NEW TO THE GROUP? Please check in here!



  • lyndalpn
    lyndalpn Posts: 151 Member
    H girls :)

    I'm Lyndal, from Australia and Im 42. Im a doctor (dont hold it against me!) and having fun losing weight ... my rpofile says heaps more, but Im at work so this is a quick check in :) Oh, and I also have a facebook page about weight loss called

  • akp4Him
    akp4Him Posts: 227
    Hello....Saw the group and decided I was in the right group finally. My name is Ann. I live in Oklahoma. I am 48 years old, 5'2", I've lost 90 pounds. I'm here to lose the last 10 and then to continue to log for the rest of my life.
    I have been married to my husband for 21 years. We have 7 kids (19years old down to 8 years old). We homeschool them. The oldest is now in college.
    I have always been on the "husky" side growing up. I battled my weight losing and gaining...losing and gaining. I gained about 10 pounds per child that stuck each time. I had a late term miscarriage in 2008. I decided I was entitled to be a frumpy, obese mom. I quit trying and managed to balloon to 215. In 2011, a friend mentioned losing a few pounds so her clothes would fit better. I thought it was a good idea so I joined her. It seemed hard at first...but once I started...I never stopped. It took me a year and a half to lose the 90 pounds. Then I found MFP. It makes logging everything SO much easier!
    Looking forward to chatting and encouraging!!
  • AquaFan
    AquaFan Posts: 309 Member
    Hello ladies. My name is Tammy and I'm a 41 year old wife, mom and Paralegal from Florida. My boys are 13 and 10 and hubby and I celebrate our 20th anniversary this year.

    I'm 5'1" and trying to lose 25 lbs. I did it once several years ago using weight watchers and the treadmill, then I fell off the wagon and gained it back. I am currently journaling everything I eat and trying to get back to regular exercise. Now that time has changed I can add my regular walks back into my evenings and hopefully start running again.

    Can't wait to get to know you all. :)
  • madyooch
    madyooch Posts: 63 Member
    Hello Ladies!!

    My name is Mary - I'm 42. I live in Upstate NY and in the heart of the Fingerlakes wine country....:))))

    I have 1 husband, 2 daughters, 1 cat who thinks he's a dog & 1 dog who thinks she's a cat. I work full time and my girls are 11 & 13 ....teenagers............. :/

    I have struggled with my weight for most of my adult life ( after my 1st 11 pound daughter was born ).
    I have been on weight watchers, shake diets, atkins, juicing diets, etc etc etc.

    Recently I turned 40 and decided I am NOT dieting anymore but embracing this new lifestlye of healthy eating. Unfortunately I 'forgot" to add exercise until recently and WOW what a difference. When I turned 40 I was 258lbs and at 42 (w/o exercise) 248lbs. In the last few months I joined my local YMCA and have been exercising 4-5 days a week for 30 minutes and OMG I've lost 8 pounds in 3 months. I just weighed in at 240- So I've learned that exercise ALONG with healthy eating is key.
  • JVCB
    JVCB Posts: 73 Member
    Hi all... I'm Jayne from Colorado. I'm tall (5'11") and my "goal weight" is about 172. I saw Alice's post on the 1200-Calories-A-Day thread, and knew I had to come check out your Group. I'm tired of hearing about the 30-Day Shred and eating my TDEE less 15% (hah! try being post-menopause, you self-righteous kiddies!)
    In 28 more days I will be 60 :noway: I've gained about 45 pounds in the past 7 years and am now ready to stop drinking wine every night and eating salty snacks, which are my downfall.
    I joined MFP last summer just to see what it was all about, but never got started. 6 months later, I weighed 9 pounds more... and I decided it was time to face reality. I started tracking and being serious in January. I'm losing weight sloooowly at 1200 calories a day. I love to cook (and eat!) and I even allow myself one glass of wine once in awhile...:drinker: but no more "low fat" potato chips!
    My biggest problem is that I have a bad back (DDD, stenosis, arthritic facets) which makes it very hard to exercise. In January I dusted off my fancy Treadmill and started very slowly, finally working my way up to 3mph and about 2 miles per day. I had lost about 13 pounds in 8 weeks, and then my bad back decided (as it always does) that it would teach me once and for all that it does NOT like to exercise... not even simple walking. I've been stuck in a recliner chair with ice packs for the past 2 weeks and have gained back 2 pounds. I'll find out later this week what my new MRI scan showed; until then, I'm just going to have to do it by eating wisely.
    I look forward to checking in to see any tips and tricks you other Ladies have discovered during your journey. :flowerforyou:
  • GetFit1129
    GetFit1129 Posts: 35 Member
    Come over to the Menopause group Mary! We can relate, promise!
  • GetFit1129
    GetFit1129 Posts: 35 Member
    Sorry, not Mary. Jayne.
  • JVCB
    JVCB Posts: 73 Member
    Come over to the Menopause group Mary! We can relate, promise!

