Let's get to know eachother -- Self-introduction



  • karen_thinmint
    karen_thinmint Posts: 499 Member
    I'm Karen, living in CT. I'm 151 as of today and want to be at least 135 by end of challenge. I've been plateaued (maintained, not on purpose) since early 2012, so this will definitely be a challenge. I need to be strict with myself, because I tend to bend the rules too often. I've been wanting to get over this slump, and needed some extra motivation. I'll be traveling in the summer and I want to be in great shape for the trip, so hopefully this will be the motivation I need.

    I posted the before, hopefully in the after pic all those mushy bits will be gone.

    I'm trying to get iron back in my diet lately as my energy levels have plummeted due to low iron. So right now I'm trying to keep my diet high on proteins, leafy greens, legumes, and some fortified grains. My biggest weakness is sweets, which takes over my cals with no nutrition, so I'm planning on limiting those. I need my energy from vits/minerals not sugar.

    Exercise has always been a pain in my *kitten*, but I'm going to try to get into a routine.
  • callmeLuna
    callmeLuna Posts: 42 Member
    Hi All,

    I'm new to MFP since Feb. I have hypothyroidism, stage II hypertension and since 2005, have gained over 60 lbs. Since joining MPS, my wife and I have made some of the necessary lifestyle changes, improving the quality of food we eat, reducing the quantity, and exercising with more regularity...doing this right and for the long haul is our goal. Since 1/31, I am down 13 lbs...with another 40+ to go.

    36 yo
    SW - 225 (1/31/13) / BMI 33
    CW - 213 / BMI 31.3
    Challenge GW - 180 / BMI 26.6
    GW - 165

    Pics will be posted before start date. Honestly, clicking the 'post' button on those will be tough...

    Although this is my first post on MFP, I read the message board every day...I am blown away at the level of support everyone provides. There are so many different stories and successes that are so inspiring! I find every day that the network here (even if viewed from afar) is so welcoming of all, the encouragement is amazing! Most importantly, in times of struggle the support remains stronger than ever. I'm hoping that somewhere along the line I can provide the same support and inspiration to others.

    I feel the only way that I can track progress accurately is by being as close to 100% accurate in my journal as possible. I enter everything that goes in my body - factors impacting accuracy are measurements (no scale) and MFP nutritional info. I am curious for those who have some more experience than I do (and are willing to look) what you think of my journal (i believe it is open to view). I feel like I'm eating healthy, and if there are some yellow or red flags - please let me know.

    I'm looking forward to sharing this challenge with all of you and wish you all the greatest success in your journey!

  • sillyjeepgirl
    My name's Becca, I just moved to Virginia Beach with my son, dog, and my mother. I'm 23yrs old. I go to school full-time online, and just got a full-time job. :)

    Currently I do a mix routine with Insanity as the base for my exercises. I work in some Nike Training Club routines (mostly the targeted 15 minute exercises) and occassionally try to work in a light job/run into my workout. I'm looking forward to eventually working on the couch 2 5k program to help build up my running.

    I'm working hard to eat a paleo diet, but it's a constant battle. I'm finding it easier everyday, but I still miss grilled cheese.

    The only tv show I religiously watch is Once Upon a Time.
    My Favorite color is green.
    My favorite meal is probably some sort of italian pasta dish. BUT my favorite Paleo meal is a tie between my homemade "breaded" chicken and my homemade apple crisp -- SO yum!

    Good Luck everyone! Feel free to add me :)
  • divalivious
    divalivious Posts: 213 Member
    Rebecca, 38 not sure what to ramble other than a massive workaholic. (Work nights) Attempting to change my ways but you know its hard. Married with no kids other than the furry ones. Love to go on road trips with my hubby to where ever but most usually a beach is involved some how. Found MPF a year ago and was doing fairly well with it but then life got in the way and some health issues so its a restart for me really the last month or so. Found out have diabetes so all the fun I was having over the holidays that seemed to carry on well that had to stop abruptly. Back to the healthy eating. I am not one for eating package foods. I still have a few I cant give up. The next 5 months my hubby will be away for schooling and I will be cooking for 1 so will definitely need some extra kicks in the butt since my eating usually goes to heck when he isnt around. Though I am motivated to take advantage of the months he is away to lose lose lose and have him come home to a thinner wife.

