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  • LizASterling
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm Liz 48 yrs old have 100 lbs to lose, I've lost 21lbs so far (YAY ME). I yoyo'd all my adult I think I've tried every diet you can think of. I finally get ITS NOT A DIET but just a new healthy way of living and I'm trying to live this new healthy sexy life as long as I can.

    Feel free to add me I love meeting new inspiring people.
  • AMS44067
    My name is Anne

    I am 59 years old, 5'6" and currently 152 lbs.
    Atmy best (when I was much younger) I was 132 lbs, myhighest ever was 170 or so. I started using MyFitnessPal on January 2nd of 2013, after learning about it on our local news channel. I started that same day, with 158 lbs, and I am now down to 152. My current goal is 148, after reaching that I will set myself an new goal, maybe 140.

    I am married (second marriage) since 2000, my husband is in long term care in a nursing home nearby. He is obese all his life, which caused heart disease and a major stroke in 2008. Yes, they saved his life, but I couldn't take of a 300 lbs, paralyzed man at home. I tried for 3 years.

    I joined Weight Watchers with him years ago, just because we wouldn't go without me, I lost weight, he did not.

    I started gaining weight during menopause, then I quit smoking (over 2 years ago), then I had major dental work done (last year). I couldn't eatnormal food for a long, long time. I consumed alot of yogurt, pudding, soups and ice cream, that's how I gained weight. Plus I guess, I was a little drpressed after my husband feell ill.

    I am now eating healthy, count calories, cook for myself, but I do not exercise. I just don't believe in these gyms, where everone looks like from a Malibu movie, not my thing.

    I am German, but I am living in Ohio now since December of 1999, and I love it, just not the cold winter and all that snow.

    I can help with German recipes, if anyone is interested.
  • weefreemen
    weefreemen Posts: 652 Member
    Hi everyone, just joined this great looking group, thanks to Alice for the invite.. My name is Gillian and I'm 54. I live in Victoria BC Canada but will be moving back to the UK in October 2013. Our only child moved to Scotland nearly 5 years ago, he thought he could hide, but we found him! I am married to a marvelous fellow and we've been together nearly 28 years, (married for 25)

    I recently had knee replacement surgery, quite unexpected, took a bad fall just after Christmas and this was the result. But I am starting to walk again, albeit slowly, but Im getting there. I started off at 166 pounds and am currently around 138, so just a few more pounds to go. I love walking and my husband and I love cooking together, we tend to alter most recipes to make them low fat and have had some very happy accidents
  • Bebe1000

    I live in New York.. Have two, almost grown, children. I am managing a house-building project on a limited budget, with high standards. Love to write and read.

    I'm new here. Just finished my first week and am looking for friends with interest in (maybe) literature, film, theater, books, art decorating, delicious, clever ways of making healthy food extremely delicious, etc.... Friend me if any of the above interests you or if you are interested something else that's fascinating.

  • Bing30
    Bing30 Posts: 32 Member

    I live in just outside Glasgow in "sunny" Scotland. I'm 47 years old (OMG how did that happen??!!) and have a 16 year old son. Never been totally happy with my weight - always carried that little bit extra that I didn't need. I've joined MFP to help me lose a few excess pounds and get down to a more respectable BMI. I do find it difficult though after working all day, going home seeing to the dinner and other household duties, then trying to find some motivation to do some exercise. I have a dog, so my main activity is walking him.
  • Sweet_Pandora
    Sweet_Pandora Posts: 459 Member

    I'm Karen, 48 years old and have hypothyroidism. Weight is something that I have battled since my teenage years, not alot of weight but enough to make me uncomfortable in my own skin.

    I live in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada I'm a mother of a 14 year old daughter and we live with my boyfriend of 7 years who is a total fitness buff.

    I have just recovered from a hip injury that had me sidelined for a couple of months. I've started running again, very slowly. I also started weight lifting in January. I

    Just today my Dr. advised me that I am starting peri-menopause and suggested that I stop taking my birth control pills!

    I'm always open to learning and making new friends.

