I won't be discouraged!

tropicpalm Posts: 39 Member
Hi Ladies,

I am eating right, keeping track here and have been exercising in some manner every day. I have had many health challenges that have interfered with my weight loss. I am okay with it being slow though, as long as I feel better, which I do.

I signed up at the local yoga practice room for unlimited visits for three months. I used to do yoga regularly and love it a lot. In the past 10 years especially, I have seen a disconnect between my body and my mind which I believe has contributed to some of the emotional eating and weight gain (lots of other medical reasons, but that doesn't impact what I put in my mouth! LOL). I was so excited to get back to doing yoga again!

I have gone to two classes this week. I am shocked and dismayed by how much core strength and flexibility I have lost. The first day, I started to get upset with myself for letting it get this bad. I moved that thought out of my mind and just gave myself credit for starting again. However, today was a different instructor and while I enjoyed the class, I found the challenges too much for me and with my fibromyalgia, I couldn't even perform some of the poses comfortably.

I know it will get easier and I will do better as long as I continue, but I am having a tough time allowing myself to be just where I am, knowing I am moving forward in my efforts to improve my health.

I don't expect miracles, but I hope my progress moves at a pace that will give me encouragement.

Sorry for the long message; I just had to get this out of me.



  • laarae
    laarae Posts: 332 Member
    Never be discouraged!!!!!!!!! I have been on this path for 3 years and I have my ups and downs but I am learning everyday that I am so worth it, as are you. We can only take this one choice, meal, day, class at a time. When I started I couldn't do Zumba for 15 minutes straight now I go an hour and am looking for more. :smile: Oh yea you can do this-anyway encouragement I can give feel free to friend me.
  • Larisonlj
    Larisonlj Posts: 426 Member
    Your topic title says it all.
    Don't beat yourself up for what you didn't do in the past, your changing that now. Take it a day at a time and you will get stronger and more flexible. You'll be able to do the positions better and more comfortably. Just don't give up. You are doing this for you and you deserve it! :flowerforyou:
    My husband doesn't like the yoga we are to do with P90X but he's doing it because I've told him how it will help with his flexibility. The other day when his back was a little sore/tight guess what he did? Yoga...downward dog and cobra/upward dog! :tongue:
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Be discouraged. I'm discouraged right now. But then take that discouragement and own it. Cuddle it, caress it, feed it bowls of milk. Take the whole process in and none of it can beat you. The end.
  • tropicpalm
    tropicpalm Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks everyone! All good advice!

    I went again today and had an awesome practice. The woman who owns the place is lovely and the teacher I had today was wonderful. I feel like I will bounce back faster than I thought. I am feeling much better!


    PS: My husband refuses to try yoga, too. My neighbors do the P90X program; I just saw it on TV today. How do you do it? It seems so intense to me! Maybe after I lose a little more of the extra poundage I will feel I can tackle it. :bigsmile:
  • Glad you feel better today. I had "pick you up" words but now I don't need to use them :wink: .

    It takes time. I used to walk to and from work everyday. It was three miles each way. I was in GREAT shape. I stopped years ago. When I started exercising again I could walk about twenty minutes and I would be so sore from it. I just kept it up and added a little more each week. Baby steps work!

    I also had myself up to running for half an hour straight. Now I run for three minutes (I had to work up to that) and I sweat like crazy and am so out of breath!

    Now that my stomach hangs over my pants, that keeps me extra motivated to keep up the exercise.

    I need to learn more about the P90 and P90X that so many on here write about.
  • NanaWubbie
    NanaWubbie Posts: 248 Member
    We are all a little older and a little less flexible than I used to be. I love the idea of yoga, but I simply feel like I stick out like a sore thumb in class. It takes lots of patience and practice. Walking and biking are my thing these days. Keep practicing and you will regain a lot od flexibility and strength.
  • tropicpalm
    tropicpalm Posts: 39 Member
    NanaWubbie, you would be amazed at the support and caring that is available in a good yoga studio. I've practiced off and on since I was 14 and some places are better than others, for sure. I went five times this week so I could try a variety of classes and teachers. I have some physical limitations so I couldn't do all of the poses completely - yet! But, no one judges. It is expected that you will do only what your body can do. I hope you will find a beginner's class and try it. I have seen a tremendous improvement in my flexibility in just one week! I am very happy that I decided to go. Emotions come up at times, but that's part of the process. :cry:
  • NanaWubbie
    NanaWubbie Posts: 248 Member
    Woot!!!! I just left the 160's!!!!!
  • tropicpalm
    tropicpalm Posts: 39 Member
    Good for you! Great feeling, I'm sure!
  • ctyre
    ctyre Posts: 11 Member
    It is good to read these messages. I too am trying to get back to yoga. I have not found a good studio close by but will keep searching. For now I am working on my home practice. This weight loss process is so slow and I am not sure how I have hung on this time. I keep my motivation going by thinking about my end goal - active and healthy and being fit. I have let myself slip so badly 5lbs at a time, now it will be a long haul back, but a longer haul if I don't start now. Thank you for posting - you give me encouragement!
  • tropicpalm
    tropicpalm Posts: 39 Member
    I am glad you are hanging in there, ctyre! Do you use DVD for yoga practice? I like "practicing" at home so I can try the poses that I have lost my ability to do before I do them in the classes. I love the studio I go to. The women there are so encouraging and supportive, not judgey! I went to one place when I lived in a different state where the teacher actually yelled at me to bring my feet together in a pose. I told her that I was knock kneed and that was as far as they would get together without turning my knees out and she had a choice which "wrong" way she wanted me to do the pose. She puffed at me with disgust and walked away. I never went back.

    I have a tough time due to lots of health issues, but I know if I stick with it, eventually the yoga will stimulate my body to unblock energy and bring balance back to me. I already do feel lots better! I was on such a high! Then, I came crashing down on Thursday with one of my days where I can barely move, no energy and lots of joint pain. But, I went to Tai Chi and yoga the next morning, still not 100 percent, but well enough to get back on track and do the best I could.

    Good luck with your efforts. Feel free to "friend" me if you ever need to vent. :flowerforyou:

  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 839 Member
    You know what? You went to a yoga class! That's a positive step forward. You shouldn't expect to be an "A" student right away - no one is. Every day you do something to improve your fitness, mind, and health - you are moving forward. You never need to feel bad about moving forward! :drinker:
  • ctyre
    ctyre Posts: 11 Member
    I do use dvd's and books. I can never remember the right flow.
    A number of years ago I lost quite a bit of weight after experiencing a.huge personal tragedy. I didn't lose the weight because I consciously dieted. I lost the weight because I took care of me through conscious self care, yoga, massage, human connections, journaling, gratitude, gentle regular exercise. I felt guiltily great, physically better than i had in years. Then I let the self care get taken over by busyness and the pounds crept back.
    I am now learning if I am not getting regular activity through walking, yoga, a weight program that I hurt...ache all over. I just have to turn it up a notch to see results or maybe...(the lightbulb just came on) I have to also start taking care in other ways!
  • tropicpalm
    tropicpalm Posts: 39 Member
    ctyre, sounds a lot like my story.

    Kate, I am being very patient with myself. :heart: I am doing something every day to keep moving forward and that's what counts for me right now. :wink:

    Thanks to all who are sharing and caring!
