'm a wife, and a mother of a 3 year old boy.

    I'm in the Army, trying to learn a language. It takes up almost all of my time. It's hard enough to learn every day let alone try to tone up on top of it.

    It's tough, and I can definitely use a friend.

    Nice to meet you all :)