
SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
Please introduce yourselves and let us know if you've done a Whole30 before or not, and maybe why you're doing this one.

This will be my 4th one (ok my 2nd one was a bit "modified"), so technically my 3rd. I did one July 2012, another (modified) in October 2012, and most recently in January 2013. I plan to do 3-4 per year as needed. I feel like this time frame is a good one because there are no holidays/birthdays...etc. Also, it will set me up for a good, healthy summer! I'm basically at my "goal" weight and my goals now include: getting better/faster/stronger and losing some body fat %.


  • MissXFit13
    MissXFit13 Posts: 217 Member
    Hello! I'm been eating paleo/primal (a bit of cheese here and there) since last November, and I completed my first Whole 30 in January. I was surprised at how easy it was for me, especially considering I have a wicked sweet tooth. Since I've finished, I've noticed that I have no desire to eat dairy, only had an occasional glass of red wine, but the sugar (in form of honey, molasses, maple syrup), my dear god the sugar, has crept back into my diet. Dark chocolate and paleo treats in the house again, eating some little sweet treat every night after dinner. No bueno. I'm seeing the effects on my body, mood, and skin.

    My goals for the next Whole 30:
    Kick the sugar craving even further (no Lara bars or medjool dates for a sweet kick)
    Rely less on sunflower seed/almond/cashew butter
    Eat fewer nuts
    Eat bigger meals, snack less. I eat for so many reasons other than for hunger, especially when I snack.

    I will be coming back from vacation a week before this starts, so I'm sure I will be feeling the need to clean up my diet.
  • LisaGNV
    LisaGNV Posts: 159 Member
    GREAT timing! I picked up the book last Friday and am already half way through. I don't often check the message boards here but came in now to do a Whole 30 search to see if anyone else was following their plan. Count me in!! It's my first ever attempt so I'll take all the tips, hints & suggestions out there. I will fully admit I have a sugar addiction - which is one of my main reasons for looking into this plan. I'm eating fairly clean at the moment and see this Whole 30 as my way of improving that greatly. Giving up grains doesn't scare me *too badly* but not having yogurt (NSA) and peanut butter is gonna hurt! I am actively trying to lose weight so I'm interested to see how the macros all work out in the end.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    GREAT timing! I picked up the book last Friday and am already half way through. I don't often check the message boards here but came in now to do a Whole 30 search to see if anyone else was following their plan. Count me in!! It's my first ever attempt so I'll take all the tips, hints & suggestions out there. I will fully admit I have a sugar addiction - which is one of my main reasons for looking into this plan. I'm eating fairly clean at the moment and see this Whole 30 as my way of improving that greatly. Giving up grains doesn't scare me *too badly* but not having yogurt (NSA) and peanut butter is gonna hurt! I am actively trying to lose weight so I'm interested to see how the macros all work out in the end.

    You're going to be so pleasantly surprised! I'm from Wisconsin and thought I couldn't live without cheese! I survived! And even now, I barely eat it. You'll be enjoying new foods so much, you'll be like "what yogurt?"! :laugh:
  • explore_live
    explore_live Posts: 9 Member
    Great, I did one in January however due to surgery and needing to eat in recovery, I was only able to go 25 days ( Hosptial did not have much else and you could not just eat veggies and fruit and be release) and go back on the paleo plan. Surgery recovery had more paleo treats and a few cheats then I should have and placed on a couple pounds in recovery with being on restrictions and time around the house to bake. This will be great needing to get back on the track, I will be missing my Boar's head Deil meat chicken and Turkey and paleo sauce becuse of the honey.

    I have been working to drop the last 10, and remove the snacking that occurs. I am ready to start and glad I found a group as I was planning on another one for April as part of the quarterly progress.
  • Dmkolls
    Dmkolls Posts: 150 Member
    This will be by 4th Whole30. My first two were spot on. The one I'm currently on is a little spotty. I cheated over the weekend, and decided I wasn't going to let it set me back.

    I'm normally a grazer, and thus far, it's helped me with my need to snack all day long. There's still late afternoon, and I hope to get that time under control.

    My goals for Whole 30:

    - Continue to heal my body from years of beating it down with non-foods.
    - Continue to work on listening to my body's hunger signals and not emotion.
    - Get the energy from my food to fuel a workout regimen.
    - Lose weight (obvi)
    - Be more strict on myself to sleep more.

    I don't miss grains (except for the occasional pizza), but I love my red wine or bourbon on the weekends. However, with doing Whole30's I've noticed that I bloat like crazy whenever I drink even a little. Plus, it usually leads to unnecessary snacking.
  • eahouston
    eahouston Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hi everyone! I've been trying to add more primal-type foods into my diet this month, but I'm getting ready to go "all-in" with the Whole30 program for 30 days. I was thinking of starting next month, so April 15th sounds like the perfect time to start :) I'll be easing myself into cutting out more crap until then hehe.

