Depression...coming and going?

Just wondering if anyone else gets short bouts of depression? Maybe one or 2 days a week I sink into a short depression where everything is pointless, then 2 mins later or hours or next day I'm fine again. I know when I feel crap but I can't snap myself out of it, and sometimes it's over trivial things. Just wondering if this might be related to thyroid stuff? It's doing my head in.


  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Gosh, I don't know. Maybe normal people are happy and energized more of the time. I'm down a lot, although it's more situational - I get down about how much I hate my job, the fact that I don't have many friends, my wife always being at work, the fact that the back wall of my house needs masonry work, the growing divide between rich and poor, congress, healthcare, the dirty kitty litter, being 34 and having acne, knee pain, laziness...

    I will say that when I fell into serious clinical depression, I knew it. It started with waking up at 4 every night which my therapist said was sometimes a precursor to depression and a month later I didn't really care about anything.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Interesting. Some evidence suggests that the short cycle depression you describe is caused by out-of-whack hormones like leptin, ghrelin, insulin, etc. which are affected by the pituitary/thyroid/adrenal axis. What's your diet like? If it has a lot of sugar in it, you might want to eliminate it for a while to see the effect it makes. Also, simple carbs (like white bread) are almost as bad as sugar for precipitously raising blood sugar. Most people do not understand that hypothyroidism produces a lot of problems with all the hormones of the body. Nourishing the body very well and lowering stress levels (and vigorous exercise is beneficial for the same reasons) is very beneficial to the hormonal system.
  • nickiboop
    nickiboop Posts: 38 Member
    hi, I had the same issue over the weekend

    I felt my mood slowly dropping since Thursday on Saturday morning a delivery that I had arranged to pick up a new bathroom suite for our house fell through ( i didn't expalin haow big it was apparently) which threw me into a complete downward spiral to the point where I went to bed for the afternoon

    the throught of calling the shop and rearranging everything took until Sunday after noon ( I was in a complte anxiety meltdown at this point)
    luckily managed to get it rearranged and it was delivered last night

    still feeling down today but that seems to be because my OH is of thr opinion that IU am being selfish if I exercise at night instead of eatign as soon as I get home with him and LO , so I am stuck between a rock and a hardplace, feelign rubbish because I dont get enough exercise but a b*tch if I stand my corner and do. I have tried working out in a morning but I have found it wipes my energy for the whole day adn makes me feel worse
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    hi, I had the same issue over the weekend

    I felt my mood slowly dropping since Thursday on Saturday morning a delivery that I had arranged to pick up a new bathroom suite for our house fell through ( i didn't expalin haow big it was apparently) which threw me into a complete downward spiral to the point where I went to bed for the afternoon

    the throught of calling the shop and rearranging everything took until Sunday after noon ( I was in a complte anxiety meltdown at this point)
    luckily managed to get it rearranged and it was delivered last night

    still feeling down today but that seems to be because my OH is of thr opinion that IU am being selfish if I exercise at night instead of eatign as soon as I get home with him and LO , so I am stuck between a rock and a hardplace, feelign rubbish because I dont get enough exercise but a b*tch if I stand my corner and do. I have tried working out in a morning but I have found it wipes my energy for the whole day adn makes me feel worse

    Sounds like low magnesium. Most people (85%) are deficient in magnesium, because of our agricultural and dietary practices. Magnesium is SO essential to bodily processes. As just a couple of examples, magnesium ions in the blood are essential to the transport of ATP to energize the muscles. It is also essential to the conversion of T4 to T3. A lot of people cannot take oral magnesium supplements (because they can cause diarrhea, which doesn't help the situation) so a lot of experts are now advising Epsom salts (Epsom salts are pure magnesium sulphate) BATHS as a way of getting more magnesium. If you are deficient in magnesium, you will absorb the magnesium right through your skin. If you decide to go this route, aim for two 15-minute soaks a week. Follow the package directions for the amount to put in your bath---I usually use 2 cups (it is very cheap). The sulphate is good for the body too (and especially the skin) as most of us do not get enough sulfur in our diets. I do two baths a week and it is GREAT to relax one before bedtime! Our ancestors have been using hot mineral baths for healing, resoration, etc. a VERY long time---they didn't know why they worked, they just knew that they did.

    Alternatively, cooked spinach is a great way to take in a variety of minerals as are all cooked greens. (See why most of us are deficient? :wink: )

    p.s. Magnesium is also very important to the manufacture of the neurotransmitter, serotonin (the "mood lifting" one).
  • strawberrytoast
    strawberrytoast Posts: 711 Member
    These replys are quite interesting to see. I was on such a downer when I wrote this topic, all I wanted to do was cry/die. Few hours later was right as rain! I don't think it's do to with sugar as I was like this when I was super ill eating only really clean/healthy. Really need to make an early app at the doctor and see if he will allow me some t3 I think (UK are out of touch on this)