chocolate pb smoothies

MissySchwab Posts: 529 Member
buy a jar of pb2 from the health food store is $6 here and lasts a long time like 3 or 4 month

add 2 tbsp pb2 to a blender,add 1 cup of ice,add 1 cup 1% milk,1/4 tsp instant coffee,add 3 tbsp mini chocolate chips blend till smooth and TADDA I swear it is a pb cup in a cup makes 2 servings.Super kid friendly and yum!


  • WOW, this one sounds like a winner. I will make one this week! THANKS.
  • PB2 is AMAZING! And you should be able to start finding it in most grocery stores. We have it at our little commissary out here (which usually doesn't carry anything special like this) and its only $3 something!
    Even hubby loves it. We have sworn our allegiance to PB2. Regular PB be gone!! (well no not really thats how we get our dogs to take their pills lol)
  • how many calories is this?
  • MissySchwab
    MissySchwab Posts: 529 Member
    it is 178 calories for 1 serving with half the recipe which is a little over a cup