March 11th

Hello all, hope you're doing well. I'm back on my 5am workouts now Monday is upon us.

Last day of L1 today! I did find it tougher than yesterday, perhaps because I only did yesterday's at 6pm last night so not as much of a space in between.

I'm finding my right knee is hurting a bit, which I'm hoping won't hold me back as it's the dreaded level 2 tomorrow!!

Keep on shredding! :happy:


  • x3na1401
    x3na1401 Posts: 277 Member
    Just done day 9. Moved to level 2 yesterday for more challenge.

    Today's workout was tough. There are more stability exercises in level 2, and the final abs are hard to master. I couldn't do all the moves and had to take several 5 second breaks.
    I am hot, sweaty and thoroughly worked out !!

    Love it.
  • EasyKeeper8
    EasyKeeper8 Posts: 66 Member
    Day 10 done! On to level 2...bring it Jillian! :)
  • anne2605
    anne2605 Posts: 482 Member
    D10 done. I found I actually manged to complete the whole set of jumping jacks and jump rope and the bicycle crunches at the end were a little easier. So happy with my progress with L1.
  • Heidi_20
    Heidi_20 Posts: 138 Member
    Leve 2 day 1 complete! I feel good and loved the change in the exercises!
  • beejelblor
    beejelblor Posts: 123 Member
    L1 D8 done!!!! It is SOOO much harder getting up early to workout with this new times change! getting out of bed in the pitch black when my boyfriend is still cozy and warm with all the blankets is a rude awakening :( but... I pushed through and here I am sitting at work eating my yogurt feeling great and free for the rest of the day! I give it to Jillian, she knows how to kick our butts, but really leaves me feeling great afterwards!

    I am sad to soon say goodbye to L1, I can finally do the entire L1 workout swiftly. dreading the planks in L2 hahah

    Great progress to us all!!! i am so happy we are sticking strong and keeping with 30DS, being held accountable to this group has really kept me to it!!!
  • tanya0324
    tanya0324 Posts: 86 Member
    I had a problem on Saturday with left knee pain. Yesterday was a day of rest for me as I start level 2 tonight. The day off was what I needed as the pain is now gone. Good luck everyone.
  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    Hoping to get in day 7 of level 1 today. I have a horrible sinus infection, so I took 2 days off. Keep on kicking @ss, my friends!!!
  • sugboog29
    sugboog29 Posts: 630 Member
    Just a few more days on level 2 then I move on to level 3!!! EEEKKKK
  • CrimeanGurl
    CrimeanGurl Posts: 103

    Last day of L1 today! I did find it tougher than yesterday, perhaps because I only did yesterday's at 6pm last night so not as much of a space in between.
    This is interesting because I've also found the last day of L1 to be more challenging than a few previous days. In my case, I think it might have had to do with working out too late at night after a long day at the beach.
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    Day 4, Level 2 completed and I made it all the way through the plank twists at the end this time!
  • mclay12
    mclay12 Posts: 58 Member
    Level 2 Day One on the schedule for tonight! woo hoo!
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,159 Member
    Level Two, Day One done. Am I strange because I like it better than Level One? Two sets of jumping jacks not five is one reason. I think the less I have to bounce, the more I like it. Those oblique twists, I just couldn't get the hang of the movement, I was going in all directions. Did less modified exercises than before.

    Of course when I try to get out of bed tomorrow, I may be singing a different tune.
  • SleeplessinBerlin
    SleeplessinBerlin Posts: 513 Member
    Lol. I am indifferent about level 1, hate level 2 with passion, love level 3.

    Today is Level 2 day. :sad:
  • x3na1401
    x3na1401 Posts: 277 Member
    Is anyone using a heart rate monitor ? I just got mine. Can't wait til tomorrow !!!
  • Heidi_20
    Heidi_20 Posts: 138 Member
    I use one!! A polar ft4!!! I love it, especially for circuit training because your hr is all over the place!!! What did you get?? I still workout my numbers mathematically with my average hr then trusting the hrm's calorie burn!!! I'm a little obsessive compulsive ;)
  • SleeplessinBerlin
    SleeplessinBerlin Posts: 513 Member
    Did I say I hate level 2? Well, scratch that. I loved it today, it kicked my butt in the best possible way. I used heavy weights and enjoyed the burn. Amazing how much stronger I got since I did the shred for the first time.

    I'm feeling so good about myself right now :)
  • reefvixen149
    reefvixen149 Posts: 8 Member
    Did I say I hate level 2? Well, scratch that. I loved it today, it kicked my butt in the best possible way. I used heavy weights and enjoyed the burn. Amazing how much stronger I got since I did the shred for the first time.

    I'm feeling so good about myself right now :)

    That's great! I love your positivity :)
  • Morriss2538
    Loving all these posts on moving to level 2! I have two more level 1 days ahead of me and am getting nervous/excited for level 2! Someone mentioned I should peek ahead to mentally prepare myself but I think I will like the surprise, especially since I'm getting a bit bored with level 1. Keep up the good work :)
  • woodwardtm
    woodwardtm Posts: 361 Member
    Well, to all of you Level 2 people that love it...ARE YOU CRAZY? LOL I hate level 2. Squat Thrusts seem to be nearly impossible for me. I do better with the walking pushup than I expected but overall so far I hate level 2. I want to strangle her when she says "if (insert name of "beginner" presenter) can do this, so can you". Yeah, right. I have 20+ years and 30-40 lbs on her. I will keep going until it gets workable though. I am NOT a quitter! My knees hurt though!
  • Naamah18
    Naamah18 Posts: 42 Member
    Today was Level 1, Day 7 for me. I took yesterday off because my knee was bothering me, hope it doesn't persist.

    I've only been at this 7 days and it already feels like an eternity. I hope I can stay motivated to get through all of the workouts.