NEW TO THE GROUP? Please check in here!



  • Jennymcwb
    Jennymcwb Posts: 88 Member
    I started last week, and this is my third major weight loss program in 4 years. With each program, I learn what works and this time, I know that I need to add the exercise in without the excuses. My lowest weight ever as an adult was 147 pounds when I was a college senior with the "poor student" diet which consisted of lots of vegetables and no meat. Once married and having children, ( I have 3 boys, 25, 22 and 19) I would go over 200 pounds pregnant and get back down to 160. Well over time, that creeped up to 195 and weight watchers was very slow and tedious and felt like too much of numbers game with the points. But I did lose 20 pounds in 6 months.

    Two years ago, I was back up to 185 and my Dad made a comment about me always eating when I was driving them down to Florida. I didn't find the comment hurtful, it was helpful. He was right, I ate out of boredom and b/c I love the taste of food. I went to a program at my hospital which included the HMR shakes and reducing my sugar intake. It was overweight, not obese, so I was able to get to eat meals, but the food was restrictive to avoid sugar. Was it normal eating? Heck, no, but I learned a lot about eating fresh food and avoiding sugar.

    I am encouraged by what I see and read at My fitness pal and my best friend is living proof that it can be done. She has lost 40 pounds this past year and will be good mentor to have. Plus, I love a challenge. I would love to lose 30 pounds, but 50 would put me right at the healthiest BMI. Baby steps.

    Happy New Year!
  • mklassy123
    Hi Everyone. I'm not so new to joining MFP, but I'm new to actually doing it. I joined last August but was on here pretty sporadically. I spent four years dealing with my mother who had Dementia. She had quite a bad time with it, in and out of hospitals, had many violent episodes, had to be placed but got kicked out of a few homes (finally spent her last 2 1/2 years in a great residential home). I was her power of attorney, not to mention loving daughter who would have done anything for her. I was working full time and had quite a hefty trip to see her (some days it took over two hours each way to get to her). Besides that I was going for my doctorate at the same time.

    Long story short, my mother passed away in July 2012 and that August I realized I had gotten really fat, out of shape and very unhealthy. I joined MFP but didn't really do too much with it. Now, I am taking it seriously. I honestly believe many of the serious health issues that so many of us have can be reversed, controlled or prevented in the first place by lifestyle. Besides trying to lose the 40 - 50 extra pounds that I am carrying, my goal is for optimum health. Besides Dementia, my mother was very overweight and had uncontrolled diabetes 2 (although she would never admit it). She always had very high cholesterol and borderline high blood pressure. I know all of those issues could have been controlled, reversed, etc... I watched a woman die a horrible death and I don't want to go down that same road. I will do whatever it takes to be healthy, and lifestyle (diet and exercise) I believe is 90% of it (genetics, age, well - that can't be helped).

    I like that this group is for "the mature" ladies. You get to that age where things change, it's nice to know there are so many others going through it as well. Seeing the ladies in this group - it is very motivating to me. I truly appreciate being a part of it!

    And to end this reply, my name is Marjorie and I live in NYC.
  • CricketsGirl
    CricketsGirl Posts: 31 Member
    Hi to the new people. I'm new, too. I'm not sure if I just joined during a busy time but it seems awfully quiet in this group. Are there usually so few posts?
  • Showmm
    Showmm Posts: 406 Member
    Hi everyone! Not sure how active this group is, but it did seem to be calling out to me to join!

    I am 41, and unlike what seems like most people here, my kids are still quite young, 3 and 6. I am Canadian, but live in the UK with my family. My husband is Australian and we meet when we were living in Munich, Germany. This means it always takes a long time to answer, "Where are you from?" when we're out and about!

    I'm new to MFP, but like it a lot more than any other online program I've tried, and I've tried a few.

    I'm always happy to have people to cheer on in their fitness progress and also am happy to have others do it for me, so feel free to add me as a friend.
  • CricketsGirl
    CricketsGirl Posts: 31 Member
    Hi Showmm!
    Welcome and best of luck with your journey. I've only been here for 12 days. I'm trying to spend a bit of time in the MFP community each day to help keep me motivated and get ideas but I do limit my on-line time. I work full time and am an artist so it's a challenge to fit everything in and exercise, too, which I'm trying to do every day. It allows me to have more food and therefore, hopefully, to stay on my program. No exercise, no extra food, hypothetically. I did have one day where I needed more exercise in the day to make up for a delicious but high fat meal that my wonderful husband prepared and I just couldn't fit in more exercise time before the day was over. He didn't realize quite how much fat was in the total ingredients.

