The CrossFit Open!



  • Mrs_Duh
    Mrs_Duh Posts: 263
    I've been Crossfitting for about a year, but I can only Rx about 20% of the moves.... but I signed up for the Open anyway. I know I'm not a real "competitor", but maybe it will be fun (and by "fun" I mean hard/painful). : )
  • dirtybadgermtb
    dirtybadgermtb Posts: 140 Member
    I've been Crossfitting for about a year, but I can only Rx about 20% of the moves.... but I signed up for the Open anyway. I know I'm not a real "competitor", but maybe it will be fun (and by "fun" I mean hard/painful). : )
    You are going to have a lot of fun. They write these WODs so that anyone can do them by only the most advanced athletes can complete or excel at them. I have been trying to reinforce this to everyone in our gym and as a result, we had some of our newcomers, especially the ladies, totally kill it this morning. I was so proud of them!
  • butilovetacos
    butilovetacos Posts: 29 Member
    Today was one of the best days I've had at crossfit. I did the WOD great with 111reps, wasnt the highest in the box but i was pretty proud and am ranked 333 out of 600 something international...but that isn't what made it the was the best because the crossfit community at my box was so on fire and cheering on the whole box, not just the star athletes...i think this is what the open is really all about!
  • dirtybadgermtb
    dirtybadgermtb Posts: 140 Member
    I ..wasnt the highest in the box but i was pretty proud and am ranked 333 out of 600 something international...but that isn't what made it the was the best because the crossfit community at my box was so on fire and cheering on the whole box, not just the star athletes...i think this is what the open is really all about!

    That is exactly what the open is about! Awesome job!
  • Mrs_Duh
    Mrs_Duh Posts: 263
    Well, 13.1 kicked my butt! I only got to 100 reps... but at least I tried, right? Have I mentioned that I loathe burpees? : )
  • shaywallis
    shaywallis Posts: 165 Member
    there is no way on earth I could have done the open. I can barely do a 45# snatch. But I've only been CFing for about 2 months now. Maybe next year = )
  • Skeena4
    Skeena4 Posts: 209 Member
    I didn't sign up as I am brand new to cross fit and haven't even been doing it for a month yet, but we all did the 13.1 WOD today (2 girls competed, the rest of us were there for the pain) And I gotta say it was pretty awesome! I did 119 reps. My legs are hurting but I did it!! It was kinda cool to know that all over, thousands of people did the exact same thing today :-)
  • DarkAngellEyes
    DarkAngellEyes Posts: 317 Member
    Although I pretty much despise burpees (who doesnt?!) I actually really had fun with this one!! Makes me realize how much I miss the whole competition atmosphere. While my goal was to at least get to 100 - I totally surprised myself and ended up with a total of 123!!

    When I look back, I feel like I could (or should) have finished out those last 7 snatches, but still - I'm damn proud of myself! Not bad for a chick whos almost 4 months preggo :wink:

    Congrats to all the badass crossfitters competing!!! :drinker:
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    That is so cool...
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    13.1 DONE! My goal was also 100 and I got to 117. My max snatch WAS 75! Yay!
  • difabu
    difabu Posts: 143
    Well, 13.1 kicked my butt! I only got to 100 reps... but at least I tried, right? Have I mentioned that I loathe burpees? : )

    It was AWFUL! But I tried. Only got 95 reps. =( Trying to console myself that it's so much further than I'd get before starting CrossFit four weeks ago.
  • raiderzara
    raiderzara Posts: 55 Member
    Today was my 4th day in a row of doing a WOD and I was pretty sore/fatigued from the week. My shoulders were tired from doing a billion pushups this week...and burpees are definitely a shoulder exercise.

    I LOATHE burpees. I'd rather do ANYTHING else. Usually if a WOD has more than about 20 burpees in it, I don't go to class. I didn't want to go. I dragged my heels. I whined and complained.

    And then I dragged my butt to the box today for 13.1.

    It was hard.

