Diet Soda or Zero Calorie??

NikkiRaeLucas Posts: 27 Member
I drink one 20 oz bottle of Diet Coke/Pepsi a day but have recently had people express concern that what is in the Diet is worse for me than if I drank a regular Soda. I no longer like the taste of regular since having drank Diet for so many years. A friend suggested I switch to Zero so that I am at least not putting in the junk from the Diet. So, what is your preference or thoughts?


  • arnfolly
    arnfolly Posts: 79 Member
    REent studies have shown people who drink diet soda on a regular basis are indeed heavier than people who drink no soda at all. HOWEVER, that being said, the studies that I have read do not say HOW MUCH soda (diet) was consumed etc. I am not a regular soda drinker and still crave sweets. That was what the study apparatnely showed was that it makes you crave more sweets and simple carbs. I am not sold on the study as again as I have stated, I do not see where it was ENOUGH variables or long term to prove their hypothesis. I drink diet coke on my nights out with friends only and maybe occasionally a few sips of a diet 7up when i am craving something sweet. For me it helps me curb my sweet craving. As far as hydration, plain ole water is the way to go. Also, there are studies about artificial sweetners and women's reproductive organs, it causes problems I guess? Another topic I suppose.
  • kmcgaw
    kmcgaw Posts: 93 Member
    Do some reading on Aspartame (chemical poison) and that should help you to decide. Not sure what is in Coke Zero, but it makes me wonder. I gave up soda a few years ago, although I do have the occasional ginger ale when I'm sick. Old habits. I stick to my four major beverages...water, coffee, tea and wine.
  • kkzmom11
    kkzmom11 Posts: 220 Member
    i have drank diet soda all my life, so i don't know what zero tastes like. that being said, i AM working on not drinking diet soda or any soda as a goal. very slow going, but i am making progress.
  • NikkiRaeLucas
    NikkiRaeLucas Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks for you thoughts and insight. I do need to kick this habit. I guess I probably use it like someone uses coffee for the caffeine. I still drink plenty of water throughout the day. One thing at a time :)
  • lindaw66
    lindaw66 Posts: 258 Member
    Do some reading on Aspartame (chemical poison) and that should help you to decide. Not sure what is in Coke Zero, but it makes me wonder. I gave up soda a few years ago, although I do have the occasional ginger ale when I'm sick. Old habits. I stick to my four major beverages...water, coffee, tea and wine.

    I love your choices, I concur!
  • Joniboloney
    Joniboloney Posts: 127 Member
    Do some reading on Aspartame (chemical poison) and that should help you to decide. Not sure what is in Coke Zero, but it makes me wonder. I gave up soda a few years ago, although I do have the occasional ginger ale when I'm sick. Old habits. I stick to my four major beverages...water, coffee, tea and wine.

    Lol, sounds like my 4 beverage choices, especially the vino ;)
  • Run4Me2Day
    Run4Me2Day Posts: 344 Member
    I agree! Eliminate the soda!!!!! I did and am so glad...I now drink over a gallon of water a day....and feel better for it. The carbonation and all is what got me......I am much less bloated since I eliminated it and don't have the cravings either.