    I've been good with the exercise lately, but not so good with my food choices, so I could really use some support during this 30 days. I'll check in with you all again in a few weeks!

  • LisaGNV
    LisaGNV Posts: 159 Member
    Hi everyone! I've been trying to add more primal-type foods into my diet this month, but I'm getting ready to go "all-in" with the Whole30 program for 30 days. I was thinking of starting next month, so April 15th sounds like the perfect time to start :) I'll be easing myself into cutting out more crap until then hehe.

    I hear ya on the "easing" into the program. I look at the sale ads for our big grocery store here (Publix) and scrutinized what I would and wouldn't be able to shop for soon. I was proud of my dinner tonight - sweet potato & steak/veggie stir fry. Still not totally ready to give up my yogurt but I'm getting closer!
  • eahouston
    eahouston Posts: 1,015 Member
    Oh man, how I miss Publix hahaha. I lived in Florida for 8 years before moving to South Korea in 2011, and Publix is my all-time favorite grocery store. At least I can't be tempted by their subs and chocolate chip cookies on this side of the world ;) I'm also trying lots of sweet potato, meat, and veggie combinations for dinner. After the Whole30 program, I'm going to try to stick with most of the basic ideas but re-introduce things like healthy varieties of yogurt. We can do it!
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    I think "easing" into it is a good idea. I was paleo for a while before doing a W30, so the "carb flu" was minimal (still uncomfortable, but minimal). Also, it takes a bit of mental and financial preparation. We will all rock this Whole30!
  • LisaGNV
    LisaGNV Posts: 159 Member
    I think "easing" into it is a good idea. I was paleo for a while before doing a W30, so the "carb flu" was minimal (still uncomfortable, but minimal). Also, it takes a bit of mental and financial preparation. We will all rock this Whole30!

    My preparation "chore" tonight was cleaning out all non-compliant pantry items...which was pretty much everything. Well, not everything, I kept some grains/legumes that I'll continue to make for my kids (doesn't bother me to make them & not eat them). The fridge will be next. TONS of bottled salad dressings & sauces that will be dumped. I'm itching to get this show on the road!!
  • eahouston
    eahouston Posts: 1,015 Member
    I also did my pantry cleanse over the weekend :-D I have a bottom corner cupboard where I put all the no-no items. They'll still be there for future treats/when I'm cooking for other people/events, but they will be completely out of sight during my 30 days. I made a bunch of freezer meals last month that use pasta and things, so fortunately I'll be able to leave those in the freezer for future consumption, assuming I'll want to eat that food after the 30 days of course ;) It's my first time doing something like this, so I don't know how many permanent changes I'll be able to make after the month is up.

    I've decided I'm going to do the program from April 1-30 instead of starting on the 15th, if anyone wants to join me early, for a combination of reasons. First, I'm feeling motivated to start soon, so I feel like I should give it a try while my motivation is high. Second, at the school where I work, you pay for lunch by the month, so it's easiest for me to just opt out of April and do my own thing. I'm at a public school in South Korea, where the food is fairly healthy compared to an American school cafeteria, but things like white rice every day are weighing me down, literally and figuratively. It's very unusual to bring your own lunch in this culture, and I've heard the only way people accept your decision to bring your own food is to say you're on a diet (since being "skinny" is so important here, women are always on diets) or that you have bad allergies.

    Anyway, I just downloaded "It Starts With Food" a few days ago, so I will continue reading it this week in preparation :) I really think this is going to be a challenge for me, by the way, but we can do it :-D
  • dfroehlich
    I am starting my first Whole30 on April 1. I did fairly well a year or so ago about getting to my goal, but fell off the wagon over the winter in both my exercise and eating. I like the foundations and concepts behind Whole30 so am excited to give it a go. I think it will help me clear up a lot of problems besides just extra pounds.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    I am starting my first Whole30 on April 1. I did fairly well a year or so ago about getting to my goal, but fell off the wagon over the winter in both my exercise and eating. I like the foundations and concepts behind Whole30 so am excited to give it a go. I think it will help me clear up a lot of problems besides just extra pounds.

    Awesome! Look forward to hearing how it goes for you this time around :happy:
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    I also did my pantry cleanse over the weekend :-D I have a bottom corner cupboard where I put all the no-no items. They'll still be there for future treats/when I'm cooking for other people/events, but they will be completely out of sight during my 30 days. I made a bunch of freezer meals last month that use pasta and things, so fortunately I'll be able to leave those in the freezer for future consumption, assuming I'll want to eat that food after the 30 days of course ;) It's my first time doing something like this, so I don't know how many permanent changes I'll be able to make after the month is up.