    I got to 113 reps. The snatches at 75 pounds felt really good...wish my burpees didn't take so long because I would have loved to finish the round of 30 at 75#. I can lift heavy things, but not myself. Must get better at that!

    But I feel proud that I went at all, and did 70 more burpees than I felt like doing.

    As hard as it was and as much as I didn't really enjoy it, there is this sick part of me that wishes I had time this weekend to go do it again in an attempt to improve my score. Who am I? :tongue:
  • alysa521
    alysa521 Posts: 137 Member
    This is my first year doing the open, last year I was still in on-ramp class during it. Did the workout yesterday, and scored 150. I had two failed attempts at the 100# bar which would have been a 10# PR for me. It was frustrating because I had two really good pulls but my legs would just not move quick enough to drop under it after all the burpees :) So much fun though to see over 100 people doing the workout and cheering everyone on.
  • dunc289
    dunc289 Posts: 54 Member
    I loved it.
    Got my 100 reps, and tried for the 135 but there was no way I could get it.

    Don't care, because it's all so much fun.

    I think I'm getting a bit kinky for burpees these days. They're actually OK once you get into the swing of it.

    I mean, it's only falling over and getting back up again isn't it?
  • sburde2
    sburde2 Posts: 178 Member
    I've only been doing crossfit for about 3 months so not this year. Hopefully by next year I will be doing WOD's as Rx'd and can participate.
  • artsyalice
    artsyalice Posts: 40 Member
    I've been crossfitting for 3 months and signed up for the open. I got a score of 40 for 13.1.
    I couldn't do the 45lb snatch, but during the WOD I did PR at about 10reps of 30lbs snatches. I got really close to getting the 45 up but just couldn't get under it. I think it was more mental and mobility related than anything.

    All that said, I'm so glad I signed up to have a baseline. It is hard, but seeing all the competitors at our box support me, the newbie who "sucks" just as much as each other really inspires me.
  • jlcuster
    jlcuster Posts: 22
    Next year I'm in. I can't quite do all the WOD at Rx yet, so this year I just get to watch.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    I think I'll do the 13.1 just to do it and when time is up I'll mark the total down and keep going til the last rep is finished.
  • dirtybadgermtb
    dirtybadgermtb Posts: 140 Member
    I've been crossfitting for 3 months and signed up for the open. I got a score of 40 for 13.1.
    I couldn't do the 45lb snatch, but during the WOD I did PR at about 10reps of 30lbs snatches. I got really close to getting the 45 up but just couldn't get under it. I think it was more mental and mobility related than anything.

    All that said, I'm so glad I signed up to have a baseline. It is hard, but seeing all the competitors at our box support me, the newbie who "sucks" just as much as each other really inspires me.

    Good for you for laying it on the line. I see more PR's and inspirational moments during The Open than any other time of year. For that matter, I see as many of those moments in the 5 week period of The Open as the rest of the year combined. Well, maybe that is a little dramatic but you get my point.
  • dirtybadgermtb
    dirtybadgermtb Posts: 140 Member
    Next year I'm in. I can't quite do all the WOD at Rx yet, so this year I just get to watch.

    I hear what you are saying but it isn't about doing all of the WOD's at Rx or really, any of the WOD's at Rx. Rx for The Open WODs means getting just 1 rep. All of the WODs are written that anyone can do them at Rx. Maybe we cannot all get to 165-210 lb snatches or muscle-ups but these WODs are designed not to eliminate anyone. They are easy enough for even the most out of shape to start but for the most elite to distinguish themselves.

    While it is a little too late to sign up, The Open is especially beneficial to CrossFit rookies. A huge part of the effectiveness of CrossFit is measurability and repeatability. This is your perfect opportunity to get a baseline to compare yourself against a huge pool of competitors year after year. To give an analogy, how many times have we heard someone that has lost a lot of weight say that they wish they had taken before and after pictures. This is the same thing. Doing The Open when you are new to CrossFit is your before picture. Every subsequent year is your after picture.