    From Vancouver Island, BC Canada
    Fav Color Red
    Love Spring time
    Food OMG Food! When in the mood I enjoy cooking. Indulgence meal is Carbonara. Healthy Meal would be Eat Clean Honey Mustard Chicken Stir Fry.
    Fav TV Series. I watch far too much tv. Revenge. Once Upon A Time. Survivor. Big Bang. Scandal. Ya will stop there.
    No major books jump out right now.
    Hobbies. OMG I work far too much at the moment and forget what hobbies are. Sad but true :s
    Travel Place would be the Bora Bora Resort with the huts on the water. Followed by anywhere in Italy.
    Fav workout routine is walking or water aerobics. I am horrible with exercise dvd's buy them use them 1 or 2 times then they are forgotten. I want to work my way into the c25k for my inlaws all run and I would like to surprise them one day by running with them or least doing something super sporty and keeping up. lol.
  • hifromjamers1984
    hifromjamers1984 Posts: 300 Member
    Hi everyone! I am Jamie, I'm 29 and I live in Mount Horeb, WI.

    Favorite Colour: Blue
    Favorite Season: Early Summer (right before it gets rediculously hot)
    Favorite Food: Italian
    Favorite Television: Duck Dynasty, Big Bang Theory, Green Bay Packer/Pittsburgh Steeler football, Psych
    Favorite Book: The Hunger Games trilogy
    Favorite Hobby: Knitting, Digital Photography, Classic Movies, Traveling, Hanging out with my 1 year old niece, reading, going to the gym.
    Favorite Destinations: At this point I just want a stamp in my Passport.
    Favorite Workout Routines: My personal training sessions, Running, Kettlebells

    Please feel free to add me if you are looking for accountablilty friends. Just leave me a message that you're from this challenge :)
  • moniew24
    moniew24 Posts: 88 Member
    Hello my name is Monica, and I am from East Texas.

    Favorite Color: Purple
    Favorite Season: Summer
    Favorite Food: Seafood
    Favorite Television: Scandal, Grey's Anatomy, CSI, First 48
    Favorite Hobby: Hanging with family
  • Sharita0427
    Sharita0427 Posts: 38 Member
    Hello All... I'm Sharita. I'm the mother of two children, ages 3 & 6. I used to be at what I thought was my perfect weight, until I had my son. I used to eat extremely healty. I was going to the gym just about every morning. After I had him, I thought I would just bounce right back but I didn't. At that point I was at my heaviest weight ever & for some reason I just couldn't get it together. Then last year I lost my mother & damn near went crazy. My mind was all over the place. During that period I just didn't care about anything & completely let myself go. NOW im really at my heaviest. Before I had my son my weight was 168 & I loved it, now I weigh 281. My life has gotten so much harder & I can't seem to get it back on track. I have a full time job that requires me to work overtime & I have another full time job when I get home. It's so hard for me to find time to exercise, because I'm always so tired. I rarely have time for myself.
  • nicarey19
    nicarey19 Posts: 126 Member
    My name is Barbara and I am 28, but by the end of the challenge I will be 29. I live in Montana with my husband, 2 dogs, cat and 2 horses. My favorite season is Spring (when we actually get one!). My favorite color is red and black. My favorite food is my mom's twice baked potatos and indian tacos (not together). I have so many favorite televison series, but the two I watch all the time are The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. But some I like are True Blood, Newsroom, South Park, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and Once Upon a Time. I love all types of books, but my favorite are the Harry Potter series. I also have lots of hobbies which include riding horses, rodeo, barrel racing and reading. I would love to visit Europe (all over), because I love history. My favorite workout is running, currently training for a 10k. I am hoping to lose 25 lbs by the end of the challenge. I want to be around 170 by the time summer hits. If anyone wants to add me, please feel free to! Have a wonderful day! :-)
  • daryll77
    daryll77 Posts: 29
    Hi all, my name is Daryll and I am from New Zealand...yep that means that this is more of a spring into Winter challenge for me!!

