How many of us are here?

Hi, I'm new to this group. Just wondering how many breastfeeding moms we've got here. Care to introduce yourselves? :)

I'm Kristin, I have 3 children, ages 5, 3 and 3.5 months. I'm exclusively breastfeeding and need to lose at LEAST 75 lbs. I had a bit of trouble figuring out how many calories to eat while breastfeeding but I think I've figured it out as I've lost 9 lbs so far!


  • brandiwells1
    brandiwells1 Posts: 83 Member
    Brandi, 3 yr old boy & 5 month old boy. I'm exclusively breastfeeding. I would like to lose 5-7 lbs
  • Welcome and it's great to have you !!
    My name is Natali' I have one son who just turned one last week and I am still exclusively breastfeeding trying to transition to strictly pumping but he will NOT sleep unless I lay down for a feeding so we're still working on it !!
    I am trying to lose at least 60 lbs and have lost 10 so far. Check out my post about calories and breastfeeding ! A must read !

    Hi, I'm new to this group. Just wondering how many breastfeeding moms we've got here. Care to introduce yourselves? :)

    I'm Kristin, I have 3 children, ages 5, 3 and 3.5 months. I'm exclusively breastfeeding and need to lose at LEAST 75 lbs. I had a bit of trouble figuring out how many calories to eat while breastfeeding but I think I've figured it out as I've lost 9 lbs so far!
  • KSmommaRN
    KSmommaRN Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm Rachel and I'm new here too! I have a 17 month old son and am still breastfeeding him, but that's not very often. I am wanting to lose about 30 pounds. I've been doing the 60 Day Slimdown workouts by Lindsay Brin and just finished day 11. I can't tell if I've lost any weight, because my scale is broken, but it's definitely getting easier. Nice to meet you!
  • Nie to meet you Rachel !
    Your son is gorgeous
    Is that DVD on netflix do you know ? I have been searching for a new fix on the TV because I am working out a lot that way being a stay at home mom and all, it's tough to get to an actual gym !
    About your sale being broken, I think that's great ! Sometimes we over weigh ourselves when we have the option to weigh ourselves at home, and get discouraged if we only lose a pound or two when in reality it is water weight and you don't really know if you've lost weight from working out right away. You know ?
    I like to weigh myself once a week for the best result, otherwise I find myself excited I lost 2 lbs..mad I gained 3..and so on !! Haha it's never a good time. Good luck and happy to have you as part of the group !

    Hi, I'm Rachel and I'm new here too! I have a 17 month old son and am still breastfeeding him, but that's not very often. I am wanting to lose about 30 pounds. I've been doing the 60 Day Slimdown workouts by Lindsay Brin and just finished day 11. I can't tell if I've lost any weight, because my scale is broken, but it's definitely getting easier. Nice to meet you!
  • KSmommaRN
    KSmommaRN Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks! This pic of him and I is kinda old, I think he was 4 months in that pic, but I love it! I have no idea about the netflix thing, I had got the DVD's from her website quite awhile back and just hadn't got around to really using them until now. I like her DVD's because you can go to her website and watch her progress through all three of her pregnancies and how she gets her body back, so I guess she seems a little more credible, having gone through the process. I also like them because we live in the country, so a gym membership is not really an option for me, it's so much more convenient to pop in a dvd during nap time or after bedtime. About the scale...I originally was thinking it was broken because if it were correct, it would have meant that I had gained 15 pounds in one month! I sure didn't feel like I had gained that much, my pants all still fit I don't know if it's actually broken or not, but I hope so. Gonna weigh myself at work and see how it correlates. Good luck to you as well, and thanks for the add!
  • That does sound great ! I agree about the credibility..
    I would definitely be more into it knowing she has gone thru a pregnancy too and that it worked for her.
    I live in TN so I am around a cityish country LOL and although I have gyms near by its impossible with no one to help with my son ! My husband is in the military and deployed at the moment so I know exactly what you mean by having to pop in a DVD during nap time otherwise there really is no time !
    Oh and I'm sure it's just the scale :)
    it's happened to me and I believed it at first ! Almst cried haha

    Thanks! This pic of him and I is kinda old, I think he was 4 months in that pic, but I love it! I have no idea about the netflix thing, I had got the DVD's from her website quite awhile back and just hadn't got around to really using them until now. I like her DVD's because you can go to her website and watch her progress through all three of her pregnancies and how she gets her body back, so I guess she seems a little more credible, having gone through the process. I also like them because we live in the country, so a gym membership is not really an option for me, it's so much more convenient to pop in a dvd during nap time or after bedtime. About the scale...I originally was thinking it was broken because if it were correct, it would have meant that I had gained 15 pounds in one month! I sure didn't feel like I had gained that much, my pants all still fit I don't know if it's actually broken or not, but I hope so. Gonna weigh myself at work and see how it correlates. Good luck to you as well, and thanks for the add!
  • njayet
    njayet Posts: 23 Member
    hi there i have a 3yo and a 6mo, im exclusively breastfeeding
    i have about 50pounds to lose and would love anyone to add me as a friend for motivation and support
  • Welcome to the group njayet !! Great to have you here

    hi there i have a 3yo and a 6mo, im exclusively breastfeeding
    i have about 50pounds to lose and would love anyone to add me as a friend for motivation and support
  • muneca84
    muneca84 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello Ladies!!

