Week of March 4th Challenge!

lissa0040 Posts: 362 Member
Hi Everyone!

Welcome back to another weekly challenge!! We are continuing with a new challenge so everyone should be able to get on board.

We have a leader board!!!
Alana :flowerforyou:
Ladyshadows :flowerforyou:
Karmahealer :flowerforyou:
Roundtherink :flowerforyou:
Deanna149 :flowerforyou:

Completed last week with flying colors! Good job! EVERYONE earned the flower for trying something new-- kudos!

Don't forget to report your progress to be included in the leader board either on this board or private message me.

Let's get things moving!

This week's goal:

250 minutes of cardio or 15 miles on a treadmill, elliptical, crosstrainer, or walking/running with a pedometer.
5 days in the green (staying under in calories)
8 cups of water 5 days
2 servings of fruits and vegetables 5 days
For a bonus flower ** Try an exercise you've never done before or haven't done recently for one of your workouts. For example if you are a walker try a stationary bike or a Zumba class. If you love Zumba try a kickboxing or elliptical. Anything you'd like!

*** For an extra bonus -- tell us what challenged you this week OR give us a Non Scale Victory (NSV)****

If you are new jump right in! We report our results on this strain every Sunday night to be included on the leader board for the following week.

Welcome to the newbies take a minute to introduce yourself to each other.

My name is Melissa and I look forward to meeting you all! We can do this!! smile

Good Luck Everyone!


  • sarita66
    sarita66 Posts: 142 Member
    Ok, I am in it. Challenge on, I need to step up my gym time this week and get in the green.
    Thanks Mel!
  • lissa0040
    lissa0040 Posts: 362 Member
    ^^^^ Yay! Welcome back! :smile:
  • sarita66
    sarita66 Posts: 142 Member
    Ok, so far I have been working on staying in the green and trying to get my exercise completed. We were suppose to have an International day at school. Our school district here in Massachusetts is very diverse. We pretty much cover every country around the world. I work with high school special needs students. My students and fellow co workers were to show a traditional dance, bring in food and be able to say happy birthday in our traditional language. I have forgotten how much energy it takes to dance an Irish reel. I have practiced for 3 days straight, stayed up last night to down load traditional Irish songs and bought 2 loaves of soda bread (I don't bake). Well, mother nature put a damper on all that this morning and dumped 13 inches of snow. School was cancelled. :( do you have any idea how many calories are in Irish Bread! I'll be eating this for days! Oh well, pass the Guinness!
  • karmahealer
    karmahealer Posts: 38 Member
    working on finishing up my minutes.....just 60 left to get :wink: good luck everyone
  • Deanna149
    Deanna149 Posts: 147 Member
    working on finishing up my minutes.....just 60 left to get :wink: good luck everyone

    you are almost there....thanks for posting...got me looking at where i am at for the week...so behind..if i dance as much as i pre-logged tonight and get a walk in tomorrow i will make it tho!

    Keep at it Ladies!! We got this!!
  • sarita66
    sarita66 Posts: 142 Member
    Ok,I stayed in the green 5 out of 7 days, ate all my fruits and veggies and drank 8 glasses of water. I fell a little short on the exercise minutes, but I did learn a new Irish dance and practiced for 3 days in order to learn it.
  • sarita66
    sarita66 Posts: 142 Member
    Hold on, I forgot all the shoveling I had to do on Friday after being dumped with 18 inches of snow. I think I covered my exercise minutes!
  • LadyShadows
    LadyShadows Posts: 51 Member
    Cardio- 526 for week
    5 days in green- Yes
    8 cups of water- Yes
    2 fruit and veggies - Yes did better on fruit this week.

    I didn't try anything new for exercise. I did a different video that was longer but same style stuff.

    Challenge this week was Saturday night the whole family had take out food and I didn't. Which kinda had me in a mood and was hard to say no... but I got through it. Phew!

    My NSV is I went and tried on jeans with a friend this week and I got to buy new ones that were 2 sizes smaller! Which I have not been in that size in MANY years now. So excited with that one. My first new smaller clothes. :)
    Hope everyone else had a great week!
  • Deanna149
    Deanna149 Posts: 147 Member
    300 mins Cardio for the week
    yep! - 5 days in the green (staying under in calories)
    yep! - 8 cups of water 5 days
    yep! - 2 servings of fruits and vegetables 5 days
    For a bonus flower ** Try an exercise you've never done before or haven't done recently for one of your workouts.
    *** i know i tried using a resistance band with the aerobic video i do before, but couldn't do all of it. found the right band i need on friday and got through the whole thing using the band! felt great and can feel a difference already!

    *** For an extra bonus -- tell us what challenged you this week OR give us a Non Scale Victory (NSV)****
    *** NSV - found a nice jacket on clearence that i tried on beginning of winter..couldnt get my arms in in and was the biggest size, tried on the same one friday and it fit, and was over 30 bucks cheaper!

    Great job ladies! and congrats on those NSV's!
  • karmahealer
    karmahealer Posts: 38 Member
    250 minutes of cardio : completed! (275)
    5 days in the green (staying under in calories) :completed
    8 cups of water 5 days : completed (average 12 to 15)
    2 servings of fruits and vegetables 5 days : completed
    For a bonus flower ** Did 20 min of water walking today, in a pool with a river current :)

    *** For an extra bonus -- tell us what challenged you this week OR give us a Non Scale Victory (NSV)****

    Got into a pair of jeans two sizes smaller:love:

    Hope you all are doing well ....going to read everyone's posts now.
  • karmahealer
    karmahealer Posts: 38 Member
    Great victories everyone :love:
  • roundtherink
    250 minutes of cardio......Yep!
    5 days in the green (staying under in calories).....Yes
    8 cups of water 5 days.....YES! (first time for this, I think)
    2 servings of fruits and vegetables 5 days.......Yep!
    For a bonus flower ** Try an exercise you've never done before or haven't done recently for one of your workouts.

    Hmmm.....not a new exercise, per say, since I walk a lot, but- last week I did a 10 mile walk for the first time.
    NSV- Saturday night I wore my purple stretchy Banana Republic shirt that I've been using for my 10 lb loss pictures. That shirt was stretched to the limit when I started, and Saturday it fit nicely and looked fine. :)