    Thanks for the invite! It looks like there are several, which is the "best" one?
  • jlrabil
    jlrabil Posts: 1 Member
    Hello :) Im a 44 year old Grandma of one fantastic almost 2 year old. I am gluten free and love to cook amazing food. I love to go out to lunch, lift heavy weights and take long romantic walks to the wine rack. I would love to swap recipes and ideas with other gluten free ladies! I
  • MsQuacklady
    :flowerforyou: Hi Ladies,

    My name is Cynthia. I live in Naples Florida. I turned 46 on March 7th and weighed in at 289 lbs.
    I have decided to make the rest of my life the best of my life. Can't stand the site of myself any longer. I could also do quite well without the pain in my knees/feet/hips from the extra weight I am trucking around. I play tennis 4 x's a week I stand 5'10 and have a large frame, but that just doesn't cut it anymore.
    I am fat.
    Hoping to get healthy again and feel better about myself.
  • JVCB
    JVCB Posts: 73 Member
    Hello :) Im a 44 year old Grandma of one fantastic almost 2 year old. I am gluten free and love to cook amazing food. I love to go out to lunch, lift heavy weights and take long romantic walks to the wine rack. I would love to swap recipes and ideas with other gluten free ladies! I
    Welcome! I'm a newbie too, but I love your "long romantic walks" comment. I'm not gluten free, but my stepdaughter is.... what a pain... until you get used to it, I guess.
  • JVCB
    JVCB Posts: 73 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi Ladies,

    My name is Cynthia. I live in Naples Florida. I turned 46 on March 7th and weighed in at 289 lbs.
    I have decided to make the rest of my life the best of my life. Can't stand the site of myself any longer. I could also do quite well without the pain in my knees/feet/hips from the extra weight I am trucking around. I play tennis 4 x's a week I stand 5'10 and have a large frame, but that just doesn't cut it anymore.
    I am fat.
    Hoping to get healthy again and feel better about myself.
    Welcome Cynthia, from another Newbie to the Group. I know what you mean about being able to get by carrying extra weight when you're tall.... until you CAN'T cut it anymore. There's only so many bigger sizes left to go! When I hit the 2X, I knew I was in big BIG trouble.
    I'm very impressed by your playing tennis... good for you!!
  • ctyre
    ctyre Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, my name is Carol and I was delighted to find this group. I lost a ton of weight about 9 years ago, was super active and feeling great. Then I hurt my knee, surgery, combined with he onset of menopause and it was all downhill from there 5 lbs at a time. I now find myself, at 55 years old, 50 lbs overweight and struggling every day trying to lose weight, eating 1200 cals a day. I wish I had of listened when people told me how tough it would be to lose weight after menopause!
    Now I am entering the next phase of my life and I am excited for all the opportunities I will have to have fun. I have a terrific family, lovely husband, 2 beautiful granddaughters, great job. Fit in my fifties will be better than fat in my fifties. One letter difference, that is the challenge. So grateful to have found MFP and to have access to all the support in this community!
  • Lauren518s
    Hi my name is Lauren and I'm here to find ways to en find healthy ways of making tasty foods for get togethers and when going out to eat
  • peggiweg
    peggiweg Posts: 2
    Hello everyone. I'm 54 in Jacksonville, FL. I started back to healthy lifestyle and have been running again. Just did 15K and was very happy with the result. Unfortunately the weight isn't coming off as easily as I had hoped. Oh well. I'm hoping to find the encouragement to stay the course and focus on my overall health rather than letting myself be discouraged by the number on the scale. Glad to join this group!
  • SpunkySue0611
    Hello Ladies! I just joined yesterday. I don't have a lot to lose (been there done that years ago - my profile is public) but I would love to finally gain some confidence! Sadly, I have very little :frown: I have been reading tons of posts and then found this group. I am so excited to have finally found some like-minded women! If you read my bio, you'll see I moved across the country fairly recently, and have not really made friends yet. I am the mother of 2 daughters aged 25 & 27 and one son who is 21. I also have a granddaughter who is 8. They all live so far away and I miss them terribly! :heart: :sad:

    But, I will prevail! I have to remember that this is "ME" time now! :wink:
    Thanks in advance everyone, I know I'll find some inspiration here!

    Cheers! :drinker:
  • kerri55345
    kerri55345 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi ladies, I am new to the group too and would like to add some friends to help keep each other motivated and share food and exercise ideas with. I am 44 years old and have yo yo dieted for years. I am new to MFP but am really enjoying the tools and the communities.

    Thanks so much!
  • AndreaD72
    AndreaD72 Posts: 34 Member
    I am Andrea. I will be 41 in May. I am " back on the wagon" getting healthy. I live in Vegas and own a PR/Social Media company. I work hard, play hard.

    We don't have any children. We do have two dogs however. Both rescues.

    I am on goal to lose 168lbs!
  • AndreaD72
    AndreaD72 Posts: 34 Member
  • dandelioncoach
    dandelioncoach Posts: 20 Member
    Hi all!

    My name is Bridge. I live in Portland OR. I am 4 lbs into my plan to lose 51 lbs. I'm 43 and have found that my body does not respond the way it used to. I've been creeping up in weight for about 7 or 8 years, and minor adjustments just don't cut it anymore. I work from home and weave in as much activity as I can to my day so that I can dine, drink, and shrink! In my heart I wish that it were possible for me to just eat clean whole foods, listen to my body,s hunger and fullness cues, and settle at a balanced weight that I can be happy with, but that strategy just hasn't been working. I have been dealing with dying and ailing parents over the last couple of years too, which certainly seems to bring on the stress eating! As well as lots of visiting with family, and more eating! I am absolutely loving MFP. I am a sucker for a new project! As much as I have always hated exercise, the direct link between the moving my body and the access to more food is really a motivator. I suddenly can't get enough of it! Just bought a treadmill tonight in fact! I am a woman on a mission and there's no turning back now!