  • Dralit
    Dralit Posts: 11
    Hi, I am Randi and I am also in my 40's with 3 adorable girls. I homeschool them and enjoy spending time with them. I exercise 6 days a week (church on Sunday) but struggle with snacking. Have 40 lbs to lose.... would like to add friends who are encouraging and fun communicative with.
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    My name is Anne

    I am 59 years old, 5'6" and currently 152 lbs.
    Atmy best (when I was much younger) I was 132 lbs, myhighest ever was 170 or so. I started using MyFitnessPal on January 2nd of 2013, after learning about it on our local news channel. I started that same day, with 158 lbs, and I am now down to 152. My current goal is 148, after reaching that I will set myself an new goal, maybe 140.

    I am married (second marriage) since 2000, my husband is in long term care in a nursing home nearby. He is obese all his life, which caused heart disease and a major stroke in 2008. Yes, they saved his life, but I couldn't take of a 300 lbs, paralyzed man at home. I tried for 3 years.

    I joined Weight Watchers with him years ago, just because we wouldn't go without me, I lost weight, he did not.

    I started gaining weight during menopause, then I quit smoking (over 2 years ago), then I had major dental work done (last year). I couldn't eatnormal food for a long, long time. I consumed alot of yogurt, pudding, soups and ice cream, that's how I gained weight. Plus I guess, I was a little drpressed after my husband feell ill.

    I am now eating healthy, count calories, cook for myself, but I do not exercise. I just don't believe in these gyms, where everone looks like from a Malibu movie, not my thing.

    I am German, but I am living in Ohio now since December of 1999, and I love it, just not the cold winter and all that snow.

    I can help with German recipes, if anyone is interested.

    Welcome to the group! I'ved in Germany for about 10 years (3 different Army tours) and LOVED the food! I have a few German cookbooks I still use. I remember one time I was on a low-carb diet there and asked for Spargel (yummy white asparagus) with NO potatoes and bread. I actually got into an argument with both the waiter and the cook because Spargel MUST come with potatoes and bread! (Also with a wonderful white sauce!) Needless to say, I did not lose much weight in Germany! The food is just too wonderful.

    I don't go to a gym either - but I walk my dog every day for 20-40 minutes, so I'm getting a good aerobic workout (I live on a mountain.) Also, I do workout DVD's in my home. I just can't see paying to go to a gym when I can get a good workout at home plus keep my dog company!
  • lacyjaneb
    lacyjaneb Posts: 5 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi. My name is Sue. I'm 56 years old and retired. The day of my retirement party (Nov 2011), my granddaughter (5 years old at the time) was dropped off at our house by her mother and she never returned. We obtained custody immediately and now we're raising a young child in our twilight years. My weight has always fluctuated and I've always been on some sort of diet. Now, I must remain strong and healthy for my granddaughter and have totally changed my way of eating. I'm still trying to get off 30 lbs., but now I'm eating natural, whole foods, including organic, and taking yoga and pilates classes to help with the stress and keep my core strong. I also do cardio on the opposite days to keep my heart healthy. I joined MFP in January and it is extremely helpful in keeping me on track with my calories, fats, sodium and sugars. The weight loss is extremely slow, but I feel good with all that I'm doing. Although we've been through difficult and challenging times over the years, as I know many of you also have, we turn to our faith that keeps us moving forward and counting our blessings.

    I'm happy to be a part of this forum with other women who understand the difficulties we face as we age, that we are in this sandwich (or triple-decker) generation, and all the stresses and challenges we face as we try to keep our minds clear and bodies healthy for all that is put in front of us. I look forward to reading tips and helpful hints and what works for you guys on your journey in the weight loss battle.

    Thank you all for being here and for listening.
  • NanaWubbie
    NanaWubbie Posts: 248 Member
    Hi! May name is Liesl. I am 45. I have struggled with my weight my enitire life. I gained an lost 100+ pounds four times before having gastric bypass surgery in 2003. I lost 150 pounds, and for the most part....kept it off. Though I did have the surgery, I did not have a frontal labotomy, and as the mama of teenagers, emotional eating crept back in. I did gain 40 pounds, and at the first of this year, I recommitted myself to my health. I have lost almost half of that 40 pounds. I am excited and doing great! Thanks for inviting me to join your group! :smile:
  • Breizier
    Breizier Posts: 221 Member
    Hello everyone,
    I am so grateful to have found a group where everyone is within my age range and dont make me feel that enjoying food makes me evil.