    It does seem kind of quiet here. I'm hoping it becomes more active cause the fit seems right. I find some of the message boards are out of my comfort zone for various reasons so I'll read a bit if the topic looks interesting but back away if it makes me uncomfortable. I'd like to see more active threads with other women with the similar life experiences and age cause I think when we get older, especially once we hit 50, our priorities for fitness are often different than a 20 or 30 something. I want to look nice, of course, but mainly I want to feel good.
  • Denisejonel
    Denisejonel Posts: 7 Member
    My name is Denise and I live and work in South Florida. I'm 52, married, have a 28yr old daughter and a 32 year old step-daughter that live out of state. Also have an 18 yr old step -daughter in north Florida. My daughter has been on MFP for 135 days in row now. I have been 5 days in row now. Ii joined a while back and and plan to stay this time. My goal is to lose is at least 30 lbs...we'll see!

    Exercise is my big problem. I set a 30 min 3x week goal of cardio. I have only been able to do 15 min . I alternate walking and jogging and just feel like I could die after just 15 min! I don't know how people do it! I stay busy as an office manager at an elem school and work long hours. I come home and just want to flop on the couch tired. But I've been trying to make myself get up and move. I have two dobbies and bring them with me at times.

    I'm so thankful to my daughter for her continued encouragement and want to continue to receive/give support with others of my age group. A new year, a new beginning. :)
  • CricketsGirl
    CricketsGirl Posts: 31 Member
    Hi Denise!
    I'm a school admin assistant, too. So far I'm doing well with the exercise cause I'm motivated by the extra calories I get to eat back. Unless I stop losing weight by doing that, I'll continue cause 1200 calories does not satisfy me and I know myself enough to know that I won't stay on track if I don't feel satisfied. I know that there are mixed opinions about whether or not to eat back exercise calories but for me, that is what is working right now. I'm sure I'll constantly be re-evaluating what I'm doing. Good luck!
  • Denisejonel
    Denisejonel Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you for the welcome and kind response! I agree with the calorie buy back! I'm at 1200 too. I don't really have time at work to sit and eat so I kinda graze and then of course I want to eat everything in the evening. I know I would have been over without those 15min! I'm going to continue trying to do more . Nervous about doing my second weigh.....! >biting nails<
    Thanks again :Denise
  • Amber1070
    Amber1070 Posts: 106 Member
    Hi my name is Amber and I'm soon to be 36 (close enough right? Lol) I've been on and off here for about a year and just recently was finally able to stick to it and drop some weight. 30 lbs and counting. I'm almost to where I need to be but want to maintain my healthy eating while my husband and I start a family this year and then re-loose the weight I gain. I'm always looking for positive supportive friends and healthy new things to try. I'm currently classified as a home maker as I have a bad back and can't work. So thankfully I have this wonderful site to keep me on track :-)
  • CricketsGirl
    CricketsGirl Posts: 31 Member
    Hi Amber! Congrats on your progress! I like MFP so far cause it can be as basic as you want it to be which, for me, is all I want for now. I'm only counting the calories but staying aware of the balance of foods I eat and getting exercise. It's probably a good idea to track the nutrition, too, but maybe I'll go there later. Best of luck!
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Hi my name is Juanita I'm 60 yrs old live in Northern Ontario Canada,
    Have been married for 42 yrs, have 2 kids son is 40 daughter is 36
    also have 2 grandkids 13 &10 and 2 toy poodles. Have been on same
    weight train as most of you on and off with every stop inbetween going
    to be the last one . Now I'm just trying to stay with in calories given
    and not stress about the bad days. Glad to see I am among so many
    talented and caring ladies. Thanks for the invitation.
  • iwkgalsem
    Hi My name is Liz. I am going through the Menopause and have a very stressful job. I am a Registered Nurse and do shift work. Now sleep deprived with the constant change from nights to days. I don't need to loose weight but am interested in healthy eating, holistic nutrition and stress relief techniques. I love chocolate! I hope to learn some pearls of wisdom from you all and grateful to be part of this group.
  • iwkgalsem
    Hi My name is Liz. I am going through the Menopause and have a very stressful job. I am a Registered Nurse and do shift work. Now sleep deprived with the constant change from nights to days. I don't need to loose weight but am interested in healthy eating, holistic nutrition and stress relief techniques. I love chocolate! I hope to learn some pearls of wisdom from you all and grateful to be part of this group.:smile:
  • jnlynn
    jnlynn Posts: 101
    This sounds like a wonderful group!