    I am new to this group. Im a full time mom so i pump twice during work and I work close to home so i am able to go home for lunch to feed my baby, 5 month old. I also have another girl of 3 years of age. They keep me busy. Im back to my prepregnancy weight but id like to lose 20 to go with my petite frame. I eat pretty healthy and work out whnever i have a few minutes. But I just cant seem to lose anymore. Is it my calorie intake?

    Send me a message or add me as a friend.
  • Hi everyone I'm new to the group as well.

    I nurse our little one who's 7 months this week. I'm still on the unhapy side of my weight and trying to loose it while not effecting his supply is killing me. Normally when I want to loose weight I go on a protein shake diet while I work out but can't this time around. I'm actually paying attention to my food while still working out. I do Insanity every day. Well I restarted it back up 2 weeks ago. Doing it with the hubs.
  • Hi everyone I'm new to the group as well.

    I nurse our little one who's 7 months this week. I'm still on the unhapy side of my weight and trying to loose it while not effecting his supply is killing me. Normally when I want to loose weight I go on a protein shake diet while I work out but can't this time around. I'm actually paying attention to my food while still working out. I do Insanity every day. Well I restarted it back up 2 weeks ago. Doing it with the hubs.

    Congrats on breastfeeding your little one this long to the both of you !! I wish you the best on your journey and hope to help any way that I can. Chevygurl I read that losing weight without going on a strict diet like that is killing you and I'm curious as to why it is ? It's gppd that you're paying attention to what you're eating not only for your little one but for your own health too :) I never liked diets nor can I stick to one LOL I try and eat as healthy and I know it's not always easy. We should share recipes to try and encourage each other to eat healthy too and share new ideas !

    @muneca that's a great accomplishment to continue to pump while working, congrats ! When I find myself at a plateau with my weight I noticed that increasing my calorie intake one week and then lowering it back the next week to whatever my normal caloric intake was tricked my body and I lost more weight. You can do this every other week if you want. I definitely wouldnt decrease your calorie intake at all so that your body doesnt go into starvation mode and hold onto the food longer and store it into fat.
  • HI, I'm currently new to the group. I have a 3 year old and 9 month old preemie. I am actually down to pre-pregnancy weight but I was overweight to begin with. I would love some motivation from some like minded mommas. :) Feel free to add me. I use my app on my phone mostly and am not sure where to find my groups yet, if it's possible.
  • denimnlace
    denimnlace Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone!!

    I'm new here. I have a 2 month old son named Lane. He's my world. We are breastfeeding and I pump at work. I am hoping to be able to give him breast milk for at least a year. I am 3 pounds under my pre-pregnancy weight, but I was already overweight. I would really like to lose at least 20 more pounds, but mostly I need to tone up. Not sure the best way to get started though. The c-section area still hurts quite a bit when I move around a lot. So I guess a little at a time, huh? Please add me! Support from other mommas would be great!!!
  • I am Lela and am new to the group. I have 3 kiddos, 2 boys ages 6 and 8. My little girl is 7 months old. I am breastfeeding and plan to for at least a year and as long as we both want to. I am a stay at home mom and have been trying to lose weight successfully for the last 6 weeks. All my prior attempts have been failures. I have about 11 pounds to get to my pre-pregnancy weight but was overweight when I got pregnant, but I won't be stopping there on my weight loss journey. I would love to be able to support others in their journey and get some support to stay motivated. Hope to hear from you ladies!
  • LWAF
    LWAF Posts: 3 Member
    I just joined this group today.

    I am a 41 year old first time mom. I had lost some weight in order to get pregnant, but I am still considered "obese" on the BMI charts at nearly 5 months after giving birth to a beautiful baby girl.

    Ideally, I would like to lose 36 pounds by the end of the year, just to get from the "obese" category to "overweight"

    I work more than full time as an attorney. I breastfeed my daughter when I am home, but pump three times a day.

    The hardest thing for me is finding time to work out, since my daughter is home with my hubby all day.
  • stephaninicole
    stephaninicole Posts: 12 Member
    Hi! My fist day in the group. I am a 28 year old mother of two boys(2 yrs & 3 months) and an Army wife stationed in San Antonio. I am exclusively breastfeeding my son and have a goal to make it to at least a year. I did not BF my first son, so it is all new to me. I have about 50 pounds to lose and have been feeling a little stressed about the whole situation. After my first pregnancy when I decided to lose the weight I cut calories and became a gym fanatic, going 2+ hours a day 6 days a week and sometimes twice a day. Needless to say I feel completely lost on how to lose weight this time around without affecting my milk supply. Losing weight and maintaining my supply are both very important to me. I struggle between eating too much, eating too little, exercising too much, exercising too little. Just feels good to know that I am not alone in this struggle. I have set a goal of 1800 calories a day and a one hour workout 5-6 days a week. Has anyone tried fenugreek to help maintain milk supply while exercising? Please feel free to friend request me, I need the support! :)