What is your biggest fear about dieting?



  • 366to266
    366to266 Posts: 473 Member
    I'm terrified that it won't work... or rather, that I will lose a few pounds and will stop losing, and stay at over 300 lb for the rest of my life. I keep reading stuff that says once you are severely obese you will never be able to lose without surgery. I like to read about people who DID, they give me hope.
  • 366to266
    366to266 Posts: 473 Member
    I'm worried about how bad the loose skin will be. What if I lose a load of weight, hold in all the loose skin with lycra leggings and tight fitting tee shirts, and I end up going to bed with a man who likes the look of me? Once all that lycra is peeled off and my flab flops about, YUK! At least if a man goes to bed with me now he knows I am huge and gets no surprises when I undress!
  • Kamalalue
    Kamalalue Posts: 87 Member
    There are plenty of people in this group that will tell you that it is possible to lose the weight! i for one, would love to hear it too!

    I am still struggling to get below 300, and I also worry about loose skin.

    If you are doing a lot of cardio and not incorporating any weights - the loose skin is a possibility. Your best bet, is to lift weights - even if it is soup cans or gallon jugs. It will help to tone your arms and tighten the skin.

    Good luck!
  • sparkleysparrow
    My biggest fear was death from the strain it puts on my organs but then I realised if I didn't start or at least attempt to exercise, I could die anyway.
    I have been assured by my doctor that if you take it easy, death is just my silly paranoia.
    Hey, I'd rather die drying!

    My biggest fear now is that I will not make myself proud. I have targets and visions already set in my head and I don't want to let myself down.
  • shesfatagainbutnot4long
    Personally, I don't think we should call what we're doing a diet. We are changing our lives 180° That said... My biggest fear is getting so close to where I want to be and then going back to all my bad habits.
  • amandacondon
    I thought lose skin was only if you lost it fast...oh geez. A friend of mine lost over a 100 pounds and looks amazing but she changed we no longer had things in common so it has been hard and difficult to be friends. She said that she lost alot of friends and found out that people really want to sabatage you when you start losing its like they are used to who you are and dont want you to change either because they dont know what that would look like or you made them feel better about themselves and now you will be doing better and not there to make them feel better. THe process reveals peoples true intentions. I fear that process and also what to do with getting the attention again and becoming that main stream attractive girl. I know what I look like and I know why I get the attention I get but its scary to think that I would be treated like a skinny girl some day having to ignore stares and now that people are looking at you even when you dont want them too...I mean it is similiar to now but I just cast it off as a weight thing but I dont know how I would handle that. I don't want to be like poeple I saw on tv that lost all this weight and then turned to alcohol or drugs and created worse problems for themselves. What if look old when I lose the weight? I have seen that with people on the biggest loser. What if I am prettier fatter than skinnier? what if I lose all this weight and still cant accomphlish my dreams? I dont fear not succedding because I know I will start again. Dieting isn't my biggest fear...weight loss surgery is my biggest fear.
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    My biggest fear is regain which is why I am trying to make a life change not a deit
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    My anger is my fear especially when it comes to the shallow attitude of people. They will start acting like I'm more worthy as the weight goes, and that makes me angry and want to say f' the world.
  • tiffrn82
    tiffrn82 Posts: 5 Member
    My fear is that I will quit. Just once in my life I need to follow through!! The only thing I have ever finished is college, then took 6 years to go back again.