Breakfast Ideas??

Hi Everyone,

I'm just starting out on my weight loss journey and have about another 26 pounds to loose to get to my goal. I was previously on Weight Watchers for 2 and a half years, lost 2 and a half stone and then gradually put most of it back on. Now i am trying to change my eating habits permanently!!

I desperately need good breakfast ideas!! Used to eat Dairylea Dunkers on Weight Watchers, but have been told they are no good for me and they need to go.......and now i feel kind of stuck. Any ideas?

Thanks :-)


  • ThePurplePeanut
    ThePurplePeanut Posts: 4 Member

    I have just joined MFP after struggling to lose anything further on WW. I recently stocked up on LOTS of Dairylea dunkers when they were on offer in Tesco, but after changing from Propoints to calories they're sat in my fridge!
    Feel free to add me - my diary isn't always the greatest but I try my best to keep on top of my calorie intake!

    Do you work full time? I have started to bring a pot of Oat So Simple to work with me, but plain oats and sweetener work just as well for me with boiling water added (and you get a bit more for the same calories!)

    Or a mixture of cut up fruit?
  • Nesa76
    Nesa76 Posts: 14 Member
    Porridge oats

    40g made with water

    Sweet - add cinnamon & 1/2 a mashed banana

    Savory - salt & pepper with a teaspoon of no additive peanut butter

    or an omelette with vegetables - one whole, 3 whites

    Smoothie - oats, fruit, yoghurt etc

    You'll never lose weight with a fridge full of processed cheese. Speaking from experience.
  • starrisonmclennon
    starrisonmclennon Posts: 64 Member
    50g porridge oats, 100-200ml of milk (depends how you like it), then fruit, or sultanas, maybe a bit of granola or for a sweet tooth a bit of sugar :-)
  • Ayeshat
    Ayeshat Posts: 209
    poached eggs always a favorite, fruit, porridge is like a staple (though because i can't bring myself to wake up a little earlier it normally comes in the form of ready brek lol, yoghurt, blueberry pancakes ( i make em from scratch with wholewheat flour, soymilk and olive oil.. they're pretty good), peanut butter and toast/ wholewheat bagel, i like those high fibre muffins but be careful u get one s that arent high in fa and sugar :-D
  • nabeelakram
    nabeelakram Posts: 10 Member
    Can't go wrong with porridge, and add a spoonful of jam if you want to sweeten it up. But keep a good balance of a healthy breakfast reasonable lunch and a lighter dinner. And don't forget the all important exercise to bring down your net calories.

    It's always worth balancing your meals with the type of exercise you're doing so add some toast or bananas in your breakfast to add some carbs if you're working out hard.
  • womac23
    womac23 Posts: 6
    Try to eat a small amount of protein in the morning. Protein keeps you full for longer and you are not loading your body with sugar. Sugar is evil as it makes your body produce Insulin to balance out the sugar - all insulin does is tell your muscle and fat cells to STORE, STORE, STORE it up for fat to be used later. Kick the sugar habit! Small protein - an egg poached, boiled, scrambled. Fish - kippers, smoked salmon with scrambled egg, half-salmon fillet, anchovies on seeded bread one slice only. Other things to try half an avocado with jumbo prawns. Avocado is full of healthy good fats.
  • Spacegirlnz
    Spacegirlnz Posts: 27 Member
    I alternate between porridge (quaker oats pouch thing) with blueberries and mueslie, yogurt and a banana. They're both around 300 cal.
  • milk6
    milk6 Posts: 29 Member
    museli but gotta get the no added sugar! boiled eggs are super filling but means you gotta be careful not to go wild with them for the rest of the week