    I am married and have 2 kids and I work full time. I used MFP to lose about 16 pounds about this time last year and then hurt my knee training for my first half marathon - i managed to finish the race, but then did nothing for over 6 months and have put most of the weight back on!! Now is my time to get back on track and get to my goal weight before the winter kicks in and all I want to do is hibernate!

    Favorite Colour: Changes all the time...is green at the moment
    Favorite Season: Autumn (Fall)
    Favorite Food: Italian
    Favorite Television: At the moment its The Following...love that show!
    Favorite Hobby: Reading and spending time with my kids
    Dream Vacation: On a golden beach, somewhere sunny, with my book and a drink with an umbrella in it :-)
    Favorite Workout Routines: Running
  • mwgner
    mwgner Posts: 115
    Good morning everyone!! My name is Marni. I am 22 years old. I graduated from college last year with a BA in Psychology and an extra 70 pounds on my body. I became very sedentary when I started college. The food and drinking in college did not help me either. I currently am down 19 pounds from when I started back at this whole thing in August at 209 pounds.

    I am a midwest girl, and will be moving back to western Iowa in June (I currently reside in western Illinois). My favorite colors are blue and pink, but recently I have taken a liking to teal green colors. I adore summer, mostly because I can wear as little clothing as possible. As for television, I will watch just about anything, but my favorite channel is the food network (the shows where people actually cook). Books on the other hand, I haven't read much in the last 5 years, except for school work, so I can't say I have a favorite book.

    When it comes to food, all foods are my favorite. I just love to try new flavors and dishes. (This becomes a problem :wink: )
    I despise the thought of working out, but if someone gives me some set routine to do, I will try it once. I have actually started to enjoy the working out part once I am doing it.

    Now, I must go to work. I am looking forward to this next challenge and cannot wait to see how it turns out for me.

    MFP SW: 209
    CW (3/12/13): 192.6
    GW for this Challenge: 170
  • ezBrizy
    ezBrizy Posts: 131 Member
    Hi group! My name is Bri. I'm from North Carolina. I'm an artsy kinda gal with varying tastes in music, art, literature, etc... I'm also a a total geek who loves comics and video games. I'm married, no kids yet but I definitely have baby fever. I really want to reach a healthy weight first though.

    Favorite Color: Alternates between Red and Yellow
    Favorite Season: Summer because of the fun it's all cookouts and beaches. Fall because of the scenery and wardrobe. NC is really pretty in the Fall and I love wearing cute jackets, scarves, boots, and hats.
    Favorite Food: Sushi...I have to fight myself to keep from gorging on it
    Favorite Television: Here's a few... Supernatural, Being Human UK & US, Touch, The Following, Community, Project Runway.
    Favorite Books: I love reading, it's hard to choose. Their Eyes Were Watching God, Little Bee, 32 Candles, Anita Blake Series
    Favorite Hobby: Anything craftsy or DIY. I like hands on stuff.
    Dream Destination: Greece for the beauty and culture. I once saw a cruise that went to Greece, Turkey, and Egypt...perfect!
    Favorite Workout Routines: I really like circuit training and Zumba

    Feel free to friend!
  • Ianhazemom
    Ianhazemom Posts: 47 Member
    Hello everyone--
    I am excited about a new challenge! Just finishing the New Year's Challenge. I have been on this journey for way too long, but actually have stuck with it this time. I starting my real program just after Thanksgiving and have lost 28lbs. My goal for this challenge will be 15-20 lbs. I hope that with the weather changing I can spend more time outdoors with my 2 sweet boys (11 and 5) and my husband. We love to walk and run in the evenings. My plan is to begin to bike some...if my 5 year old will learn.

    We are a very active family, my oldest son plays every sport possible. I coach volleyball and my husband loves to be in the yard. This website has been such a blessing to me. The support and motivation I receive from the people on here is amazing! We can all do this, if you need a friend I am your girl.