    I am 49 years old, married with two grown boys. We rescued a 1 year old yellow labrador about 5 months ago and he has kind of replaced my boys, now that they don't need me anymore. One lovely thing about my lab is I have to walk a lot. He is full of energy and that is helping me out in getting my exercise in.

    I can't wait to read the post that is in this group.

    Thanks Jill
  • maeveslim
    maeveslim Posts: 69 Member
    Hi, my name is Miranda and I am a counsellor/therapist based in the UK. I am married with two children (9 and 12) and two cats. I have been a member for a while but thought I would join this group as I am in need of some new ideas so I don't get stale on this weight-loss journey. I love Zumba, martial arts workouts and tennis and I believe in trying to achieve a healthy work/life balence. I have an interest in the psychological side of eating and weigh loss as I think for me it has been part of my original issues.
  • karlajotj
    karlajotj Posts: 46 Member
    Hi! My name is Karla, I'm 51 and live in Iowa. I am married and have 5 children, 3 who are grown and no longer live at home anymore. I also have a Beautiful 4 yr old step granddaughter.
    I started my health kick the Spring of 2011, by that Fall I had lost 30 pounds. I have not reached my goal yet as I had a few surgeries set me back, but I've been back at it for awhile now.
    I am wanting to lose between 20-25 pounds to reach my goal.
    I started Biking the Summer of 2011 and absolutely Love it! Whenever it's nice outside you'll find me out on the Bike trail.
    I've been a member since 2011, but wasn't really consistent until now. This sounds like a fun group!
  • Fridayafternoon
    Hi Everyone. I'm glad to have found this group. I'm closing in on 52 years. I'm 7 years divorced. I've got two sons that I've focused on raising since then. One is now a college grad, 22 and happily married. The other is a darling 15 year old who lives with me most of the time. Due to stress, depression, exhaustion, breast cancer and kidney mass surgery, I have gained 80 or so pounds throughout the past 6 years or so. I used to be active; biking, walking, weights and after radiation I just have no energy left. I desperately need to work out and get this turtle metabolism going again. I don't believe that menopause has to be the killer of all things slender! So enough with the downer attitude! I've got friends now to share this journey with. Keep me accountable friends!!! I need the push.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    Hello. My name is Sue and I'm 46.
    I have two sons from my first marriage: 16 & 21
    I have one step-daughter: 18
    And our daughter together: 9
    I work part time as an RN in a long term care facility and spend a lot of time volunteering at my daughter's school (which I love)
    My husband is a fire department paramedic and we've been married 13 years
    Both of our jobs are very stressful and we both continue to go thru ugly custody issues with our exs

    My goals are to stay fit, eat healthy and work out on a consistent basis: 3x/week doing BodyStep & BodyPump at the Y

    Some of my biggest challenges are the stress from my job and my fluctuating hormones/weight as I deal with peri-menopause
    Yay :noway:

    I don't have a big weight loss story or really any weight to lose but would enjoy the company of 40+-something's :smile:
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    Hi My name is Liz. I am going through the Menopause and have a very stressful job. I am a Registered Nurse and do shift work. Now sleep deprived with the constant change from nights to days. I don't need to loose weight but am interested in healthy eating, holistic nutrition and stress relief techniques. I love chocolate! I hope to learn some pearls of wisdom from you all and grateful to be part of this group.:smile:

    Hi Liz! I can relate (see my post above) and I love chocolate too:tongue:
  • carlabrn
    carlabrn Posts: 1 Member
    Hi- I'm Carla, age 55, married, Mom of 5 (2 steps) and now an empty nester. I used myfitnesspal to lose 30 lbs several years ago and I have gained it ALL back. I know now that I need to stay a member even after reaching my goal AGAIN! I recently moved to San Antonio and love the near year round walking climate.

    Looking for motivation, recipes and support. Glad I found this group!