    I have struggled with my weight since i was about 19 - i didn't need to diet then, but foolishly thoughht I had to be the same size as my very petite fine boned friends, when i could give the 6 inches in heightt and was just built on a larger frame. CLick my profile to see the ridiculous list of diets that i have been on. THe real killer is that I have of course passed my ridiculous eating habits on to my daughter.

    I want to get rid of thhe weight for my health sake - and being slim (and georgous) is just a very welcome side effect. WHo am i trying to kid with that one.

    I do enjoy good food and wine and don't see the point in giving them up as they are an integral part of what makes life worth living.

    Any hints and tips that allow me to enjoy food and wine and still shift the weight are most welcome.

    CHin chin. Bea:drinker:
  • trekkermd
    trekkermd Posts: 3 Member

    I am a 46 year old married mom of 2; step-mom of 2. Three are now in college, and one is just leaving the nest, but our family life is still very busy with 2 going to community college and living at home. I tell my friends i never know what to expect when I arrive empty house or one full of our kids and their friends, and most days I wouldn't trade that for anything. My husband and I are married just a couple of years now, and very active and busy, involved in community theater and keeping up with our family and friends, traveling, camping and our full-time jobs ;-).

    I am looking forward to learning and sharing on this journey. I would like to lose 35 lbs. this year. My first goal is take off 15, hopefully within the next two months. I have spent the last ten days tracking, no matter what, even if I felt I ate too much or exercised too little. I am ready to commit to doing what I need to do, which is keeping my caloric intake around 1500, starchy carbs low, gluten-free (I'm gluten sensitive), and a max 2 glasses of wine on the weekend only.

    I've been taking kickboxing classes which I love and adding more cardio at they gym 4-5 days a week. Moving forward I will be , exercising daily, even if I can only squeeze in a walk at lunch time. I'm also working at adding a regular strength training component to my cardio. I love cardio, but hate weights. I don't mind doing focused resistance with bands, a ball, and my own body weight...push ups, core, abs, etc. I have a set of dumbells at work and do triceps and biceps on breaks.

    I welcome your advice and encouragement, and I look forward to being a regular in this group. I'm beginning to read through the blog posts here and am so glad to find a community of like-minded women!

  • debann429
    Hi. My name is Debbie and I just started MFP last month. My goal is to lose an extra 30 to 35 pounds. I’ve always struggled with weight loss since the sixth grade, and now, since being diagnosed with T2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure, I've finally started to take better care of myself. I’ve been walking daily using a pedometer, working out 4-5 days per week doing yoga, exercise DVD’s, lifting weights (7 lb. kettleball and 3 lb. dumbbells), eating healthier foods and measuring portions, started a food and exercise journal to help me to stay on track with positive ,seeing a nutritionist, and cutting back on fast foods and sweets. As a result so far, I've lost 84 lbs. since last March. I enjoy meeting new people, helping others, and am a great listener. Please welcome me and feel free to add me.
  • arainaken
    arainaken Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, my name is Araina and I joined awhile back, but never stuck with it or bothered to fill in my personal information. Today I completed all that and have MVP on my computer, Ipad and cell phone. I am determined this time and my goal is to lose 15 lbs. (Which I've needed to lose for years now) Was thinking of asking the doctor to refer me to a nutritionist, but this site may be even better. I'm starting menopause and I think I had my final and last period? I'm hoping that by joining MFP I will be able to get rid of my ever growing bloated stomach and other symptoms that arise? I exercise almost everyday, either it's Zumba, Water Aerobics, Walking, etc. Exercise only seems to keep me at the weight I am now. I will not quit exercising, because the moment I do, the weight starts to inch forward. I am looking forward to interacting with everyone struggling with the same issues. Feel free to add me as a friend, share recipes, tips and struggles. I am a good listener and love to learn from others. Wishing everyone much success!
  • shawneliz
    shawneliz Posts: 11 Member
    Hello. My name is Shawn (and I'm a girl!) I've been an on and off MFP user for a while but find myself so much more dedicated when I'm on! I'm 47 and have 3 boys ages 12, 9, and 7 so I'd like to stay healthy a long time! We live in upstate NY in the boonies quite a bit south of Rochester.