  • awkwardpear
    awkwardpear Posts: 24 Member
    Hi guys, I'm Pear. :) I'm a young'un, eighteen years old and a college student.

    I don't really have a weight goal, but appearance-wise I'd like to look really stinking good in a swimsuit, and performance-wise I'd like to be able to run a 5K in 30 minutes or less and a mile in 8 20-second sprints with 10-second rests. And be able to do 30 burpees in a row. And a cartwheel. But yeah, mostly I want to look good. Very shallow.


    UM. Clearly, I love food (otherwise eating fewer cookies wouldn't be so much of a problem) and am quite lazy (otherwise getting more exercise wouldn't be so much of a problem. But other than that, I'm okay, I promise!
  • rossmy1
    rossmy1 Posts: 17
    Hi Sharita, my name's Michelle and I'm also a part of this challenge. The fact that you're on mfp and are on the challenge means that you're winning the fight! This is such a supportive site, and you're going to meet people who are going thru what you're experiencing right now, or who were once there. You'll get answers, support, encourgement and soooo much more! So, welcome, and i look forward to seeing your progress as you start your journey. :smile:
  • bwnorton
    bwnorton Posts: 100 Member
    Hi group! This is the part of my diet that will be the hardest for me. I'm looking at the last 23 pounds. And, I don't want to fall off track before summer. I have goals to meet with biking. Of course, weather here in Chicago has been bad for biking. And sidewalks aren't being shoveled enough to use them.

    I look forward to the support, as well as making my goals by summer!
  • fiona2785
    fiona2785 Posts: 82
    Hi all! Super excited about this challenge - I've put my name on the spreadsheet, no backing out now! Wishing all of you the best of luck! :-)
  • gs1941
    gs1941 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    My name is Stephanie. Looking to shed about 30 lbs. Looking forward to this challenge. Feel free to add me! love the Motivation & support from everyone.

    Best of luck to everyone, we are all in this together!

  • helenjhink
    helenjhink Posts: 4 Member
    Hi friends! I am SO in need of this group! Resolving some health issues are my main reason for wanting to lose weight. My doctor told me 50 lbs, but in reality I'm setting a long term goal of 75 lbs! As for a July goal, I'm not going to set one. Every time I do that I stress myself out. :sad: I'm taking it one day at a time.

    Married to a great man and we have two married children with wonderful in-law children!
    Favorite color : Purple
    Dog: Stuart Louis my dear littel Maltese
    Hobbies: Cake decorating ( I know...stop licking the bowl) and music -I'm a flute/piccolo player

    I work full time and also am an independant sales consultant for the best direct sales co. ever! :smile:
    Best of luck to everyone. We do win a trip to the Bahamas don't we?? To show off our new bodies?? :laugh:
  • jade2112
    jade2112 Posts: 272 Member
    I'm Kelly and I live in Wisconsin in a little itty-bitty unincorporated miss it if you blink area in the country. Not too far from town.

    I like to read, sew, be on the net, and I crochet occasionally.
    I have brown eyes and red hair.
    I'm 5' and have a small frame.
    I love the color blue.
    I have one cat and would be a cat lady if I could. Maybe some day.
    I have two grown sons and five grandchildren.
    Favorite book is Anthem by Ayn Rand.
    Favorite movie is Freeway with Reese Witherspoon.

    I decided I had to do something about my weight three and a half years ago when I had to have my husband put my shoes and socks on. It made me very embarrassed every time. I've since lost 140 pounds.

    I work as a desk clerk at a motel and the job is interesting to say the least. You never know what people are going to do or say and I've dealt with some real winners.

    That's about it. Anyone can friend me if they like.
  • miller32807
    miller32807 Posts: 78 Member
    My name is Sarah. I am a wife and mom to 4 children (2 girls, ages 15 and 12 and 2 boys, ages 11 and 3). I have been overweight as long as I can remember (meaning being 120 in 3rd grade). I'm currently 199 lbs, but I started at 210 at the beginning of 2013. My ultimate goal weight is 130 lbs, but I'd be happy losing 15 lbs during this challenge. I look forward to the support of everyone in this group!