New to the Group, and New Lifestyle!

Hi everyone, I am new to the group here. I was officially Diagnosed with PCOS back in 2010 right before my wedding, although I had known I had it for many years prior to getting the official diagnoses. I had been to many Dr.'s with no one able to tell me what was going on. I finally started seeing an endocrinologist and she did a glucose test on me and it came back that I had an insulin resistance.
My husband and I have been trying to concive a child, and went through a few months of fertility treatment without any help. Fertility treatment became too expensive for us at the time so we stopped our treatment. Since stopping I kind of fell off the wagon and was in the dumps so to say. I didnt care what I ate and I didnt care what it was going to do to me. I questioned why me many times, even when everyone around me was having babies.
I recently went to the endocrinologist (Jan 31) and found that since seeing her in 2011 i have gained nearly 30 lbs, She told me I needed to start counting my carbs but didnt tell me how many i should be eating in a day or per a meal. I decided when I left her office I was going to change my life. Since leaving her office I have tried not to go over 24 carbs per a day. In almost 3 weeks I have lost 15lbs. I am determined to do this for myself and for my husband so hopefully my cycle will regulate and we will be able to conceive a child.
My question to everyone who is doing the low carb thing how many carbs a day or meal do you eat?


  • pland54
    pland54 Posts: 132
    Welcome to the group! We can all share in your frustrations and setbacks, and the "why me's". But support means a lot, and this group has done wonders for keeping me from turning that frustration into hopelessness. Try, try, and try again. This is a learning process for all of us, and we each have to learn what works for us.

    15 lbs in 3 weeks is AWESOME, especially for someone with PCOS! Obviously you are seeing results with your diet, but how do you feel? Are you tired, or do you have cravings? 24 (I'm guessing grams) seems really low, even on a low carb diet. People do need some carbs.

    If you don't know about 'macros', there are 3 macro nutrients: protein, fat, and carbs. You need all three, but you can choose healthy sources of each one and you can play with the proportions of each to find a balance that works for you. Right now, my goals are 30% carbs (which for me is 130g but it depends on your personal info), 30% fat, and 40% protein.

    It seems like you are doing great with the weight loss, just make sure you're not starving yourself and the changes you make are sustainable. It's a learning process. I wish you the best :flowerforyou:
  • WifeofPJ
    WifeofPJ Posts: 312
    So glad to see ou saying you have around 130 carbs that is about what I have been eating with the carbs coming primarily from Fruit, Vegetables and Whole grains such as Whole Wheat Couscous, Quinoa, ocasionally whole wheat pasta and brown rice and starting today Farro. What kinds of Carbs do you eat? I am always looking for more new grains to add in to my diet as I have a hard time doing meat and vegetables without some kind of carb,
  • pland54
    pland54 Posts: 132
    I am still trying to figure out what works best for me, but I have found that I feel better when I get most of my carbs from dairy (like milk) and fewer from wheat sources like bread. I'm starting to think maybe I need to try cutting out gluten as best I can. Some people don't do well with a lot of dairy and many have milk allergies, but for whatever reason it seems to be helping me.

    We'll see! I try to make any changes pretty gradually.
  • Sorry I have not been on to respond. I have been using my app on my phone and not had a chance to get on the computer to respond. I am actually feeling great! Since the 31st of December I have lost 20lbs. I feel like I am eating more now than i did before I am just making healthier choices. I am not sure why I put 24 carbs a day. I try not to go over 30 net carbs a day. I for the most part stay away from breads and grains. there is history of gluten intolerance in my family and have found since going away from gluten I am not having some of the sympotms that I have been having.
    I have realized since I started this new lifestyle I have been bleeding for 25 days. I know this is not normal. Should I call my OB and see what is going on. I feel like is he going to tell me it is my body regulating and adjusting to the changes my body is making.
  • pland54
    pland54 Posts: 132
    I have realized since I started this new lifestyle I have been bleeding for 25 days. I know this is not normal. Should I call my OB and see what is going on. I feel like is he going to tell me it is my body regulating and adjusting to the changes my body is making.

    It's not normal for 'normal' women, but us ladies with PCOS have mostly all been there. Of course if it's bothersome to you or painful, you can ask your doctor for advice, but more than likely it will even out as you become healthier, and better to bleed than not bleed. What were your cycles like before? If you go more than 3 months without a period you are supposed to do something about it, because of the increased risk of cancer. But bleeding too much is just annoying, and if you are feeling great than more power to you! Haha. Make sure you get enough iron. It sounds like you're well on your way :-)
  • Before September my Periods were very far and few between. Since September they have been about every two weeks with lots of BIG blood clots. I had gone to the dr and he said my body was regulating. I started changing how I eat and blood for a very long time! it has been 3 days since the bleeding has stopped I am hoping it stays away for at least a month.
  • lucy529
    lucy529 Posts: 127 Member
    just wanted to say welcome to the group and congrats on the progress that you have made. i too have what drs call severe pcos with insulin intolerance luckily changing my diet and exercising has helped a ton i am no longer considered diabetic also trying to conceive but on now on a break until i get closer to my goal weight. Just wanted to tell you that you are doing an awesome job keep it up :)