    I gained about 20 lbs when my youngest was born. Exercise is not my favorite thing so I really have to push myself. I try to do our elliptical machine every day for at least 30 min. About a year ago I started attending twice weekly yoga classes which I LOVE. Plus the dogs need walking! I've had problems with my low back and left hip, and this activity along with daily stretches and poses at home have helped my back tremendously. Now if I can just lose that 25 lbs that would help too! Boy is it harder since I turned 40.

    I love the Jillian Michaels podcast... She cracks me up. I'm trying to eat about 1200-1300 calories a day, and focus on more fruits, veggies and protein, and MUCH fewer simple carbs. I like the way MFP helps track these macronutrients as I would happily eat Italian bread and chocolate chips cookies all day, sigh.

    P.S. I need friends!
  • gaylenef
    gaylenef Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Gaylene, and I live in Alberta Canada. I am a safety specialist in the Tar Sands, and often work strange shifts and many days in a row (18 12hr shifts when on a shutdown). I have never been slim, but gained 40 pounds after quitting smoking (yay me!), and then another 35 when I moved up here. I joined MFP a year ago, then quit logging and gained back everything I had managed to lose. I re-started my weight loss journey in january, and am down 24 pounds so far. I figure another 40-45 pounds and I should be a much healthier happier individual. I look forward to learning from you all, as there seems to be significant weight loss in this group and I'm finding it much harder work now that I'm on the downhill slide to nifty fifty.
  • mlerand62
    mlerand62 Posts: 85 Member
    Hi, my name is Marilyn. I am enjoying my last month of being 50. I have been married for 32 years and have two grown children. My boy is working and my daughter has just less than three semesters of college left. YES!

    I used MFP last year and lost around 25 pounds. Thinking I was well on my way I quit logging on and gained every pound plus some back. I rejoined after I lost those extra pounds and got back on here. I weighed in at 269 and want to get into the One-hundred numbers again. It has been a very long time. I am not aiming for skinny. I want to be a healthy weight and active. I tend to be a private person so joining this group is a huge step for me. I am trying to get away from processed foods. I love to cook.

    I live in central Idaho and hoping for warm enough weather to start walking after work again next week when the time changes. I have a black lab and he's raring to go exploring. I don't like walking in the dark. I have a huge yard to mow and love to garden. So look out spring & summer... HERE I COME.
  • dazzo62
    dazzo62 Posts: 78
    Hi ! My name is Rita. I will be 51 in April. I live in western NJ.

    My stepkids are older, grown and gone - I am a grandmother.

    I have been kind of stuck at home lately - and I basically live 10 miles from anything! so I am very happy having the MFP community to support me.

    I haven't been able to attend my regular Weight Watcher meetings - fighting 5 lbs. I would really like them gone (for good)!
  • KeysGirl23
    KeysGirl23 Posts: 117 Member
    Hello There. My friends call me E and live in the Southernmost City. I really think this group will be interesting and fun. I was on this site last year and lost 30 lbs then had my own health surprise :-P. Now that that's done and almost over with I am ready to say adios to my final 15lbs before a trip to Mexico this fall.
  • j_masher
    j_masher Posts: 18 Member
    Hi! I am joining after seeing Ms Alice post in the forum today.

    I am 43 and on the journey to get as healthy as I can as I deal with being a small business owner, furbaby mom, caregiver, accountant, lawn maintenance and home maker. Many know the drill. I was dx with full blown Celiac nearly 8 years ago after being underweight and once I went GF I ballooned. lol I do lower carb to help with estrogen dominance and it is easier because GF diet made me forgot about homemade yeast rolls. :) Some days I am so busy that I have trouble hitting the magical number of calories. I really just try to listen to my body. I got hooked on Zumba because I was a dancer in a previous life. I do dvds at home and I also have had femoral hernia repair, so I am slowly adding weights now with the Sentao routine but have to take it easy. I lost 28 lbs last year and took a break from "exercise" because I had to take care of pressing business issues and life. I try to respect everyone's choices as to how they approach their journey and hope everyone finds success and a road map that works for them.