    I've decided I'm going to do the program from April 1-30 instead of starting on the 15th, if anyone wants to join me early, for a combination of reasons. First, I'm feeling motivated to start soon, so I feel like I should give it a try while my motivation is high. Second, at the school where I work, you pay for lunch by the month, so it's easiest for me to just opt out of April and do my own thing. I'm at a public school in South Korea, where the food is fairly healthy compared to an American school cafeteria, but things like white rice every day are weighing me down, literally and figuratively. It's very unusual to bring your own lunch in this culture, and I've heard the only way people accept your decision to bring your own food is to say you're on a diet (since being "skinny" is so important here, women are always on diets) or that you have bad allergies.

    Anyway, I just downloaded "It Starts With Food" a few days ago, so I will continue reading it this week in preparation :) I really think this is going to be a challenge for me, by the way, but we can do it :-D

    That is very interesting about bringing your own food. I still get "looks" from people at work because I bring my own food to lunch events. I think they're getting over it slowly... :wink:
  • Quinnstinct
    Quinnstinct Posts: 274 Member
    I've been mostly paleo/primal for 7 weeks now (I cannot believe it's been that long!). I lost 10 pounds but it's been slow and I went up and down for two frustrating weeks (I was reliving weight watchers weigh-ins). I'm shocked that I've dropped my beloved processed starch and pizza; I used to eat a basket of bread myself before dinner leaving no room for meat. I will have a hard time giving up wine, so much ritual and socialization is connected to wine nights and dinners with wine.

    At first I thought there is NO way I could do a Whole 30 but now I'm wavering on trying. I would start April 1, I have an event on the 20th that might throw me off but who knows if I'll be in a different mindset by then, anything is possible.

    My Goals:

    -take it one day at a time, whatever I'm craving will be there later
    -really focus on getting more/better sleep
    -move more
    -get outside more
    -savor what I eat and be thankful to be eating it
    -lose weight!!!

    I'm so glad there is a group doing this together!
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    I've been mostly paleo/primal for 7 weeks now (I cannot believe it's been that long!). I lost 10 pounds but it's been slow and I went up and down for two frustrating weeks (I was reliving weight watchers weigh-ins). I'm shocked that I've dropped my beloved processed starch and pizza; I used to eat a basket of bread myself before dinner leaving no room for meat. I will have a hard time giving up wine, so much ritual and socialization is connected to wine nights and dinners with wine.

    At first I thought there is NO way I could do a Whole 30 but now I'm wavering on trying. I would start April 1, I have an event on the 20th that might throw me off but who knows if I'll be in a different mindset by then, anything is possible.

    My Goals:

    -take it one day at a time, whatever I'm craving will be there later
    -really focus on getting more/better sleep
    -move more
    -get outside more
    -savor what I eat and be thankful to be eating it
    -lose weight!!!

    I'm so glad there is a group doing this together!

    I love your goals! :heart:
  • Quinnstinct
    Quinnstinct Posts: 274 Member
    I was surprised at how insightful they were too, usually I'm only about losing weight! Thanks!
  • LisaGNV
    LisaGNV Posts: 159 Member
    I'll definitely be ready to start by April 1st. The lead up has been nice but I'm itching to officially start!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Ok...I'm in!! :drinker:

    I have been attempting to be as paleo/primal as possible lately but I think that I am so usure of what I can/can't eat that I don't put in nearly as much effort as I could. But I think the Whole 30 challenge may be just what I need to get my bootie in gear! Unfortunatey, I don't have too much time for exercise these days so I'm just trying to focus on getting my eating in check.

    I want to thank you ladies ahead of time for all of your knowledge, motivation, and support that you will be sharing! Any and all of it is much appreciated and much needed!! :flowerforyou:
  • hdsqrl
    hdsqrl Posts: 420 Member
    Hey everyone! My name is Megan, and I've been prepping for the last 6 weeks or so to put both me and my husband on the Whole30 beginning April 1. Now, granted, I know I can't control what he chooses to eat when he's at work, but I can at least make the grocery decisions, so will know that I'm at least doing what I can to help him succeed.

    Both of us prefer to eat pretty cleanly, and since I'm easing us into it, he's adjusted to the idea of no dairy, grains, sugars, etc. more easily than I expected. Nice!

    Right now the kids are home from school (they go back on Sunday), so this week has been kind of a free-for-all of foods we very possibly might not ever eat again, or at least not have for a long time if all goes as planned. I'm really looking forward to Sunday night when I'll dump out the last remaining non-compliant things. :)

    My biggest challenge with this is that work is sending me to Munich, Germany, for about a week in the middle of April. I will try my best to stay on track, but if I fall, I'll get right back on the horse (and reset my days to Day 1) when I return.

    Let's do this! :)
