Group, please report your weight in loss, gain, stay-the-same in this thread for Week 10 (see dates in Subject)


  • babyskunkles
    babyskunkles Posts: 86 Member
    Last Week 215
    This Week 212
    Lost 3 Pounds! :bigsmile:
  • neudeb12
    neudeb12 Posts: 76 Member
    last week: 177.7
    this week: 177.9
  • oh_em_gee
    oh_em_gee Posts: 887 Member
    Last week I was up to 194 (thanks AF) but now I'm down to 190.5! Next week I hope to both break the 15 lb mark (at 14.5 now) and kiss the 190s goodbye forever.
  • Suewags
    Suewags Posts: 57 Member
    Up again a little bit - .6 pounds. I'm still down overall, but next week the scale is going back down!

    Heaviest Weight - 264
    SW on MFP - 245.8
    LW - 219.4
    CW - 220
  • neen6270
    neen6270 Posts: 82 Member
    1/1/13: SW 178.4
    1/8/13: 176.6 (-1.8)
    1/15/13: 175.2 (-1.4)
    1/22/13: 174.6 (-.6)
    1/29/13: 173.2 (-1.4)
    2/5/13: 174.2 (+1)
    oops missed a week
    2/16/13: 171.2
    2/24/13: 171.6
    3/9/13: 169.2
  • LilacDaffodil
    LilacDaffodil Posts: 148 Member
    weight stayed exactly the same this week, but I did lose inches so not too bad :happy:
  • arlenem1974
    arlenem1974 Posts: 437 Member
    last week = 145.8
    this week = 144.8
  • cherll
    cherll Posts: 33 Member
    Good morning everyone!
    LW: 182
    CW: 179
    Lost 3 pounds
    The scale finally moved! I wish everyone well and have a safe week!
  • 0 pounds this week
  • mnmomto4
    mnmomto4 Posts: 97 Member
    Stayed the same this week.
  • GSAllumbaugh
    GSAllumbaugh Posts: 70 Member
    Lost 1.6 ... slow and steady...that's what I keep telling myself!
  • purpleangelst1
    purpleangelst1 Posts: 104 Member
    My weight stayed the same this week at 224lbs.
  • pab88
    pab88 Posts: 499 Member
    Last week: 235
    Current weight: 232.7
    2.3 pound weight loss
  • 2013 Pound A Week Group
    GW1 .................170 lbs. GW2..........140lbs
    SW 1/1 .........224 lbs.
    Wk 1 1/7.........221.4 lbs. Lost 2 1/2 pounds
    Wk 2 1/14.... .220.4 lbs lost 1 pound
    Wk 3 1/21.......218.4 Lbs lost 2 pounds
    Wk 4 1/28.....219.4 lbs. gained 1 pound JANUARY..... - 4.6 lbs. lost
    Wk 5 2/5.......215.2 lbs. lost 4.2 pounds
    Wk 6 2/11........213.8 lbs. lost 1.4 pounds
    Wk 7 2/16.....212.8 lbs. lost 1 pound
    Wk 8 2/23....211.1 lbs. lost. 1.7 pounds. FEBRUARY .......-8.3 lbs. lost
    Wk 9 3/2 .......209.3 lbs. lost 1.8 pounds.
    Wk 10 3/9 ........209.5 lbs. gained .2 pounds
  • Scrappymom67
    Scrappymom67 Posts: 15 Member
    Lost 2 lbs this week . . . down to 197.2.
  • karen_golfs
    karen_golfs Posts: 377 Member
    I am down 5 pounds - under 200 - at 195.
  • kpierce169
    kpierce169 Posts: 54 Member
    Down 1.2lbs this week!:happy:
  • Kaddyshack21
    Kaddyshack21 Posts: 225 Member
    Well according to my scale I have gained 5 lbs.:sad:

    At first I was horrified but I don't think it's true weight gain. I have stayed within my calories everyday and made good healthy choices. I think this is water weight. ( However I am working on being accoutable and honest in all things regarding weight so bare with me)

    The reason I think this is because I recently started exercising ( biking and weights) before I was pretty much sedentary other then walking my daughter to school.

    Also I have had some pretty salty foods lately and not nearly enogh water.

    So while normally I would be FREAKING RIGHT OUT.....I sat back thought about what had changed and am going to keep working out, drinking water, and watching my sodium. :wink:

    Next week will be better. Congrats on all your losses!!!
  • Rodamort
    Rodamort Posts: 171 Member
    LW: 242.2
    CW: 239.4

    2.8 pound loss!!!
  • azmiz
    azmiz Posts: 128 Member
    Lost 1lb this week....CW 142.8